Friday, August 9, 2019

BHO's Shadow Government in Exile - [UNPRECEDENTED in American presidential history!]

Submitted by: J Cryots

'No President has ever sought to stage a coup d’état against his successor. Until now.

That this operation was conducted and run by Barack Obama from the Oval Office of the White House. That Obama’s senior staffers, Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes, and Valerie Jarrett were intimately involved in every aspect of the illegal activities. That John Brennan, James Comey, and James Clapper were illegally accessing NSA surveillance systems to spy on thousands of Americans for over 4 years.

John Brennan spent much of September and October of 2016 leaking the Steele dossier to the press while putting together a phony Intelligence Community Assessment with Peter Strzok.  Accusing Russia of helping Trump at the same time that they were using Kremlin disinformation to frame Trump. They were all certain that Hillary would win. That it would be business as usual. That they would get away with everything. No one would be the wiser..........ButHillary loses and panic sets in.

As a drunken enraged Hillary Clinton famously said to John Podesta on election night when Donald Trump won, “If that F**king bastard wins, you better do something about this or we’ll all hang from nooses.”

Barack Obama’s shadow government of coup plotters in exile

written by L.J. Keith  Jun 24, 2019
[Most toxic, embarrassing, destructive - and illegitimate president in U.S. History.]

 It used to be a truism of American politics that we only have one President at a time. That there was a strong tradition ensuring the ‘peaceful transition of power” from one administration to the other. President Barack Obama is obliterating those quaint traditions of American democracy. Indeed he seems to have set up a government in exile, in Washington DC, while he seeks to undermine and sabotage the sitting President.  (Trump claims ‘Obama had to know about’ efforts to undermine presidency)
His actions are unprecedented. The impact of his activities may well lead to a string of criminal indictments against a plethora of senior Obama Administration officials. Both in the senior levels of his cabinet. And in the upper echelons of the Obama White House staff and the Oval Office itself.
A coup d’etat by the outgoing Obama administration
There is no instance where a two-term President has left the Oval Office and then actively sought to destroy his successor. Until Barack Obama. There is no situation where the outgoing President weaponized the intelligence agencies and the DOJ to target, frame, and decimate the incoming President, even before he has taken office.

Durham probing Bond villains in the Obama White House

No President has ever sought to stage a coup d’etat against his successor. Until now.
Now we know the origins of the Russia hoax against Donald Trump. It was to cover up the systematic abuse of NSA surveillance systems by the Obama Administration. That the Obama White House had been illegally and systematically spying on an array of prominent Americans since 2012.
In order to to keep the actions of the Obama White House hidden, extraordinary measures had to be taken to ensure Hillary Clinton’s election. She had to be exonerated of multiple criminal activities relating to her pay for play scheme at the State Department and with the Clinton Foundation.
Clearing Hillary, Framing Trump
Hillary had to be cleared of using an unsecured server to transmit sensitive and classified information. She had to be cleared of obstructing justice for deleting 33000 emails under subpoena.
Clinton, Emails, Hacking, China, L.J. KeithOnce she was corruptly exonerated, the Republican Presidential candidate, Donald Trump, had to be destroyed.
The full measure of the CIA, State Department and DOJ were unleashed against Donald Trump. John Brennan initiated operations against the Trump Campaign using the Italian, British and Australian intelligence services.
They used CIA assets Joseph Mifsud, Alexander Downer and Stefan Halper to frame and entrap George Papadopoulos. Their purpose, to falsely depict Donald Trump as a Russian agent.
The Steele Dossier, FISA abuse, and the phony ICA
Peter Strzok used the fruits of the illegal framing of Papadopoulos to initiate a counterintelligence operation against
Strzok, Weissman, Hoax, Clinton, Obama
(l) Peter Strzok (r) Andrew Weissman – Images courtesy of Wikiped and official government portrait
Donald Trump. When they knew all along it was a setup. Strzok and Andrew Weissmann used the Clinton, DNC Kremlin disinformation Steele dossier to illegally obtain FISA warrants against Carter Page.  (Was the Steele Dossier Used to Obtain a FISA Warrant Against Trump’s Campaign? – National Review)
John Brennan spent much of September and October of 2016 leaking the Steele dossier to the press while putting together a phony Intelligence Community Assessment with Peter Strzok. Accusing Russia of helping Trump at the same time that they were using Kremlin disinformation to frame Trump.
They were all certain that Hillary would win. That it would be business as usual. That they would get away with everything. No one would be the wiser.
Hillary loses and panic sets in
James Clapper and John Brennan were certain they would be rewarded for their service to Obama and Clinton. That unfettered access to NSA surveillance systems would continue undiscovered and unpunished.
That political spying and using the Government to punish your adversaries would continue unabated. That they would have carte blanche to run roughshod over the Constitution, and cover up their crimes for at least another 4 years.

