Obamascare Ruled Unconstitutional not Exactly !!!
Verily, Judge O’Connor's decision "vindicates" Trump's position that Obamacare
is unconstitutional but added that while the lawsuit is being appealed,
"the law remains in place" and health coverage will continue.
And coming soon to your desktop, a "GO Fund Me" page for the wall ...
Maranatha !
Previously posted ...
Shabbat Shalom - Parasha Vayigash - God's Prophetic Plan and Seasons of Trials !!!
President Trump quote ...
"We will never surrender America's sovereignty to an unaccountable,
unelected global bureaucracy," "We reject the ideology of globalism."
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Wish President Trump, First Lady Melania, and the rest of the First Family a Merry Christmas
Here's your opportunity to wish the Trumps a Merry Christmas by signing the only Official First Family Christmas Card and leave a personal message. With President Trump in the White House, America is once again saying Merry Christmas.
w vid Americans' message to Washington on the looming shutdown: Don't
Greg Gutfeld....why don't we start a "GO Fund Me" page for the wall?
twitvid> https://twitter.com/greggutfeldshow/status/1063992691359309824
Dayna Rockage> https://twitter.com/DaynaRockage/status/1064010080071299072
YOU are the one we need to pull this off. It would happen over night and ...
Suzanne Short reports ... God Bless our America
We must have the Border wall to protect our America and the American people and all of
our Legal immigrants who many have struggled and sacrificed to come to our great nation.
A New Trump Strategy for the Border Wall
It seems as if the Trump Administration has changed its stance on the border wall. The administration has signaled that it is willing to move forward without full border wall funding of $5 billion. White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told Fox News, “we have other ways that we can get to that $5 billion that we’ll work with Congress.” She explained, “At the end of the day, we don’t want to shut down the government. We want to shut down the border.”
Obviously, We Could Fund a Border Wall – Democrats, Be Honest
The fact – that no one wants to speak open is this: The $5 billion President Trump is asking for is less than one half of one percent of the total in this giant spending bill, less than two percent of total discretionary spending in these bills. Of course it could be done – and easily. That public safety money could be added, or cut from the existing fat. Instead we get politics. That is what no one will say, but there you have it – boldly said. Be honest: We could fund a border wall. Only politics is stopping us.
Ohio Heartbeat Bill
COLUMBUS, OH – The Ohio Senate passed The Human Heartbeat Protection Act, also known as the “Heartbeat Bill,” by a vote of 18 to 13 yesterday. HB 258 bans abortions on babies when a fetal heartbeat can be detected, usually within a few weeks of conception. Liberty Counsel has offered free legal defense once it is signed into law.
Judge rules Americans can secretly record public officials in victory for Project Veritas
The White House Christmas Party for the Press Will Have to be Held at Hillary’s House this year
President Donald Trump has made the press the latest “VICTIM” by cancelling their “decades-old” White House ‘holiday’ party. At least according to a Fox News “EXCLUSIVE”. Not only is the White House soiree for the press not really a ‘holiday’ party but a ‘Christmas’ party, in the non-Fake News world, the cancellation is a brand new twist on the Christmas Grinch, all because the Grinch may have swiped Christmas, but on behalf of the tired-of-media-carping public at large, President Trump has swiped it right back.
Hilarious, President Trump Cancels White House Christmas Party for Press Corps
CNN bashes Melania Trump, says she ‘continues to whine’ about being first lady
Trump blasts shuttering Weekly Standard, rips editor William Kristol
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-mEtIsCZPQ (1:05) Fox News 12/16/18
President Trump went on twitter to blast the Weekly Standard as ‘pathetic and dishonest’ after it announced that it will cease operations. He went on to slam the editor William Kristol as a “failed prognosticator.”
vid> https://video.foxnews.com/v/5980121119001/?playlist_id=938973798001
Watchdog Group Names ‘Top Ethics Violators of 2018’ — BOTH Are Democrat Senators
And the “winners” are…(DRUM ROLL)…
According to a nonpartisan watchdog group, two Democratic senators were the “top ethics violators of 2018” because they solicited donations by trumpeting their antagonism to Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation during the hearings to confirm him. Those two senators were — drum roll — Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA).
The complaint stated:
https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/65db76_79af4577bdb54673b9e98b5c9a4b70ae.pdf (13 page pdf)
Here It Comes: Nancy Pelosi Promises SWIFT Action on ‘Commonsense’ Gun Control
If you don’t know what this means you’re not paying attention. This is what happens
when Democrats win elections. Slowly but surely, rights begin to disappear.
