Friday, July 9, 2021

MPN 07/09/2021


Daily Update #175 Friday July 9, 2021
Great day Patriot,

We don’t live in the world we think we do!

Have a look at the updates below and you will begin to see what I mean.

What an incredible time to be alive!

“The intelligent man is never bored.”
Everyday I am realizing more and more that…

“We don’t live in the world we think we do!”

May you have a mind expanding, reality shifting day and weekend ahead and utilize this information to benefit YOU and those you care about!

Having the knowledge is important, but using this knowledge to benefit humanity (including yourself) is where the rubber meets the road.

God Bless
Today’s Tip
Tip of the day: Have you been thinking outside of the box lately? If you stop and think right now and reflect on ALL the information and knowledge you have accumulated over your lifetime…

Now, knowing all that, what would you ideally want to do with your life moving forward? How would you ideally be living if you could live life on your terms?

Get clear on that, think about that, concentrate on that, imagine that, articulate that, write that down on paper and plan small, simple steps you can take starting today to progress in that direction.

Small changes or adjustments right now can have ripple effects throughout the rest of your existence that improve your life forevermore. May the blessings be.
Steve Lepkowski led a team of engineers at Texas Instruments and helped them secure patents for 2G, 3G and 4G.

Now he's helping humanity with his knowledge. Learn more here.
Sheriff Richard Mack is continuing his great work to restore Liberty in America, county by county.

If you're in the United States, or even if you're not, watch Sheriff Mack's latest update here.
Master Lama Rasaji is one of only 12 Master Lamas in the entire world. He lived and trained at the original Tai Chi Gung Lamasery in Tibet.

Sharing Is Caring
Please forward and share this email with those you care about to help spread the word and get the truth to more people. Every Patriot Matters.
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