FBI Treated Twitter As A 'Subsidiary,' Flagged Tweets And Accounts For 'Misinformation' The FBI and other law enforcement organizations treated Twitter as a "subsidiary," flagging numerous accounts for purportedly harmful "misinformation" since January of 2020, according to the sixth installment of the 'Twitter Files' released Friday.
Twitter, Musk Suspend Leftwing 'Journalists' Over Doxxing Elon Musk has leftwing media outlets in a meltdown over a series of recent suspensions. Reporters from CNN, the New York Times, and others were suspended for violating Twitter's policy on doxxing. Now, they are complaining that they were thrown off Twitter even though they cheered when conservatives were thrown off Twitter.
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Federal Emergency Funds Boost Guaranteed Income Projects Across U.S. New guaranteed income programs are popping up across the country as governments are using the stockpile of federal COVID-19 emergency money to fund them. Mayors For A Guaranteed Income is a collection of mayors from some of the largest cities in the country orchestrating the long-term development of guaranteed income plans.
CDC Removed Data On Defensive Gun Use After Meeting With Activists: Emails The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) removed data on guns from its website after holding a private meeting with gun control activists, according to newly disclosed emails. The CDC webpage titled "Fast Facts: Firearm Violence Prevention" includes a portion on defensive gun use, or instances when people use guns for defensive purposes.
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Biden Administration Plans For More Illegal Aliens To Be Released Into Communities When Title 42 Ends The Biden administration is planning for more illegal aliens to be released into U.S. communities to pursue asylum cases as the Trump-era Title 42 program that helped stem the tide of illegal immigration ends on Dec. 21.
Bizarre Study Claims Unvaccinated People More Likely To Cause Car Accidents A new study published in the American Journal of Medicine claims that the unvaccinated are 72 percent more likely to be involved in a severe motor vehicle accident that results in one or more people being taken to the hospital, compared to their vaccinated counterparts.
Mayor Defends The Rich From NY's Woke Crowd Mayor Adams had a message for New York City's tax-the-rich-promoting progressives Wednesday: Get outta town! "It blows my mind when I hear, 'So what if they leave?' No, you leave!" Adams said of people on the political left questioning why the city needs ultra-wealthy residents. "I want my high-income earners right here."
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Denver Mayor Declares Emergency, Says City 'On Verge Of Reaching Breaking Point' Amid Influx Of Illegal Immigrants The city of Denver declared a state of emergency on Thursday in order to stave off a local humanitarian crisis amid an influx of illegal aliens from the southern border, mainly from El Paso, Texas. Mayor Michael Hancock, a Democrat, issued the declaration as several hundred illegal aliens, mostly from Central and South America, have arrived in the state in just the past few days alone.
What Is A Woman? Cambridge Dictionary Adds New, Woke Definition The woke left has been telling us that a man can be a woman, even saying that men can now give birth. Despite the obvious science and common sense aspects, now the Cambridge Dictionary has gone woke and joined in the mix by providing a new, updated definition of a "woman."
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