Nutcase mayor ...
Pittsburgh mayor pushes for gun confiscation after synagogue attack in gun-free zone
In the wake of the Oct. 27 attack on the Tree of Life Synagogue, Pittsburgh Mayor William Peduto is pushing for gun confiscation along with bans on commonly-owned semiautomatic firearms and “high capacity” magazines.
Trump’s Sunday news feed: ‘Remember’, Cohen only became ‘Rat’ after FBI ‘BROKE INTO’ his office
President Donald Trump bypassed the Sunday talk shows with a tweetstorm on Dec. 16 which covered “collusion,” FBI tactics in the Russia investigation and the case of a U.S. military major charged with murder. The president as usual focused on details omitted by “Mainstream Media” non-stop assaults on him and his associates by reminding Americans of possible reasons his former attorney, “rat” Michael Cohen betrayed his trust. “Wow, 19,000 Texts between Lisa Page and her lover, Peter S of the FBI, in charge of the Russia Hoax, were just reported as being wiped clean and gone. Such a big story that will never be covered by the Fake News. Witch Hunt!”
Newt Gingrich calls for Robert Mueller to publicly release 70 hours of Cohen interviews
Commie colleges shred constitution ...
Report: 9 of 10 American colleges restrict First Amendment rights on campus
Most students at America’s top colleges and universities “surrender their free speech rights the moment they step onto campus,” according to a report by the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE).
Feinstein knows ...
FBI Counterintel: Chinese spying threatens U.S., ‘future of the world’
Beijing’s ability to get at foreign technology and finances through its ultra sophisticated spying network is becoming a major threat to the U.S. and other Western societies. E.W. Priestap, assistant director of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division told a Senate committee, Chinese spying threatens “not just the future of the United States, but the future of the world.”
Interior Sec. Ryan Zinke stepping down, President Trump says, amid ethics cloud
Is President Trump Planning to Declare Martial Law In California?
One of the more challenging tasks in this business is to separate the real from the phony. The second most challenging thing is to learn to connect the dots of certain events which tells an important story of what is coming, or is already underway.
> Cancelled Leaves and “Strange Training”
> A New Communication
> The Insurrection Act of 1807
> Law Professor, New California and Martial Law
> Predictive Programming
Paul Preston who is the head of the New California movement which will create a 51st state.
I am interviewing Paul Preston on Wednesday evening.
♥†♥ ♥†♥ ♥†♥
We Stand with General Michael Flynn - Rally in D.C. 12/18/2018
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1edLURX4jk (4:11) SSGSteelTigers 12/16/18
The Deep-State put him through the ringer and is subjecting this patriot to the tactics we Americans call despicable, dis-honorable, criminal and Un-American. Justice is Coming
w dox Redacted portions of FBI interview with Michael Flynn released ahead of sentencing
The document's release comes on the eve of Flynn's sentencing in District of Columbia federal court. Mueller's team has recommended that Flynn receive no jail time following "substantial" cooperation with prosecutors in the ongoing Russia investigation and in at least two other inquiries. Last week, Flynn's lawyers suggested that FBI agents did not properly advise the retired three-star Army general of the potential criminal consequences of lying to federal agents.
The Flynn frameup ...
Unthinkable! Deepstate BREAKS WIDER After DiGenova Released THIS!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9DZ6rg6hxE (11:07) GLOBAL News 12/16/18
Unthinkable! deepstate breaks wider after DiGenova released this! massive indictments already made. Former U.S. attorney Joe DiGenova weighs in: Michael Flynn's attorneys suggest he went into FBI meeting with a false sense of security. Obama FBI framed Michael Flynn to get Trump. Special counsel Robert Mueller slams Michael Flynn's assertion he was trapped into lying.
Deep state judge ...
“You sold your country out,” judge tells Michael Flynn before delaying his sentencing
President Trump’s first national security adviser will now have to wait several more months to find out whether he’s going to jail, following a judge’s decision in Tuesday’s fiery sentencing hearing.
“Arguably, you sold your country out,” U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan told Flynn from the bench.
