For we know him that hath said, Vengeance belongeth unto me, I will recompense, saith the Lord.
And again, The Lord shall judge his people. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
Hebrews 10:30-31 KJV
4.9+ million views worldwide ...
Too Late to Apologize: A Declaration (3:22) (Preview)
JUSTICE - Just Is Who areThe Americans !!!
The Americans Overview w vid (1:48) must see
This is planned to be offered to every global citizen who wishes to participate.
New country groups will be created as citizens decide to join and participate.
The Americans (8 page pdf) - excellent !
A synergistic system -The sum of the individual parts are greater than the whole
Enabling a divided America to engage as one nation
Organized, managed and operated by the people
For the sole benefit of the people
Arnie Rosner
One of The Americans
Now About That Unconstitutional ObamaCare …
If a law is repugnant to the Constitution, it is not a law.
Touching on Obamacare a moment..the very manner in which our politicians abused the legislative process on Obama care is in question.
So tell me patriots, what is your position on filing criminal charges against members of Congress who violated their oath, who failed to
live up to their fiduciary responsibilities and consequently failed to protect the interests of their constituents by permitting Obamacare,
an Unconstitutional bill to be passed?
And who permitted an Unconstitutional bill to be created with a severe religious conflict permitting special favor for Islam.
That is right…Islam’s preferential treatment.
† † † † † † †
Posted by John Rolls ...
Something tells me Obama never got a selective service card, ever
- Don Hank
GIGANTIC NEWS: BREAKING—Friday, the Alabama Supreme Courts decision may be the END of Obama—-Forged Selective Service Card
I agree with Dr. Tom’s assessment of this. It truly is gigantic news IF the decision becomes widely known. Most of you know that Obama has submitted phony docs but no one in higher places will recognize this. What if….? Pray hard! - Don Hank
There is only, ONLY one judge in the entire country that I trust. ONE…ONLY ONE.
And that Judge is NOT ‘Judge Judy’ either.
It’s Judge Roy Moore, who was ‘tossed’ off the bench (now re-elected to the AL SCOTUS) for refusing to remove the
Ten Commandments from the Supreme Court’s grounds.
If Oscumma’s TRUE past is revealed, that he FORGED his Selective Service card (which he damn well did,
but we have cowards for a judiciary who, as noted below, are spineless) and roll over and play dead
for this Muslim, usurper, impostor, squatting in the WH, like some poison snake at the jugular of America.
Folks, if there is ANY hope for America…this is it.
Judge Roy Moore may turn out to be America’s ‘Moses’….One can only hope and pray…
Please, PASS this on to one and all. - Dr. Tom
Alabama Supreme Court to rule on Obama’s failure to register with Selective Service [...]
† † † † † † †
Arnie Rosner
go to Deborah's website:
Join Terry Dodd, Red Beckman & Dr. Kate for this Special Edition of Walls In Our Minds.
Hear DEBORAH TAVARES archive ...
† † † † † † †
NASA and NanoTech Warfare
by cynthia wo-man
Excellent NASA presentation, highly recommend reading ...
Is your phone tapped?
† † † † † † †
Fukushima Impact.
Approximate impact of Cs-137 pollution on Pacific Ocean
1 curie (named after Madame Curie who discovered radation in a mineral called pitchblende) equals 37 BILLION Becquerels of radation.
1 uc = 37,000, radations per second.
For Cesium-137 it is 88 Curies per gram.
So 1 gram of Cesium-137 is 3,256 billion becquerels per second.
3,256,000,000,000 radations per second.
99,959,279,200,000 becquerels per second per ounce
5,997,556,752,000,000 becquerels per minute from 1 ounce of Cs-137.
There are 1,231 spent fuel rods with about 35% is cs-137.
A rod is 48.09 lbs.
about 20,721 lbs cs-137
322,160 oz of cs-137
28.3495 gm to oz.
So 9,133,076 grams of cs-137 1231 fuel rods.
A gram of Cesium-137 produces 3,256 billion becquerels of radation per second.
So the total radation per second from 9,133,076 grams of cs-137 is:
29,737,298,640,498,000,000 atoms emitting radation per second.
A little doom here; We just might be dead but lets be sure.
1 cubic mile of sea water is 777,205,186,560,000 cubic feet.
So 7.71682543518 is the Cubic Foot radation per second per cubic mile.
