Thursday, May 21, 2020

NEWS WITH VIEWS 05/21/2020

Our Dollar is Worthless

The American dollar is not backed by anything tangible.  In other words, the only value the dollar has is what the Government tells you it has. If I type the number $1200.00 and send it to your bank will they put it in your account as if I had actually given you the money? Of course not..........
by Coach Dave Daubenmire.

We Can’t Afford to be Stupid

China has already launched the most ambitiously intrusive and oppressive program of social control ever seen, the “social credit system.” You have to carry your cell phone everywhere so the government can keep track of everything you say and do, everywhere you go.........
by Lee Duigon.

Ruminations of a Baby Boomer:  Why Our Elected Don’t Represent Us

Even today, the United Kingdom maintains the ‘royals’ who don’t work, don’t contribute and lead frivolous lives—paid for by every working stiff in the country.  Via their birth-lottery luck, royals enjoy wealth, public adulation and pomp—for doing absolutely nothing of merit or worth.........
by Frosty Wooldridge.

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