Media Hailed Wendy Davis’ Abortion Filibuster as Heroic, But
Attack Ted Cruz
The media treatment of Ted Cruz and his anti-Obamacare filibuster is a significant contrast from the way it handled the filibuster Texas lawmaker Wendy Davis mounted to keep abortions legal in Texas up tot he day of birth.
The media treatment of Ted Cruz and his anti-Obamacare filibuster is a significant contrast from the way it handled the filibuster Texas lawmaker Wendy Davis mounted to keep abortions legal in Texas up tot he day of birth.
Sen. Ted Cruz, also from Texas,
pulled an all-nighter in the U.S. Senate as he advocated for the defunding
of Obamacare. Wearing black tennis shoes for comfort in the same way Davis
sported pink sneakers, the Texas senator started speaking at 2:41 p.m.
on Tuesday and has continued for almost 20 hours as of this writing.
Kermit Gosnell Uses Margaret Sanger’s Arguments to Defend
His Abortions, Infanticides
I’ve often thought that one of the best things that could happen to the pro-life movement is for the “pro-choice” movement to get its own 24-hour cable channel.
Just give them a camera, give them a microphone, and let them talk. And talk. And talk some more.
11 Things “Pro-Choicers” Don’t Get About AbortionI’ve often thought that one of the best things that could happen to the pro-life movement is for the “pro-choice” movement to get its own 24-hour cable channel.
Just give them a camera, give them a microphone, and let them talk. And talk. And talk some more.
China’s One-Child Policy Turns 33 as Forced Abortions, Female
Infanticides Continue
Today, China will mark 33 years of the one-child family planning policy that has resulted in massive human rights abuses, including forced abortions and coercive sterilizations.
Today, China will mark 33 years of the one-child family planning policy that has resulted in massive human rights abuses, including forced abortions and coercive sterilizations.
Started in 1980,
the policy, which prohibits most Chinese couples form having more than one
baby and limits rural residents to two, has resulted in severe human rights
abuses. Family planning officials frequently jail couples who refuse to
comply, sentence them to house arrest or labor camps, revoke jobs or governmental
support, use physical harassment or violence and often target other family
1) It’s not about choice; it’s about abortion. I mean, really, what “choice” are we talking about here? The “choice” to what? We’re not debating the “choice” to keep your child and raise him yourself. We’re not arguing over adoption, either. The sole thing we have a difference on is abortion. That’s what we’re debating here. So let’s get real.
You’re either pro-abortion or you’re pro-life. If you support the “choice” to abort, then you are pro-abortion. And if you have a hard time with that, maybe you should reconsider your beliefs…
My Son Would be Four Today, But I Can’t Celebrate His Birthday
Because I Aborted Him
As summer turns to autumn and the leaves on the trees begin changing hues and the air gets a bit cooler, my heart remembers. This is the time of year I should have welcomed my first child into the world. He should be turning four this year, as he was due at the end of September or beginning of October.
He should be playing, laughing, learning, growing, and a part of my every day. I should be baking a birthday cake with four candles to be blown out. The day should be full of balloons, presents, and all things related to a little boy’s birthday.
As summer turns to autumn and the leaves on the trees begin changing hues and the air gets a bit cooler, my heart remembers. This is the time of year I should have welcomed my first child into the world. He should be turning four this year, as he was due at the end of September or beginning of October.
He should be playing, laughing, learning, growing, and a part of my every day. I should be baking a birthday cake with four candles to be blown out. The day should be full of balloons, presents, and all things related to a little boy’s birthday.
575,000 Participants, 7,500 Babies Saved But Networks Have Never
Covered 40 Days for Life
As thousands gather across the world in a campaign against abortion, one group will likely remain absent: the media.
September 25 marked the beginning
of the fall 2013 40 Days for Life, an international pro-life campaign of
prayer and fasting for the unborn and their mothers held in 306 cities this
year. The Washington, D.C. chapter held a vigil to raise awareness the night
before, hosting as speakers Catholic Information Center’s Director
Father Arne Panula and Susan B. Anthony List’s Deputy Director Billy
Valentine. No media attended other than the Media Research Center. thousands gather across the world in a campaign against abortion, one group will likely remain absent: the media.
Little Sisters of the Poor Sue Obama: Don’t Force us to Obey
HHS Abortion Mandate
A Catholic religious order, the Little Sisters of the Poor, has filed a lawsuit against the Obama administration asking the courts to protect them from being forced to comply with the HHS abortion mandate. The mandate compels religious groups to pay for birth control and drugs that may cause abortions.
A Catholic religious order, the Little Sisters of the Poor, has filed a lawsuit against the Obama administration asking the courts to protect them from being forced to comply with the HHS abortion mandate. The mandate compels religious groups to pay for birth control and drugs that may cause abortions.
Yesterday, the Becket Fund for
Religious Liberty filed a lawsuit on behalf of the Little Sisters of the Poor,
a religious order of Sisters dedicated to caring for the elderly poor. Without
relief, the Little Sisters face millions of dollars in IRS fines because they
cannot comply with the government’s mandate that they give their employees
free access to contraception, sterilization, and abortion-inducing drugs.
