Saturday, May 9, 2020


The BERTRAND REPORT The War For Your Mind and Soul Continues
                               News That Matters
Subject: President Trump Wake-up !! [THEY] Will Infect You With COVID-19, Know The Truth About Who [THEY] Are.......Video

Friends and Associates:
The information provided below is the latest internet / open source intel coming forth about how and why COVID-19 was needed in-order to transform the world into a globalist (mafia) controlled world 'Amazing Polly's Report Video' simply puts it....."the mafia visits a new business and tells the new owner that violence is rampant in the area and we can protect your business for x number of dollars a week.....the new owner says, I think the area is safe and no....I don't need your protection" but the following day, the owner's business windows are smashed.
What you are about to digest and see in the video is a clear and present danger for the entire world's population...... if WE ALLOW THEM to get away with what they have planned for every human on the planet. 
It's NOT only a vaccine for this one plandemic, but a world order that will eliminate millions, if not billions of lives in the next decade or two....while a handful of tyrants expect every country to pony-up millions of dollars, under the threat of a plandemic, and of course.....that money originates from you and me.
Note: Their planned world 'Carbon Tax' failed, now it's medical tyranny at the end of a needle.
AND....if you are not totally convinced, Nations of the World, get ready for the next wave we have planned for [you]. (See the report and video below)
COVID-19 was planned in advance and even warned the world !!   According Dr. Anthony Fauci's own words (See Video)
Among the various organizations that intend to funnel billions of (our) dollars into their eugenics programs, managed by both the World Bank and the United Nations....and promoted by Bill & Melinda Gates (especially) is alarming, to say the least.
Their own reports discuss how to manipulate world nations into compliance with their created bio-weapon, and how they intended to use China as the model country for mitigation.
"More specifics are needed on how governments should address other problems that could occur as a pandemic unfolds, such as disruptions in the manufacturing and distribution of 151 lifesaving drugs, which could lead to shortages that kill more people than the pandemic virus itself. He added that countries should be urged to invest heavily in critical pharmaceutical products.
More focus should be placed on the sources of drug ingredients and manufacturing. "China is ground zero for preparedness," --Novel solutions, targeted investments [CIDRAP]

The more we learn about COVID-19 and the multiple strains (apparently), including the outrageous malpractice incidents killing patients needlessly ($$$$$), as reported by nurses at the various hospitals and doctors speaking-out....ALL BANNED from Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, (the more we learn) is extremely alarming. 

"Flooding the Media" with propaganda was the focus of the EVENT 201 table exercise October 2019 with Bill Gates running the event in-order to generate a model report of how many deaths would occur when the virus is released. 

They planned it, they executed the release via China and they are threatening a more deadlier strain (near the election).

Learn what's going-on, speak-out, and demand that Trump take a good look at Fauci......(IF) he doesn't know, (THEY) will kill him by infecting someone close to him, as it seems to be happening now.

---Dave Bertrand

NOTES FROM the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board [GPMB]

"The world is at acute risk for devastating regional or global disease epidemics or pandemics that not only cause loss of life but upend economies and create social chaos." [GPMB]

Heads of government must commit and invest. Heads of government in every country must commit to preparedness by implementing their binding obligations under the International Health Regulations (IHR (2005). They must prioritize and dedicate domestic resources and recurrent spending for preparedness as an integral part of national and global security, universal health coverage and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). 
Countries and regional organizations must lead by example. G7, G20 and G77 Member States, and regional intergovernmental organizations must follow through on their political and funding commitments for preparedness and agree to routinely monitor progress during their annual meetings.
All countries must build strong systems. Heads of government must appoint a national high-level coordinator with authority and political accountability to lead whole-of-government and whole-of-society approaches, and routinely conduct multisectoral simulation exercises to establish and maintain effective preparedness. They must prioritize community involvement in all preparedness efforts, building trust and engaging multiple stakeholders (e.g. legislators; representatives of the human and animal health, security and foreign affairs sectors; the private sector; local leaders; and women and youth). 
Countries, donors and multilateral institutions must be prepared for the worst. A rapidly spreading pandemic due to a lethal respiratory pathogen (whether naturally emergent or accidentally or deliberately released) poses additional preparedness requirements. Donors and multilateral institutions must ensure adequate investment in developing innovative vaccines and therapeutics, surge manufacturing capacity, broad-spectrum antivirals and appropriate non-pharmaceutical interventions. All countries must develop a system for immediately sharing genome sequences of any new pathogen for public health purposes along with the means to share limited medical countermeasures across countries.
Financing institutions must link preparedness with financial risk planning. To mitigate the severe economic impacts of a national or regional epidemic and/or a global pandemic, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank must urgently renew their efforts to integrate preparedness into economic risk and institutional assessments, including the IMF’s next cycle of Article IV consultations with countries and the World Bank’s next Systematic Country Diagnostics for International Development Association (IDA) credits and grants. Funding replenishments of the IDA, Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria (Global Fund), and Gavi should include explicit commitments regarding preparedness. 
Development assistance funders must create incentives and increase funding for preparedness. Donors, international financing institutions, global funds and philanthropies must increase funding for the poorest and most vulnerable countries through development assistance for health and greater/earlier access to the United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund to close financing gaps for their national actions plans for health security as a joint responsibility and a global public good. Member states need to agree to an increase in WHO contributions for the financing of preparedness and response activities and must sustainably fund the WHO Contingency Fund for Emergencies, including the establishment of a replenishment scheme using funding from the revised World Bank Pandemic Emergency Financing Facility. 
The United Nations must strengthen coordination mechanisms. The Secretary General of the United Nations, with WHO and United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), must strengthen coordination in different country, health and humanitarian emergency contexts, by ensuring clear United Nations systemwide roles and responsibilities; rapidly resetting preparedness and response strategies during health emergencies; and, enhancing United Nations system leadership for preparedness, including through routine simulation exercises. WHO should introduce an approach to mobilize the wider national, regional and international community at earlier stages of an outbreak, prior to a declaration of an IHR (2005) Public Health Emergency of International Concern.
Preparedness is hampered by the lack of continued political will at all levels. Although national leaders respond to health crises when fear and panic grow strong enough, most countries do not devote the consistent energy and resources needed to keep outbreaks from escalating into disasters.

From the Desk of Capt. Dave Bertrand (Ret.) Your Comments Are Welcomed and Can Be Published Unless You Specify Otherwise.

Retired Int'l Freight Captain (DC-8 & B-727), Former (State) Law Enforcement, U.S. Customs (UC) Miami Sector, US Army Military Police Veteran, Former Int'l Aircraft Repo Insurance Contractor, Former DHS/HWW Counter-Terrorism Instructor for Commercial Truckers, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University & University of Alaska (Undergraduate), Interests include Border Security, 9/11 Truth, Government Corruption, New World Order, Freedom vs Communism, Secret Space Programs & UFO Encounters, Aviation, and Enjoy Living Off-The-Grid.

Read Past Bertrand Reports: Search Result

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