Tuesday, May 31, 2011



May 31, 2011
Office of the Governor Fax:
(512) 463-1849
Governor Rick Perry,

I just called your office about my concerns and was almost amused by your statements made in your 'message on hold'...while I waited to speak to one of your staff.  You state that Conservatives gave you your marching orders in November and that you must uphold our wishes; something to that effect.

You are correct:  We did send a clear message and gave our Texas and D.C. Public Servants a definite set of marching orders.  We feel that both Texas and D.C. EMPLOYEES have ignored our demands and concerns; letting the most dire issues languish while more 'government' tyranny was enacted AGAINST our citizens at both levels of government.

The royal attitudes and tyranny against citizens while criminals in government, conspiracies to harm citizens and the business cronies of our public servants, illegal alien criminals (all are criminals once they enter illegally) are given a free pass and WE pay the price in taxes, jobs, costs, crimes and much more.

Clearly, many of our problems and massive costs at local, State and Federal levels would be addressed and solved if you cowards and co-conspirators did your jobs and dealt with the Illegal Alien problems clearly, concisely and to our satisfaction.  So far, you have earned a failing grade on this and other vital issues in the regular session and WE will remember in the next election.  We won't fall for the Republican hype or fall in line with GOP/Regime candidates.  Not only will we do what we need to do in Texas; we will not accept some 'straw' candidate for President.

WE are not interested a North American Union and will not abide your illegal involvement in the Bilderberg, CFR and TriLateral Commisson plans to unite Mexico, United States and Canada under some Global plan to destroy our Sovereignty. This plan will only end badly for those who are involved in implementing it because I am confident the people will not allow it to end badly for us and our nation.

It's very simple: enforce the existing laws, stop making empty excuses with regard to whose responsibility is it to enforce our borders and laws, tell D.C. to stay out of our business if they don't intend to do their sworn duty and get these issues addressed and PASSED in the special session.  While you argued budget; you did not deal with the massive costs that we should not be paying for illegal alien anchor babies, education and related expenses, medical care, food stamps, criminal and civil litigation and sanctuary for these invaders and their families.  

Teachers have been very informative about illegal aliens and the fact that they are all on EVERY social program that is paid for by citizens in the event WE might need them...not for the benefit of those who illegally invade our soil.  We should not be jobless while these invaders hold jobs with employers who exploit them and still charge us the going rate as if they actually employ legal citizens.  We will not be reduced to rats in a rat hole on the auspices that the rats crawling across our borders cannot control the problems in their own countries.  It is not our job or responsibility.  Our country, families and selves come first.  That is reality.

Stand up, step up and lead or get out of the way.  I cannot believe you would even consider running for President when you have failed so miserably as Governor.  Your succes is not measured nor will it be rewarded by your complicity with criminal corporations and the D.C. Regime that is out to destroy us and our Liberties, contrary to what you might think.  It will be measured and rewarded; or eventually prosecuted by the people.  I speak from logic and faith in the people; not as a threat.

You and the rest of our derelict leadership are an embarrassment with respect to your silence regarding the massive crimes committed by the Usurper and his facilitators; who we now are questioning might actually include you?  The fact that Texas representatives went down on their knees for the potentate and D.C. Regime regarding the violation and assaults perpetrated by the TSA thugs is unforgiveable.  And we will never forget or forgive the installation of an apparent illegal candidate and criminal.

WE demand that you act as leader for a change and take the action WE require on at least three policies.  You have the power to place them on the agenda.  Stop with the empty lip service and politicking and get it done, NOW.  Stop pandering to the Hispanic terrorist organizations and parasites whose intent is anathema to our health and well-being and DO THE RIGHT THING.  If you don't; we citizens will be forced to do whatever it takes to protect our country and our families.  Only a fool is blind to what is building and if that is your combined intent; then shame on you all.  Rest assured, each of you will find a special place reserved in Hell for causing something that could have been avoided and prevented.  The trust we placed in our Fiduciaries matters.  Our laws and our Constution matter.  Truth matters.