Abortion Justified When the Unborn Baby is Disabled?
The New York Times recently published an article titled “My Abortion, at 23 Weeks.” The author explains that she was pregnant with twins, a boy and a girl, but that the boy was diagnosed with a herniated diaphragm. He would require surgery and life support for a period after birth.
The New York Times recently published an article titled “My Abortion, at 23 Weeks.” The author explains that she was pregnant with twins, a boy and a girl, but that the boy was diagnosed with a herniated diaphragm. He would require surgery and life support for a period after birth.
The Ugly, Unknown Story Behind Roe v. Wade
It’s not often that I agree with Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, but she was right for more reasons than she probably realized when she said last year that the Supreme Court’s 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade went “too far, too fast.”.
Dinner Parties: People Gather Over Dinner to Discuss Dying
The new craze in the Manhattan social scene isn’t related to the latest cocktail, the newest bar or the next fabulous dance club. Instead, top socialites are gathering together for old-fashioned dinner parties with a new twist: a conversation about death and dying.
Abortion Activists Defend Abortionist Who Failed to Report Statutory Rape of 13-Year-Old Girl
In an article on Care2 entitled “Pregnant Teens are Just Political Pawns to Anti-Abortion Activists,” a pro-choice author blasts pro-lifers for filing a complaint against abortionist Dr. Ulrich Klopfer..
The new craze in the Manhattan social scene isn’t related to the latest cocktail, the newest bar or the next fabulous dance club. Instead, top socialites are gathering together for old-fashioned dinner parties with a new twist: a conversation about death and dying.
Abortion Activists Defend Abortionist Who Failed to Report Statutory Rape of 13-Year-Old Girl
In an article on Care2 entitled “Pregnant Teens are Just Political Pawns to Anti-Abortion Activists,” a pro-choice author blasts pro-lifers for filing a complaint against abortionist Dr. Ulrich Klopfer..
Will Put Abortion Above Women’s Health if Brown Signs Bill for Non-Doctor
The abortion industry struggles – often very effectively – with a public relations dilemma. No one wants to fully admit what they support.
The abortion industry struggles – often very effectively – with a public relations dilemma. No one wants to fully admit what they support.

Days for Life Pro-Life Prayer Event Begins Today, Changes Lives Forever
40 Days for Life has officially begun in 306 cities across America and around the globe.
40 Days for Life has officially begun in 306 cities across America and around the globe.
Governor: Pro-Abortion Terry McAuliffe Leads Pro-Life Ken Cuccinelli
Pro-Abortion Terry McAuliffe leads pro-life Ken Cuccinelli in the race for Virginia governor, in what constitutes the most marquee matchup in this 2013 off-year election season.
Pro-Abortion Terry McAuliffe leads pro-life Ken Cuccinelli in the race for Virginia governor, in what constitutes the most marquee matchup in this 2013 off-year election season.
Kills 4,188 in Euthanasia Last Year and Vermont Has Fewer Safeguards
Although assisting suicide is only legal for a small fraction of the world’s population, its advocates in the U.S. and abroad remain focused on promoting this dangerous legislation. While opponents of euthanasia and assisted suicide have long warned of the dangers to vulnerable populations, evidence of abuse is mounting in Europe.
Although assisting suicide is only legal for a small fraction of the world’s population, its advocates in the U.S. and abroad remain focused on promoting this dangerous legislation. While opponents of euthanasia and assisted suicide have long warned of the dangers to vulnerable populations, evidence of abuse is mounting in Europe.
Arts College to Host Orgasm Workshop for Female Undergrads
A private liberal arts college in New York will be hosting an explicit sexual workshop for students next Monday..
A private liberal arts college in New York will be hosting an explicit sexual workshop for students next Monday..
Man Convicted of Lacing Girlfriend’s Drink to Cause Abortion
After She Rejected One
It took a jury in Rapid City, South Dakota only four hours to find Alfredo Vargas guilty of attempted fetal homicide. When the 36-year-old Vargas is sentence in November, he faces up to 25 years in prison.
It took a jury in Rapid City, South Dakota only four hours to find Alfredo Vargas guilty of attempted fetal homicide. When the 36-year-old Vargas is sentence in November, he faces up to 25 years in prison.
York Times Engages in Dubious Reporting About International Adoptions
This week, the New York Times ran a piece by a writer named Kathryn Joyce on the supposed exploitation of orphans in the developing world by Christian ministries.
This week, the New York Times ran a piece by a writer named Kathryn Joyce on the supposed exploitation of orphans in the developing world by Christian ministries.
U.S. Would Have 75,000 Euthanasia Deaths a Year at the Dutch Assisted
Suicide Rate
Euthanasia is going up in the Netherlands. According to official statistics about 3% of all Dutch deaths come from being killed by doctors.
Euthanasia is going up in the Netherlands. According to official statistics about 3% of all Dutch deaths come from being killed by doctors.
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