Obamacare State Exchanges May Fund 111,500 Abortions a Year With
Your Money
On January 1, 2014 state health exchanges, or the federal or “partnership” versions that will operate in their stead in a narrow majority of states, are required by law to be up and running.
By October 1, 2013 consumers
are supposed to be able to begin researching and comparing insurance options
in these exchanges. Delays in the implementation of the Affordable Care
Act are evident in nearly all areas of the law, including a feature called
“multi-state plans” (MSPs) that are designed to be phased in
over a four-year period for every state in the Union. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/09/26/obamacare-state-exchanges-will-fund-tens-of-thousands-of-abortions-with-your-money/On January 1, 2014 state health exchanges, or the federal or “partnership” versions that will operate in their stead in a narrow majority of states, are required by law to be up and running.
Mom Takes Pregnant Daughter for Abortion After Stepfather Impregnates
LifeNews has spent almost 20 years chronicling how the abortion industry doesn’t offer any protection for young girls who are victims of statutory rape. Most recently, an abortion practitioner in Indiana was caught waiting months after he did an abortion on a young girl who was a victim of statutory rape before finally reporting it to the state.
LifeNews has spent almost 20 years chronicling how the abortion industry doesn’t offer any protection for young girls who are victims of statutory rape. Most recently, an abortion practitioner in Indiana was caught waiting months after he did an abortion on a young girl who was a victim of statutory rape before finally reporting it to the state.
Now, an abortion clinic in New
York apparently did an abortion on the baby of another rape victim, covering
up the crime and evidence authorities may use to prosecute the perpetrator.
Abortion Activist Wendy Davis Will Run for Governor in Texas
The worst-kept secret in politics has been confirmed, as sources say today that pro-abortion activist Wendy Davis will run for governor in Texas. Davis, who rose to national infamy by leading the filibuster against a bill to ban late-term abortions in Texas, was supposed to announce early next month whether she would run.
The worst-kept secret in politics has been confirmed, as sources say today that pro-abortion activist Wendy Davis will run for governor in Texas. Davis, who rose to national infamy by leading the filibuster against a bill to ban late-term abortions in Texas, was supposed to announce early next month whether she would run.
But Politico announced
today that Davis will mount a campaign.
Pro-Life Members of Congress Want Obamacare Abortion Funding Stopped
Congressman Joe Pitts has sent a letter to Speaker Boehner on behalf of dozens of colleagues to stop the funding and promotion of abortion in Obamacare.
Congressman Joe Pitts has sent a letter to Speaker Boehner on behalf of dozens of colleagues to stop the funding and promotion of abortion in Obamacare.
Yesterday Rep. Joe Pitts (R-PA) sent
a letter signed by 72 Members of Congress to Speaker Boehner. The letter asks
Speaker Boehner to act in either the FY14 Continuing Resolution or legislation
to raise the debt limit to prevent funding for insurance plans that include
abortion under the new health care law, and to stop First Amendment violations
with respect to the HHS Mandate. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/09/26/pro-life-members-of-congress-want-obamacare-abortion-funding-and-hhs-mandate-stopped/
Man With Down Syndrome Becomes Elite Power Lifter
CBS’s On the Road with Steven Hartman recently featured a segment on Delaware weightlifter Jonathan Stoklosa, who was born with Down Syndrome. Jonathan, who lives with his parents, balances a busy daily routine that includes a job at a grocery store and long hours of weightlifting when he’s not at work.
Jonathan is described in the spot as a superhero, and it’s no surprise – he can bench 400 pounds. But despite his gargantuan proportions, Jonathan has a soft and gentle spot as well. He loves giving stickers to children who shop at his store, and he will load your groceries with utmost care. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/09/26/man-with-down-syndrome-becomes-elite-power-lifter/
CBS’s On the Road with Steven Hartman recently featured a segment on Delaware weightlifter Jonathan Stoklosa, who was born with Down Syndrome. Jonathan, who lives with his parents, balances a busy daily routine that includes a job at a grocery store and long hours of weightlifting when he’s not at work.
