Saturday, November 26, 2011


The US Government is allowing the United Nations to take absolute control over American treasures like Thomas Jefferson's Monticello Estate, the Grand Canyon and even the Statue of Liberty.
To date, 68 percent of all U.S. national parks, monuments and preserves have been taken over by the United Nations and designated as "World Heritage Sites" where the will of the United Nations trumps U.S. law.

The global tyranny does not end at the borders of the "World Heritage Sites." Apparently, the United Nations is also allowed to dictate what happens even on Americans' private property.
Crown Butte Mines once owned property 3 miles from the boundaries of Yellowstone National Park. For years the company had worked successfully with the U.S. Forest Service to ensure that mining would have no impact on Yellowstone National Park and that the project would be environmentally responsible. Crown Butte even won awards for its outstanding stewardship. Yet none of this mattered to the Green Police at the UN, who literally forced Crown Butte Mines to stop developing their own property simply because the United Nations felt it might be a threat to their "World Heritage Site" three miles away.
The UN action not only violated Crown Butte's U.S. Constitution-protected private property rights, the action also violated U.S. Federal law that prohibits World Heritage Sites from absorbing private property without the owner's explicit consent. Yet, our government has let this unlawful, unconstitutional expropriation and violation of U.S. sovereignty happen – with its blessing and collusion.
World Heritage Sites are just a small part of the United Nations' plan to destroy American liberty and sovereignty. The UN is pushing hard to implement Agenda 21 and take full control of the rest of America. We must stop this globalist march if we intend to remain a free and sovereign people. Take a stand NOW before the UN comes for YOUR land!

Keep Faith,

Alan Keyes
PS: We have so much in our bountiful and beautiful land for which to be thankful to our Creator God. Make sure that you do your part to stand up to global collectivists at the UN who are seeking to seize control over its riches. If we do not stop them, they will destroy our freedom and national sovereignty as American stewards of these God-given gifts!

If you prefer to send a check, please mail to:
Declaration Alliance
National Processing Center
PO Box 131728
Houston, TX 77219-1728

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