The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which has already destroyed TOO MANY Americans' lives, is now attempting to push the Obama Administration's energy policies by imposing 946 pages of new regulations on U.S. energy companies that will cost electricity producers $10.9 billion a year, the cost of which WILL BE PASSED ON TO CONSUMERS-YOU AND ME!
The American Electric Power Co. Inc. told The Houston Chronicle that: " would have to shut down five plants and reduce operations at six others, with a loss of 600 jobs, to comply with new rules for coal-fired power plants proposed by the EPA.
According to U.S. News and World Report: "The EPA's pollution regulations will slam the coal industry so hard that hundreds of thousands of jobs will be lost, and electric rates will skyrocket 11 percent to over 23 percent, according to a new study based on government data."
As a result, the EPA's regulations will not only lead to increased unemployment, but will also lead to higher prices on food, and increased costs for heating and air conditioning!
The EPA claims that its regulations are fair, and are an effort to limit emissions of mercury, lead and other toxins from coal-fired plants. But to build its case against mercury, the EPA ignored evidence and clinical studies that contradict its regulatory agenda-which is to punish hydrocarbon use.
"According to The Wall Street Journal, mercury exists naturally in the environment, and is found in the air, water, rocks, soil and trees, all of which absorb it from the environment."
Willie Soon, an independent scientist and expert on mercury and public health issues, and Paul Driessen, a senior policy adviser for the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, reveal that: "America's coal-burning power plants emit an estimated 41-48 tons of mercury per year. U.S. forest fires emit at least 44 tons per year. Cremation of human remains discharges 26 tons. Chinese power plants eject 400 tons, and volcanoes, sub-sea vents, geysers and other sources spew out 9,000-10,000 additional tons per year. And, the 200 million tons of mercury naturally present in seawater have never posed a danger to any living being."
Under the EPA's new requirements, Yellowstone National Park, famous for its geysers, would not be in compliance!
Stop the EPA's harmful regulations that are costly and unnecessary! SEND FAXES to every member of Congress to alert them to STOP the EPA's POWER GRAB! These regulations will cut American jobs and increase food and utility prices for hard-working American families!
"Since our power plants account for less than 0.5% of all the mercury in the air we breathe, eliminating every milligram of it will do nothing about the other 99.5% in our atmosphere. And, while environmentalists are very concerned about the 41 to 48 tons of mercury released into the atmosphere by U.S. coal-fired power plants, they don't see a threat in the 400 tons of mercury coughed up by China's fossil fuel power plants."
The EPA nevertheless demands that American utility companies spend billions every year retrofitting coal-fired power plants that produce half of all U.S. electricity.
The Congressional Budget Office estimates that the price hikes from a 15% cut in emissions would increase energy costs for the average American household to between $680 and $1,500, every year!
The Wall Street Journal reports that: "...the greatest inequities are geographic and would be imposed on the parts of the U.S. that rely most on manufacturing or fossil fuels -- particularly coal, which generates most power in the Midwest, Southern and Plains states.
"Coal provides more than half of U.S. electricity, and 25 states get more than 50% of their electricity from conventional coal-fired generation. In Ohio, it totals 86%, according to the Energy Information Administration. Ratepayers in Indiana (94%), Missouri (85%), New Mexico (80%), Pennsylvania (56%), West Virginia (98%) and Wyoming (95%) are going to get soaked."
RIGHT NOW, the EPA continues to overreach its authority by pushing the Obama Administration's green agenda which will ultimately destroy the American economy by imposing impossible regulations that will bankrupt U.S. businesses, leading to even more employee layoffs and imposing lower standards of living on American consumers.
To put an end to the EPA's unnecessary and costly regulations, Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.), introducedS.892, the Consolidation of Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Agency Act of 2011, a bill that would merge the Department of Energy (DOE) and the EPA into a single, new agency called the Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE).
CLICK HERE to FAX Congress to DEMAND that they STOP THE EPA'S POWER GRAB, and urge them to vote for S. 892, a bill that would save up-to $3 billion a year by combining the duplicate functions of the EPA and DOE, while eliminating the EPA's OUTRAGEOUS regulations that would cost electricity producers $10.9 billion, annually!
By combining the duplicative functions of the EPA and DOE, the consolidation could save U.S. taxpayers more than $3 billion a year based on projections made by the Government Accountability Office and the President's 2012 budget request.
The DOEE could also restore the original stated purpose and goals of the EPA, which includedprotecting human health, safeguarding the natural environment and addressing the energy, environmental, and nuclear challenges of the U.S. through transformative science and technology solutions-without overreaching its constitutional authority.
Sen. Burr's bill would ELIMINATE the EPA's unfair and unnecessary regulations that penalize hard-working Americans who, under the EPA's new requirements, would suffer job losses and would be impoverished by the exorbitant costs added to food and utilities.
If Congress passes S.892, the EPA's excessive penalties on U.S. energy companies would be eliminated-saving $3 billion, annually!
Sen. Burr's bill would save money by combining the duplicative functions of the EPA and DOE, and would also ensure that the two entities have a coordinated approach that benefits the environment without imposing outrageous regulations on U.S. energy companies.
"The amount of money wasted annually on [the EPA and DOE's] duplicative programs within the federal government is staggering," Sen. Burr said. "Merging the two would combine support and administrative offices, and eliminate ineffective or duplicative programs."
Together, we can move Congress to support S.892-a bill that will save taxpayers $3 billion each year by eliminating the EPA's wasteful spending and harmful regulations!
STOP THE EPA FROM HAVING THE POWER TO ASSAULT AMERICANS WITH UNJUST REGULATIONS! Please FAX every member of Congress to urge them to STOP THE EPA'S POWER GRAB and vote for S.892, Sen. Burr's bill that will ABOLISH THE EPA by rolling it into the Department of Energy to reduce wasteful spending, and STOP the EPA's harmful regulations!
Members of Congress must to hear from you-TODAY!
Tony Adkins
Conservative Action Alerts
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