Friday, September 28, 2012

RedState Briefing 09/28/2012

Morning Briefing
For September 28, 2012

1. The Marriage Question, Romney’s Polling, and Bibi’s Red Sharpie
You know that 50% of marriages in the United States end in divorce right? Every time gay marriage comes up, that data point comes up. Fifty percent of married couples get divorced. If heterosexual couples value marriage so little, why should they stand in the way of gay couples who really will value it as a civil right?

You know that evangelical Christians in the United States get divorced at the same rate as everyone else, right? Every time Christian living comes up for discussion, the media uses that data point as a point of derision for those who point to Christian values.

You do know that a majority of Americans favor gay marriage right? Every major media outlet in the nation takes it as an article of faith that gay marriage is an opinion held by a majority and you are a bigot if you think otherwise.

Did you know that none of those data points are true? You’d never know it from the media. In fact, from most surveys you’d never know it. Those are the talking points. In fact, the rate of divorce in the United States, while still not great, is only around 30 to 35%. The rate of divorce among “Christian evangelicals” matches the general population, but not among practicing evangelicals. It is one thing to say someone is an evangelical Christian. It is another to see if they actually practice their faith. On gay marriage, it may show up in polling as having majority support, but in actual votes it has yet to muster support of a majority of voters even in places like California.

But the media hangs on to those data points that turn out to be false. They report them as truth because the data confirms how the media sees the world, even though it ain’t so.

What does this have to do with Mitt Romney?

2. Obama’s ‘Recovery’ is Worse Than Recession
Here we go again.  GDP growth for Q2 of this year has been revised down to 1.3% from 1.7%. Our GDP now stands at $15.585 trillion, while our debt (including intragovernmental liabilities that must be dealt with) is $16.022 trillion.  Durable goods orders have dropped 13.2% in August, the largest dip since January 2009.  Orders for July were revised down.

Folks, this is not endemic of a recession.  It’s worse than that.  This is a . . . please click here for the rest of the post 

3. Keep America Free: Fire Obama
We’re 40 days out from what is the biggest election in a generation. More than any other of the last 4-5 Presidential elections, this one really is about which direction America will take: will it continue down a path of statism, or will it stop, turn around and get back on a path of freedom and prosperity? I am under no illusions that Romney is instinctively conservative, but he is the horse we get to ride, so giddy-up, folks. He will make plenty of mistakes should he become President, but I do know that he can stop . . . please click here for the rest of the post 

4. Obama’s Libya Myth Continues To Decay
In what may very well be a first in American history, it is now clear that the Obama Administration deliberately sent out a senior official, UN Ambassador Susan Rice, to lie to the American people about what transpired in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012.

We addressed this briefly a week ago but in the meantime more information has come to light which shows that Rice was not merely misinformed, she was lying to set a narrative that would protect the administration from the effects of its own epic, if not criminal, incompetence.

Let’s review the sequence of events . . . please click here for the rest of the post 

5. Time to Put Conservatives on Major Congressional Committees
While everyone in politics is focused on the horse race of presidential politics, we must not abjure our responsibility to assert conservative control over Congress.  Regardless of who wins the presidential election, we must create a conservative firewall in Congress, particularly in the House.

How do we remake the House as a conservative firewall . . . please click here for the rest of the post 
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Sincerely yours,

Erick Erickson

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