These policies are not negotiable.  We have made it clear that we won't accept compromise with our enemies or with evil.  The agenda of invaders is evil.  They come with malice aforethought to steal from us and no amount of lipstick will make that PIG more attractive.

WELFARE REPORTING (HB 608) Requiring Texas state agencies to report the cost of welfare and other benefits provided to illegal aliens; from education and free lunch/breakfast programs, to medical care and social services, housing, welfare, in-state tuition, CHIP and Tanf and citizenship for illegal alien 'ticket babies'...but not limited to these items.  Reporting is imperative, but public servants who aid and abet and steal from us to support invaders should be criminalized...prosecuted.

END SANCTUARY POLICIES (HB 12) Providing law enforcement personnel with the ability to question the immigration status of arrestees and banning so-called 'sanctuary city' policies.  It is patently insane to prevent law enforcement personnel to do their jobs in this respect.  This is clear aiding and abetting of criminals.  My own experience with this stupidity involves multiple instances of local police refusing to deal with this problem and putting me and my community at risk.  This makes the agenda of OUR tax-paid employees obvious and makes those employees enemies of our nation.

EMPLOYMENT VERFICATION (HB 1275) Requiring that contractors receiving taxpayer dollars from the State of Texas verify that their employees are working legally.  There is also no excuse for anyone hiring illegal aliens...ZERO...whether it is a corporation or a citizen who thinks they are saving money on yard workers, painters and maids.  There is no reason other than conspiracy to undermine our citizens and our nation, for a public servant to ignore this issue.
In every case, the Texas House Leadership dragged their feet on the key bills.  The key bills died without making it to the Governors' desk.  These neglected issues result in the death of our citizens, our border agents and law enforcement and our votes are being diluted by illegal voters whose people are behind these murders and assaults and thefts.
YOU, GOVERNOR RICK PERRY, have the power to place all of these bills on the agenda for the Special Session and whether these bills make it on the agenda is COMPLETELY UP TO YOU.  Failure to do so will be on your shoulders.


While I would love to be nice and charming; we don't have time nor are we in the mood to be so.  You people just don't deserve respect or niceties from people who have been damaged and denied proper restitution or help; people like me and millions of other Americans.

Debbie Warren, NATURAL BORN U.S. Citizen and Texan

AND, A citizen of Arizona writes: From: sealesmary@live.com
To: 5124631849@rapidfax.com
Subject: Do your job now or lose your job
Date: Tue, 31 May 2011 17:10:20 -0600

Governor Perry:  While I am not a Texan, living here in Arizona,  I feel impelled to write you after
seeing Ms. Warren's fax to you which she forwarded to me.
I need not elaborate on her comments but only to briefly express my concerns.  As I said, I am
not a Texan, but whatever happens on our southern border affects all of us who live in border
states.  Besides, you did mention a possible run for the presidency, so in light of that possibility
let me just say, and I'm just summarizing....
Our southern borders are in mortal danger and we are being overrun by an alien and destructive
populace who seek to destroy our way of life.  Not to mention the fact that it is draining our financial
resources....we are bleeding....we are bleeding.  The border needs to be closed off;  military troops
need to be put in place to discourage entry into these United States.  Anyone who seeks to obstruct
the laws against illegal entry into the U.S. needs to jailed.  
And I don't see any reason why the illegals here now can't be rounded up and sent back to Mexico in
some nice shiny buses.  Yes it CAN be done.  Si se puede!!
You politicians can hem and haw all you want, we the people do not want the illegals here and we
don't want to support them.  We turn deaf ears to the charges of racism.  Bogus charges.
Let's implement Mexico's immigration policy - that would satisfy me greatly.  They put troops on
their borders as well. 
Further, the current occupant of our beautiful, and now besmirched, White House is illegally
there - you know it, all the governors, congressmen, senators, everyone knows it.  This needs to
be rectified - through the proper arrests, convictions and sentencing.  If you are  not prepared
to do this, please DO NOT waste your time running for president.  
After all, there is a lot to be done in the great state of Texas.  Please do your job. We are all
so very very tired of telling  you all to do...your...job... 

Mary Seales 
Natural Born Citizen
God Bless America 

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