Jonathan is described in the spot as a superhero, and it’s no surprise – he can bench 400 pounds. But despite his gargantuan proportions, Jonathan has a soft and gentle spot as well. He loves giving stickers to children who shop at his store, and he will load your groceries with utmost care. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/09/26/man-with-down-syndrome-becomes-elite-power-lifter/
83 Abortion Clinic Workers Have Quit During 40 Days for Life, Pro-Lifers
Pray for More
Thus far, we’ve seen 83 abortion facility employees have conversions and leave their jobs during 40 Days for Life campaigns. You heard from two of them — who not only left but then joined the vigil — in the video we sent yesterday. If you missed it (or just want to see it again), watch it and share with friends:
I can’t say where, of course
… but we’ve heard that abortion workers have already reached out
to prayer volunteers on Day 1 so keep them in your prayers! http://www.lifenews.com/2013/09/26/83-abortion-clinic-workers-have-quit-during-40-days-for-life-pro-lifers-pray-for-more/Thus far, we’ve seen 83 abortion facility employees have conversions and leave their jobs during 40 Days for Life campaigns. You heard from two of them — who not only left but then joined the vigil — in the video we sent yesterday. If you missed it (or just want to see it again), watch it and share with friends:
Fashion Photographer Uses Photos to Show Beauty of People With
Genetic Differences
Images have a transformative power. Images convey ideas in ways words can only envy. Images can change perceptions and encourage action. We can describe to someone the scientific facts of the unborn child’s development but to show them a 4-D ultrasound photo of that child will prove to be even more influential.
As a fashion photographer, Rick
Guidotti (left) understood the power of images. Guidotti worked in New York
City, Paris and Milan with high-profile clients like Yves St. Laurent, Revlon,
L’Oreal, Elle, Harper’s Bazaar and GQ. But his career took an unexpected
turn when, one day on a Manhattan street, he was struck by the beauty of a
woman with albinism. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/09/26/fashion-photographer-uses-photos-to-show-beauty-of-people-with-genetic-differences/Images have a transformative power. Images convey ideas in ways words can only envy. Images can change perceptions and encourage action. We can describe to someone the scientific facts of the unborn child’s development but to show them a 4-D ultrasound photo of that child will prove to be even more influential.
Reasons Why Abortion is Evil & Not a “Pro-Choice”
Since the legalization of abortion in 1973, over 54 million unborn children have been killed, more than the entire population of Spain. That’s 1 baby every 20 seconds. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/09/26/10-reasons-why-abortion-is-evil-not-a-pro-choice/
Since the legalization of abortion in 1973, over 54 million unborn children have been killed, more than the entire population of Spain. That’s 1 baby every 20 seconds. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/09/26/10-reasons-why-abortion-is-evil-not-a-pro-choice/
Poll: Americans Say IRS Broke Law Targeting Pro-Lifers, But Few Expect Punishment
A new Rasmussen Reports poll shows most Americans believe the Internal Revenue Service broke the law when it targeted pro-life and conservative groups, but very few think any government employees will be charged with criminal activity. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/09/26/poll-americans-say-irs-broke-law-targeting-pro-lifers-but-few-expect-punishment/
Beck Will Headline Terri Schiavo Life and Hope Award Gala Event
The Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network is delighted to announce that America’s leading multi-media personality, Mr. Glenn Beck, will be the honored speaker at the second annual Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network’s Award Gala, Thursday, March 27, 2014, at the Union League of Philadelphia. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/09/26/glenn-beck-will-headline-terri-schiavo-life-and-hope-award-gala-even/
Washington Post Lied About Me Surviving an Abortion Last Year, Would It Lie Now?
What a difference a year makes. Last year, about this time, the Washington Post wrote a “fact check” article on the Susan B. Anthony List ad that I participated in entitled, “How Will You Answer?”. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/09/26/washington-post-lied-about-me-surviving-an-abortion-last-year-would-it-lie-now/
The Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network is delighted to announce that America’s leading multi-media personality, Mr. Glenn Beck, will be the honored speaker at the second annual Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network’s Award Gala, Thursday, March 27, 2014, at the Union League of Philadelphia. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/09/26/glenn-beck-will-headline-terri-schiavo-life-and-hope-award-gala-even/
Washington Post Lied About Me Surviving an Abortion Last Year, Would It Lie Now?
