Friday, October 21, 2011

MUTH'S TRUTHS 10/21/2011


My Muth’s Truths column last week (“Occupying Loserville, USA”) on my observations of the losers camping out at the Occupy Baltimore and Occupy Washington rallies sure got under the skin of some on the Left.  Here’s my favorite response from a yahoo named Barry McGiffin from parts unknown (Caution: Rant contains some offensive language….and pretty horrible publik skool grammar!):

“Hey Muth, I have never seen a more pathetic looking person than you, and after reading your pathetic articles I'm sure I've never met a bigger chicken hawk than you, you must be from the Cheney cloth of draft dodger type chicken shits who claim to be patriotic but who would never have the balls to stand for your country and fight, but would rather stand with the few spineless Americans who want to either send their jobs overseas to make more money for the company or find a way to pay their employees peanuts and stay below the poverty level and make them a drain on our nation by not giving them any health insurance and having them in essence bankrupt our system by receiving the same free healthcare the illegal immigrants do in emergencys at hospitals. I am a Republican who recognizes that screwing the American worker has got to stop, unless you worthless mouthpieces just think you can gather enough money through the current way of business to bank enough for your kids to get them through this mess is an o.k. way to live. I think you are a worthless piece of shit, probably just like Rush Limbaugh, you'll be a hypocrite, if you aren't allready, popping pain pills, having your own family members getting abortions when neccessary, and eventually getting caught doing everything you claim to despise. You fit the mold perfectly, starting with looking like a idiot who was used to getting the shit beat out of you throughout life, probably not though, I'm sure you never ventured far into any danger, a leopard can't change it's spot's huh. You've also lost any respect you may have had by painting all the protesters around the country with the same broad brush refering to them as worthless people, you are truly a waste of our American air, and our country will be better off the day you no longer use it.”

My feelings are deeply, deeply hurt….and I just know I’m going to lose a lot of sleep over this once again tonight.


Anita Moncrief is the former ACORN official who blew the whistle on that organization’s Project Vote voter registration fraud back in 2008.  As such, when it comes to voter registration scams, Moncrief is pretty much considered an expert and, as the saying goes, “knows where the bodies are buried.”  Indeed, she conducted a workshop on the subject in Las Vegas just before joining us as our First Friday Happy Hour VIP guest-of-honor back in August.

Anyway, Moncrief has a new column out (click here) warning of the dangers of same-day registration, specifically as it relates to efforts to allow same-day registration at the Nevada presidential caucus in January (or February if the date is moved once again on Saturday by the Nevada GOP central committee).

In the column, Moncreif asserts and documents ties between the Romney campaign and coordinators of the Nevada caucus which she suggests could be an underlying factor in the push to allow same-day registration.  And since this is an important public policy issue to conservatives with a local twist, I linked to the column in a tweet yesterday.  To which political activist/"journalist" Jon Ralston wrote in his RalstonFlash e-newsletter:

“The head of ‘non-partisan’ Citizen Outreach firmly casts his lot with the Loon Caucus of state GOP, links to this conspiracy site on Twitter:”

Get it?  Moncrief is a conspiracy nut, and if you’re a conservative member of the Nevada Republican Central Committee who opposes same-day registration you’re a “loon.”  Why? Because Jon supports same-day registration?  Why?  Do you think it’s because he wants to help the GOP defeat Democrats? 

Hell, no.  It’s because Jon knows once you let the same-day registration’s camel’s nose under the tent by allowing it at the caucus, Republicans will lose all moral authority to oppose it in the next legislative session.  And same-day general election registration benefits union-organized, mischief-making Democrats, not Republicans. 

I mean, you’d have to be a loon not to see what Jon’s trying to pull here, right?


As always, best to read chronologically from the bottom up:

·         Ina Jaffe @ WRLC: "Conservatives On The Hunt For Mr. (Or Ms.) Right." Complete w/a sprinkling of Muth's Truths.
·         Another scammer in the Steve Wark/HOA scandal cops a plea.
·         Woman who took bite out of ACORN's voter fraud operation, takes aim at Romney's NV campaign & same-day registration.
·         GOP official: Full Central Committee will vote on decision to move NV caucus on Saturday. Team players. Bigger man. Sweets & bennies. Fold.
·         Heard it thru grapevine: NV GOP will move caucus in exchange for RNC paying full cost of conducting the caucus. If true, it sucks.

NOTE: The RNC followed up after my tweet on the bribe-for-caucus-move tweet with “NOT TRUE.”  Anyway, you can “follow” me in real-time on Twitter here:


October 22: Nevada Republican Party Central Committee meeting at the Venetian in Las Vegas

October 26: The Las Vegas Valley Tea Party monthly meeting at Calicao Jacks lounge at 8200 W. Charleston in Las Vegas from 6-8 pm featuring national radio talk-show host Jerry Doyle.  RSVP to:

November 3: Keystone annual dinner at the Venetian in Las Vegas.  Reception: 6:00 pm. Dinner: 7:00 pm.  Honoree: Andy Abboud.  Emcee: Lynn  Weidner.  Keynote Speaker: Dr. Charles Krauthammer. Click here for more information and/or to RSVP.

November 10-12: Americans for Prosperity is sponsoring a Free Market Seminar conducted by Economics expert Loren Spivack. You can attend sessions on either Thursday Nov.10 at 6 pm and Saturday Nov.12 at 8:30 am, or on Friday Nov.11 at 6 pm and Saturday Nov 12 at 1 pm. Registration Fee: $15. Contact Larry Bernstein 516-3223 or email

November 15: The Nevada Policy Research Institute will feature Andrew G. Biggs of the American Enterprise Institute to discuss the problems facing public sector pensions at 11:30 a.m. at the Las Vegas Country Club. $30 per person.  For more information or to make your reservation, please contact NPRI at (702) 222-0642, or at

February 4: Citizen Outreach’s annual Reagan Legacy Dinner at the Bootlegger Bistro in Las Vegas.  Details to be announced.

June 9: 2012 Conservative Leadership Conference at the M Resort in Las Vegas

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