Mueller Throws Pile of Crap at Michael Flynn; Media Sucks It Up and Amplifies It
The Special Counsel made his submission to Judge Emmett Sullivan at 3:00 p.m. Friday, about Michael Flynn. It is a typical Robert Mueller show, seeking to protect out of control agents and lawyers at the U.S. Department of Justice, who behaved criminally in this case, to justify his own criminal actions, and to feed the fake narrative that the President is, overall, in deep legal kimchee. Mueller’s minions do this by smearing, again, Michael Flynn, repeating the refrain: liar, liar, liar. Even Fox on Friday, in its anti-Trump Shephard Smith segment, was eating up Mueller’s cheap and poisonous spew. Clearly, the establishment is very, very freaked out that an actual Judge might end this national horror show.
Federal Judge Drops Major Bombshell in Political Prosecution of Michael Flynn
by Pamela Geller
When and how do we prosecute such a widespread, overarching conspiracy to treason? First, Comey should face a litany of felony charges. While Flynn’s sentencing memorandum methodically laid out the case for a low-level sentence of one-year probation, footnote 23 dropped a bomb, revealing that the agents’ 302 summary of his interview was dated August 22, 2017. As others have already noted, the August 22, 2017 date is a “striking detail” because that puts the 302 report “nearly seven months after the Flynn interview.” When added to facts already known, this revelation takes on a much greater significance.
Robert Mueller: No 'coercion' in Michael Flynn FBI interview; urges court to reject attempt to downplay crime
Judge Orders Secret Documents From Mueller
Judge Emmet Sullivan has ordered Robert Mueller to produce documents from the Michael Flynn interview.
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Sarah Sanders Unloads On ‘Shameless Fraud’ Comey Like Nobody Else Could,
& He Won’t Be Able to Recover
Comey’s playin’ checkers, Sarah’s playin’ chess.
Republicans should stand up to Comey and his tremendous corruption – from the fake Hillary Clinton investigation, to lying and leaking, to FISA abuse, and a list too long to name. The President did the country a service by firing him and exposing him for the shameless fraud he is
— Sarah Sanders (@PressSec) December 18, 2018
Disgraced Comey Goes Off — Slams Trump, Republicans, Fox News, & Americans (Watch)
There are no words…
Comey’s non-answers:
– Said “I don’t remember” 71 times.
– Said “I don’t know” 166 times.
– Said “I don’t recall” 8 times.
— Kyle Morris (@RealKyleMorris) December 8, 2018
twitvid> https://twitter.com/CNNnewsroom/status/1074768821246926849
Comey Back on Hill For New Round of Grilling
Former FBI chief dubbed amnesiac with incredible hubris
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Conspiracy: New Docs Reveal Who’s Behind “Russiagate” Scandal
Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch has just released new documents from the Obama administration – and they’re explosive
CONFIRMED: British Spy Testifies That Hillary Paid Him to Help Challenge Trump Victory
Hey, MSM! Any interest in this MONSTER story?
Steele has now revealed that twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, along with the Democrat National Committee, paid him to help challenge the validity of the 2016 election if she lost. British ex-spy Christopher Steele, who wrote the Democrat-financed anti-Trump dossier, said in a court case that he was hired by a Democratic law firm in preparation for Hillary Clinton challenging the results of the 2016 presidential election. He said the law firm Perkins Coie wanted to be in a position to contest the results based on evidence he unearthed on the Trump campaign conspiring with Moscow on election interference.
Judicial Watch: Documents Reveal Obama State Department Urgently Provided
Classified ‘Russiagate’ Documents to Multiple Senators Immediately Ahead of Trump Inauguration
The documents reveal the Obama State Department urgently gathering classified Russia investigation information and disseminating it to members of Congress within hours of Donald Trump taking office.
Blame game claim ...
Bill did it: Under oath, Clinton had an explanation for her private email server
Hillary Clinton claimed she was generally clueless about the setup of the private email server she used during her tenure as secretary of state, saying in written answers under oath that she used it for the “purpose of convenience” and that anyway it was set up by “President Clinton’s office.”
Juanita Broaddrick Breaks Her Silence: “Bill Clinton Raped Me, Hillary Tried To Silence Me”
When she tweeted these five words, Juanita Broaddrick sent a torpedo into Hillary Clinton’s campaign. The former nursing home administrator tweeted: “Bill Clinton raped me” Wednesday afternoon.