What a difference a year makes. Last year, about this time, the Washington Post wrote a “fact check” article on the Susan B. Anthony List ad that I participated in entitled, “How Will You Answer?”. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/09/26/washington-post-lied-about-me-surviving-an-abortion-last-year-would-it-lie-now/
Pain Opens Eyes to Preborn Humanity , Problems With Abortion
Recently, a colleague shared an encouraging article with me from Utah’s Deseret News. Titled, “Small survivors: How the disputed science of fetal pain is reshaping abortion law,” the piece does an excellent job of highlighting the humanity of preborn babies. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/09/26/fetal-pain-opens-eyes-to-preborn-humanity-problems-with-abortion/
Recently, a colleague shared an encouraging article with me from Utah’s Deseret News. Titled, “Small survivors: How the disputed science of fetal pain is reshaping abortion law,” the piece does an excellent job of highlighting the humanity of preborn babies. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/09/26/fetal-pain-opens-eyes-to-preborn-humanity-problems-with-abortion/

Babies” Reveals Mental Illness Inside the Abortion Cartel
I just finished reading Steve Volk’s E-book, “Gosnell Babies: Inside the Mind of America’s Most Notorious Abortionist.”. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/09/26/gosnells-babies-reveals-mental-illness-inside-the-abortion-cartel/
I just finished reading Steve Volk’s E-book, “Gosnell Babies: Inside the Mind of America’s Most Notorious Abortionist.”. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/09/26/gosnells-babies-reveals-mental-illness-inside-the-abortion-cartel/
School Kept Body of Dead Unborn Baby in Jar for a Decade
A high school in Florida used a dead baby preserved in a jar for at least a decade. What?. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/09/26/high-school-kept-body-of-dead-unborn-baby-in-jar-for-a-decade/
A high school in Florida used a dead baby preserved in a jar for at least a decade. What?. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/09/26/high-school-kept-body-of-dead-unborn-baby-in-jar-for-a-decade/
Denied for Mom Who Gave Birth in Toilet, Threw Baby in Dumpster
Bail has been denied for a mom who gave birth to a baby in a toilet and later threw the child in the dumpster. 27-year-old Shavaughn Robinson of Richmond, Virginia was indicted on one count of first-degree murder after the baby died. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/09/26/bail-denied-for-mom-who-gives-birth-in-toilet-threw-baby-in-dumpster/
Bail has been denied for a mom who gave birth to a baby in a toilet and later threw the child in the dumpster. 27-year-old Shavaughn Robinson of Richmond, Virginia was indicted on one count of first-degree murder after the baby died. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/09/26/bail-denied-for-mom-who-gives-birth-in-toilet-threw-baby-in-dumpster/
Australia Law Will Allow Doctors to Refuse Life-Saving Treatment for Terminal
Medicine is becoming a one-way street. If a patient wants to refuse treatment in order to die–sacrosanct! That’s fine. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/09/26/new-australia-law-will-allow-doctors-to-refuse-life-saving-treatment-for-terminal-patients/
Medicine is becoming a one-way street. If a patient wants to refuse treatment in order to die–sacrosanct! That’s fine. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/09/26/new-australia-law-will-allow-doctors-to-refuse-life-saving-treatment-for-terminal-patients/
Catholic Hospital in Dublin Announces It Will be the First to Do
A Catholic hospital in Dublin has announced it will be the first in Ireland to do abortions following passage of a new law opening the door to legalized abortions. Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, a Catholic hospital in Dublin, says it will comply with the new Irish law that permits abortion in some circumstances. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/09/26/catholic-hospital-in-dublin-announces-it-will-be-the-first-to-do-abortions/
A Catholic hospital in Dublin has announced it will be the first in Ireland to do abortions following passage of a new law opening the door to legalized abortions. Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, a Catholic hospital in Dublin, says it will comply with the new Irish law that permits abortion in some circumstances. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/09/26/catholic-hospital-in-dublin-announces-it-will-be-the-first-to-do-abortions/
Euthanasia Activists Argue Assisted Suicide Case is Not Really
Words have to mean things or we can’t engage in informed moral analysis. That’s why assisted suicide/euthanasia advocates campaign to convince people that suicide isn’t really suicide. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/09/26/euthanasia-activists-argue-assisted-suicide-case-is-not-really-suicide/
Words have to mean things or we can’t engage in informed moral analysis. That’s why assisted suicide/euthanasia advocates campaign to convince people that suicide isn’t really suicide. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/09/26/euthanasia-activists-argue-assisted-suicide-case-is-not-really-suicide/
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