Also Read: Durham has questions for Brennan, NSA’s Mike Rogers has the answers

Except that Hillary lost. And then all hell broke loose. Obama and his minions were in a mighty predicament. Everything they had done to Trump, and everything they had been doing for at least 4 years, was about to be exposed.
As a drunken enraged Hillary Clinton famously said to John Podesta on election night when Donald Trump won, “If that F**king bastard wins, you better do something about this or we’ll all hang from nooses.” - To view video clip GO HERE. 
Whatever could she have been talking about? Maybe she was referencing what we are all now discovering over the last three years.
Weaponizing the CIA, NSA, and DOJ against political opponents
That a cabal of senior officials in the CIA, State Department, DOJ and the White House illegally weaponized the intelligence agencies and organs of government against political opponents. Systematically. Consistently. Illegally. Over an extended period of time.

Italy, UK’s MI-6 aid the Durham probe of Brennan, Mifsud’s Trump Spygate

That this operation was conducted and run by Barack Obama from the Oval Office of the White House. That Obama’s senior staffers, Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes, and Valerie Jarrett were intimately involved in every aspect of the illegal activities. That John Brennan, James Comey, and James Clapper were illegally accessing NSA surveillance systems to spy on thousands of Americans for over 4 years.
When NSA director Admiral Mike Rogers learned of the abuse of the NSA systems, he stopped the illegal access to the systems by the three contractors authorized by James Comey. Contractors who reported directly to James Clapper and John Brennan.
Brennan then collected the information from the illegal surveillance and compiled secret “eyes only’ briefings for Barack Obama. Secret briefings based on illegal surveillance of American citizens.
FISA Judge Rosemary Collyer: Years of illegal NSA surveillance on Americans
Again, this is not an opinion. This is the ruling of FISA Court Presiding Judge Rosemary Collyer, who found systematic violations of law, the 4th amendment, and the civil rights of each person surveilled. Of 40000 inquiries made by the 3 contractors over 4 years, Judge Collyer found that 85% or 32,500 were illegal. 32,500 violations of law.
Violations of the civil rights of each and every target. Thirty-two thousand, five hundred individual criminal acts.
So Hillary Clinton loses, Donald Trump is President-elect and Barack Obama and his co-conspirators seek to destroy the incoming President. Susan Rice heads an “extraordinary committee” of senior officials that serves as the coordinating ‘junta” of the coup plotters.
Valerie Jarrett, Ben Rhodes, VP Joe Biden, James Clapper, James Comey and Bond villain John Brennan all sit on the “junta”, coordinating the next steps of the Russia Hoax.
Coup, Coup de' Etat, Comey, Rosenstein, Clapper, McCabe, Steele, Mueller, Strzok, Page, Brennan
Obama and Brennan target Michael Flynn
Incoming National Security advisor Michael Flynn is targeted by coup plotter Sally Yates at the DOJ over the Logan Act. The man who was instrumental in winning both the Iraq and Afghan wars for the United States is illegally targeted and framed by his own government. His life destroyed. At the time it was an outrage. Now we know it was part of a long-running continuum.
[To continue reading, go to URL at top of page and scroll down.]

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