So in 1 day there are 666,733.717599549 emitted radation happening in a cubic foot per day mile.
There are about 63,800,000 miles pacific ocean.
Average depth is about 2.28 miles.
There are 145,464,000 cubic miles in the Pacific Ocean.
Cs-137 has a double decay process 94.6% of the time; first a beta ray, then a gamma ray.
So each cubic foot of the entire Pacific Ocean will have 218.174056838937 Beta radation events per day.
So each cubic foot of the entire Pacific Ocean will have 206.392657769635 Gamma radation events per day.
This is the cs-137 radation breakdown pattern: [link to]
This describes what a Gamma ray is.
[link to]
This describes what a Hertz is.
[link to]
Gamma rays have higher energy than X-rays, and they are ionizing radation just like x-rays.
The summary is 218 plus 206 divided by 34 or 12.47058.
The number 34 is the average background radation of the N. American continent.
The Pacific Ocean will have a "radation fog" in every cubic foot of water that is 12.47 times HIGHER
than the average background radation count of North american continent.
Sea life will be effected in some manner; perhaps all fish will get cancer.
The impact on humanity is a shortage in sea food.
No swimming allowed until radation levels abate to a "safe level"; ... in about ???
NOTE to myself: Find a way to clean water of cs-137, strontium-90 and plutonium.
† † † † † † †
amazing satanic beguiling ...
She-Males Accuse Lesbians of "Transphobia"
Lesbians guilty of gender discrimination by excluding she-males.
† † † † † † †
Former President George H.W. Bush Is Witness at Same-sex Wedding
Former President George H.W. Bush and his wife, Barbara, were the official witnesses of a same-sex marriage between
two women in Maine over the weekend, a spokesman said on Wednesday.
The former first couple witnessed the private ceremony on Saturday in Kennebunk between Bonnie Clement
and Helen Thorgalsen, according to Jim McGrath, a Bush spokesman. [...]
† † † † † † †'s new Frantic Goat blog
Rumors, scaremongering, and other random observations to brighten your day !'s new blog, Frantic Goat, provides a different direction from the usual background information needed to inform your understanding of world events, weapons systems, and militaries. It aims to offer some informed insights and commentary, along with notes, relevant factoids and esoteric tidbits. ...
Critical Thinking: Post-Navy Yard Shooting Security Review
by Joseph Trevithick
On the day of the shooting at the Washington Navy Yard
( ) I wrote an op-ed for I concluded it by saying “[T]his attack might…shine light on the sad fact that it is simply impossible to prevent these tragedies all the time, no matter how hard we try.”
Not so apparently, at least according to Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel who said in a press briefing on September 18th, that “Well…obviously, something went wrong.” I cannot think of a more absurd thing to say, and I cannot think of a more absurd thing to say when one stops to think about how little we seem to really have known about the shooter, Aaron Alexis, prior to the incident. The information assembled now has been used to paint a picture that suggests a pattern so clear that it should have been impossible to have missed Alexis as a potential threat in the first place. Obviously that is wrong.
Lets look at the facts as we know them. Aaron Alexis gained access to the Washington Navy Yard, his place of employment, on September 16th with a valid and lawfully obtained identification card. He brought a shotgun he had purchased legally with him. Alexis had passed the necessary background checks to become a member of the US Navy Reserve, receive a security clearance, and maintain that security clearance after a regular review. He was a man who paid his rent and his debts on time and was described by friends and family as easy going and eager to help.
After the shooting a number of additional facts were revealed. [...]
UN Releases Report on 21 August Attack (41 page pdf)
US, Russia Draft Framework for
Elimination of Syrian Chemical Weapons
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
September 14, 2013
Taking into account the decision of the Syrian Arab Republic to accede to the Chemical Weapons Convention and the commitment of the Syrian authorities to provisionally apply the Convention prior to its entry into force, the United States and the Russian Federation express their joint determination to ensure the destruction of the Syrian chemical weapons program (CW) in the soonest and safest manner.
For this purpose, the United States and the Russian Federation have committed to prepare and submit in the next few days to the Executive Council of the OPCW a draft decision setting down special procedures for expeditious destruction of the Syrian chemical weapons program and stringent verification thereof. The principles on which this decision should be based, in the view of both sides, are set forth in Annex A. The United States and the Russian Federation believe that these extraordinary procedures are necessitated by the prior use of these weapons in Syria and the volatility of the Syrian civil war. [...]
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