Saturday, November 26, 2011


Submitted by: Donald Hank
Cowardice: A mother and her daughter under the threat of state bullies and kidnappers
FBI is after Lisa Miller and her daughter Isabella. At any time, they may be captured. At any time, Isabella may be kidnapped by the FBI and her mother arrested.
By Julio Severo
Rev. Timothy David “Timo” Miller used to be a courageous man — even a man of God. But when he saw prison bars and dark legal prospects, he changed his mind: He made a deal with federal prosecutors. No one knows exactly what this deal is, but prosecutors are pleased.

His case is disturbing: He was arrested last spring when he returned to the United States from Nicaragua, where he worked as a missionary. He was charged with helping Lisa Miller, who is no relation to him, flee the United States with Isabella, her 9-year-old daughter.
Even more disturbing is that a court gave the Isabella custody to Janet Jenkins, a lesbian activist and former sexual partner of Lisa Miller.
Jenkins and Miller had been joined in a Vermont civil union in 2000 and, two years later, Miller gave birth to daughter Isabella, conceived through artificial insemination. The lesbian union ended in 2003, with Miller accepting Jesus Christ in her life and renouncing homosexuality. She became a Baptist, then a Mennonite.
But Jenkins has never renounced her homosexuality or her activism, or even her ownership of a day care center. (A day care under homosexual ownership would be completely acceptable in Sodom and, apparently, it is completely acceptable in modern America.) Even though she has no biological connection with Isabella and had chosen not to have her name as a “parent” of the girl in the birth certificate, Jenkins, probably under the ideological inspiration of other homosexualists, began a custody fight, having initially got the “right” to have the girl for visits. One of the consequences of these unsupervised, court-ordered visits was that Isabella herself complained of being forced to bathe naked with Jenkins. The girl was being traumatized with the first steps to lead her to the lesbian way of life.
“Isabella suffers from sleep disturbance and nightmares, having difficulty sleeping through the night,” Gwen Corley, a social worker, told the court in September, 2007. Before the court-ordered visits, the girl was a child that was well-adjusted and flourishing, according to a June, 2007, sworn testimony of Clinical Therapist Sylvia Haydash, who had clinical sessions with Isabella.
Miller tried to protect Isabella from these morally-harmful visits, but then a court order granted complete custody to Jenkins, who was able, with her homosexual connections, to have all the court and police apparatus at her side.
To shield her biological daughter of further trauma from an obsessed lesbian activist, her biological mother took the hard decision to flee her own country. In this hopeless scenario enters Rev. Timothy Miller, who just wanted to help. He brought hope to a lonely mother and her daughter. As a missionary in Nicaragua, he arranged for them to have a hidden place among Mennonites in the Central American nation.
Perhaps Rev. Miller was not expecting to be arrested or to see the FBI itself involved in the case, accusing him of abetting a “kidnapping.”
In this point he became acutely aware that the gay agenda is vastly bigger than what he had thought earlier. It has a massive support from courts and law-enforcement agencies.
Now, prosecutors have his cooperation. They know that Lisa Miller and Isabella traveled to Nicaragua in September 2009 where a group of Mennonite missionaries helped shelter them. They also know that mother and daughter were last seen in Nicaragua in the spring of 2010.
Earlier this year, a Mennonite pastor in Nicaragua told AP that “the Nicaraguan brotherhood felt it right and good to help Lisa not only free herself from the so called civil marriage and lesbian lifestyle, but especially to protect her 9-year-old daughter from being abducted and handed over to an active lesbian and a whole-hearted activist.”
Rev. Miller is free from the ominous claws of the FBI, which in a sane legal system would persecute thugs and terrorists. But Lisa and Isabella are not free: the FBI is after them. At any time, they may be captured. At any time, Isabella may be kidnapped by the FBI and her mother arrested.
America is resurrecting Sodom with vengeance and state power. While Christian services in the US are losing their traditional right to help children because they refuse state orders to give children in adoption to homosexual couples, Janet Jenkins is free to run a day care. And because of her radical lesbian activism, Isabella and her mother are not free or safe from massive state persecution.
All this tragedy became possible only because gay civil union was allowed in Vermont. And when homosexual “marriage” is allowed, gay agenda and the State are united in an unholy “marriage,” where higher rights and freedom are granted to those in the footsteps of Sodom. This unholy “marriage” enables homosexual activists to oppress and persecute people that renounced homosexual perversion, with the FBI assistance, which has effectively — at least in the Jenkins-Miller case — become a Gaystapo.
Rev. Miller tried to oppose this unholy “marriage” and its threats against Lisa and Isabella, but it proved too strong for him. He was arrested. Only a cowardly compromise released him from prison. In exchange for his testimony in future proceedings in the case against the mother of Isabella, federal prosecutors dropped criminal charges against him. Lisa and Isabella were sold out for thirty silver coins.
It is a big shame for the United States that even an evangelical minister has let a poor mother and her daughter down and alone to face state bullies serving the interests of the gay agenda.
Where are the honored men and women in the US and the world to confront this state-sanctioned homosexualist cowardice?
What you can do:
Pray that God may lead Lisa and Isabella in his grace, mercy and power.
Pray that the FBI and other authorities working for darkness and wickedness may be covered in confusion and shame.
Pray that God may bring blindness to those planning to arrest and kidnap Lisa and Isabella (see 2 Kings 6:18).
Pray that ultimately the name of Jesus Christ may be honored.

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