Tuesday, October 8, 2019


Submitted by: P McMillan

Mayor of Minneapolis attempting to prevent Trump rally at Target center

Mayor Jacob Frey wants $530,000 for "security" for the planned Keep America Great rally, while when Obama was there for a 2009 Target Center health care rally the security bill was $20,000

My (two part) take is: Part 1 - Pay the extortion now, and prosecute later. Trump has the money for this. Part two: Enough explosives to destroy a stadium of that size are not cheap, perhaps that's what the "security bill" is going to pay for. After all, if the rally is going to be attended by "right wing radicals" well, they blow stuff up all the time just for fun anyway, RIGHT? and that would be a GREAT NEW 911 INCIDENT, DEAD PREZ AND ALL.


I would not trust the mayor of Minneapolis AT ALL. The left has proven itself to be entirely planted, subversive, violent, pre planted WHACK JOBS and they need a new 911 DESPERATELY. If they could accomplish that while taking out a president to avoid going to jail, they sure as hell will. If I was Trump, I'd reserve that stadium for two entire weeks prior (too late for that now) but I would have, and it would have been INSPECTED by my own people right down to the last bolt hole and then locked down like Fort Knox. If the left can kill Trump they absolutely will, and they have had PLENTY of time to rig the Target Center, under the tutelage of one of the worst leftist mayors in the country. They would not need to blow the whole place up, just plant someone weeks ahead in an air duct with a small tent, a few five gallon water bottles and 500 twinkies, to wait it out until Trump arrives.
We are there, it is that bad now. Trump's security team had better be on the ball with this. Trump really needs to be behind glass. And I also would not put it past that mayor to cause mayhem by stifling people's efforts to get to the stadium, maybe that's what the bill is really for, to cause mayhem from Rochester to Duluth, to make damn good and sure that stadium stays empty.

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