Tuesday, February 11, 2020


FBI director makes stunning admission about Trump campaign surveillance
This is a major blow to the FBI's credibility ... Read more…
Congress threatens inspector general: Must deliver 'whistleblower' evidence
The post-impeachment bloodletting is beginning as Nunes warns the inspector general could get reported to the Department of Justice ... Read more…
'No. 1 target of Obama's Deep State' Michael Flynn has sentencing put off 'indefinitely'
'They wanted to punish General Michael Flynn because he turned against President Obama and spoke honestly about his failed strategy' ... Read more…
11 million see shredding video that Pelosi wants removed from Twitter
Speaker of the House gets scorched as 'an evil, calculating, witch and lashed out at reporters who suggested her ripping up the SOTU speech backfired' ... Read more…
Bernie Sanders is going back on promise he made to voters
This is extremely concerning ... Read more…
Poll: New Hampshire Democrats choose human extinction over Trump re-election
This is a crowd that makes the Chuck Schumers, Nancy Pelosis and Adam Schiffs look like GOP wannabes. Because they actually prefer the mass annihilation of life on earth to... Read more…
Trump Jr. Thanks Schiff for Impeachment, Reveals POTUS Plan
Adam Schiff's plan fell apart. Now Trump Jr. is explaining how it's helping the president in ways the Democrat could never imagine. Read more…
White House Issues Coronavirus Order as Disease Takes First American
Rumors of bioterrorism or an escaped bioweapon are rampant. The White House now wants to get to the bottom of it. Read more…
Coronavirus Spreads Like Wildfire on Cruise Ship, Americans Now Infected
This all stemmed from one visit to a Hong Kong port. Read more…

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