Friday, June 21, 2013


Dear Conservatives, 

Should union thugs be exempted from state laws against stalking and identity theft? 

Of course not. 

But Big Labor has friends everywhere, and at least one wrong-headed judge has ruled that state identity theft laws don't apply to them. 

And their pet politicians have carved out exemptions for their thugs in many state anti-stalking laws. 

This absurd immunity from prosecution is rooted in the false notion that these state laws are preempted by the National Labor Relations Act, and therefore cannot apply to union officials

To correct this, Congressman Tom Price has just introduced the Freedom from Union Stalking and Identity Theft Acts (H.R. 2472 and H.R. 2473) to clarify federal law to ensure employees can be protected from malicious abuse and disclosure of their personal information by union officials.


I hope you'll support these bills by clicking here to authorize your free action fax

You see, in recent years, in their desire to expand their ability to force workers under union monopoly control, union officials are increasingly adopting new strategies to force workers into their grips and compel them to cough up dues. 

Union thugs follow non-union employees around. They park in front of their homes for hours, just watching. 

Another outrageous -- yet common -- example is the union boss tactic of publicly posting employees' personal and financial information, making them easy victims for Identity Theft

We see this tactic regularly employed against non-union workers during union organizing drives and against workers in Right to Work states who choose to exercise their right not to fund a union they're dissatisfied with. 

The tactic is a clear and blatant attempt to intimidate and coerce these workers into forking over their hard-earned money. 

In one such case, in the fall of 2007, John Glenn, president of Local 3602 of the Communications Workers of America (CWA/AFL-CIO), maliciously posted the names and social security numbers of 33 AT&T Bell South employees on a publicly accessible bulletin board at the company's facility in Burlington, North Carolina. 

All the victims had exercised their freedom under North Carolina's Right to Work Law to resign from the CWA and cease paying any dues or fees to a union they didn't want

Glenn's actions should have resulted in steep penalties under North Carolina's Identity Theft Protection Act. 

However, union bosses have long enjoyed numerous special privileges and exemptions from state and federal laws. Among them, freedom from prosecution for acts that, were you or I to commit, would land us in jail. 

And defying all reason, state courts erroneously found that such thuggish union boss behavior could not be punished under state law because of the National Labor Relations Act

Of course that is nonsense, but to prevent politicians or other state courts from adopting that absurd legal theory, Congressman Price has introduced H.R. 2472 and H.R. 2473, to clarify federal law to ensure employees can be protected from union thugs' stalking or intimidation, and from union bosses' malicious disclosure of their personal information. 

Congressman Price's two bills are very simple. All they do is explicitly state that the NLRA does NOT preempt anti-stalking and anti-identity theft laws. 

And I need your help to urge your Congressman to co-sponsor and seek roll call votes on this legislation

Now that Congressman Price has introduced these bills, the next step is hearings and a roll-call vote. 

But to achieve that, you and I must drive this issue onto the House Republican leadership's agenda. 

And that takes grassroots action. That's why it's crucial youauthorize your free action fax to your U.S. Congressman insisting they co-sponsor the Freedom from Union Stalking and Identity Theft Acts

Of course, every extra fight stretches our budget thinner, so I'd be grateful if, after authorizing your free action fax, you could chip in with a contribution of $10 or more. 

But most importantly, your U.S. Congressman must hear from you right away. 

Please authorize your free action fax at once

Mark Mix

P.S. I urge you to help me stop this brutality and show American workers that we care about protecting them from stalking and identity theft. 

Please click here to authorize your free fax petition right away urging your U.S. Congressman to SUPPORT and co-sponsor the Freedom from Union Stalking and Identity Theft Acts

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