I was 35 years old when Bill Clinton, Ark. Attorney General raped me and Hillary tried to silence me. I am now 73….it never goes away. — Juanita Broaddrick (@atensnut) January 6, 2016
But what is sending seismic waves through the Clinton campaign were the words that followed:
“ … and Hillary tried to silence me.”
A Boomer Harvest
Just when you thought that the corruption of the US Department of Justice couldn’t get any worse… I want to thank Devon Stack at Black Pilled for covering the December 13th House Oversight Subcommittee hearing on the Clinton Foundation, where forensic accountants Larry Doyle and John Moynihan described – but chose not to present their evidence – of massive bribery schemes on the part of the Clinton Foundation, while testifying before the Committee’s Republican Chairman, Mark Meadows.
vid> https://youtu.be/K4C6CM09mos (16:31) Black Pilled 12/14/18
Obama Was Hand-Picked, Was NOT a Natural Born Citizen, Congress Knew It, and Tried to Protect Him
Let’s kick a dead horse. The debate is settled and the damage is done. But who thinks Obama was eligible to be president? Even President Donald Trump questioned Obama’s citizenship in 2014 by offering $50 Million to see his college records, but Obama never responded to his offer. Nothing has been done to this point. Let me show you today how Congress protected him from both sides of the aisle and guaranteed the debate would never go too far.
Trump: Obama Refused 50 Million Dollar Offer To See His College Records
vid> https://youtu.be/iDNzCoOR0pY (2:34) Newzvids 5/27/14
✡ ✡ ✡
Yavoh ~ He is coming !
Yahweh - Yeshua - Ruach Ha-Kodesh
Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה
Minute by minute updates here ...
Watching for Yeshua Ha-Mashiach
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Q - We Are The Plan
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRtEgdgj_XQ (9:10)
A Story About How America Was Almost Destroyed By Criminals
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iw1yuv1OY6U (10:26)
QhD - Doctorate of Quelosophy
https://qanon.app/ https://www.qproofs.com/
https://qmap.pub/players https://qmap.pub/
New World vs One World Order / Dystopian Future of Humanity
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3WfGc9_ssM (9:36) God's Flat Earth 12/16/18
w vid Trump visits Arlington Cemetery in the rain, viewing Christmas wreaths at grave sites
Redpilled News: Q strikes Terror at Poppy's funeral, Bush's Bolthole, Kelly leaving...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nixUx8DgSVs (16:38) RedPill78 12/8/18
Great visual breakdown of the moment Jeb crapped his pants at Poppy's funeral,
Exposing Bush's Bolthole on Steemit and the sun sets on Gen. Kelly's tenure.
Q drops -Trumps visit to Arlington ...
Bolthole (safe haven) Found? The planefags did it!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8S2HIpNZbw8 (10:05) RedPill78 12/16/18
Did the envelopes read, "Arlington Closed?" Quick video on an amazing Twitter
thread connecting dots and making sense of only things Autists could.
Arlington update, Flynn sentencing, Mueller scrambles, Comey Lies
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7r8nUj0QsqA (33:10) RedPill78 12/17/18
Comey pretends to testify, mueller kinda releases the 302, an update to the Arlington bolt-hole.
> https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/12/developing-comey-not-cooperating-in-second-closed-door-testimony/
> https://dailycaller.com/2018/12/17/comey-fbi-reputation-responsibility-trump-house-investigation/
> https://dailycaller.com/2018/12/17/michael-isikoff-steele-dossier/
More linx in vid description ...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGQNdxd63Bw (7:56) CONSERVATIVE NEWS 12/6/18
The first of over 60K sealed indictments has been unsealed and it shows us what they have been doing and why Hillary was so cold the Trump and GHWB's funeral. The hammer starts to fall and Hillary's crime machine is in the crosshairs.
Envelopes Delivered, Placeholders Created, Ready For The Plot Twist - Episode 1743b
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtZoVd-TkQQ (26:04) X22Report 12/17/18 http://x22report.com
All source links to the report can be found on the x22report.com site.
More Strangeness At GHWB State Funeral - “Candy” & Notes Passed, Biden & Mrs. Pence Get Notes, Odd!!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KuZIthtJghs (35:51) The Real Deal News Report 12/13/18
Update ...
Obama, Gore Get Strange Envelopes Too? - ALL Envelopes From Bush 41 State Funeral! Watch The Wives!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uVADx6STss (26:09) The Real Deal News Report 12/17/18
[12.16] Obama Gets An Envelope / Flynn / FBI Texts / Yellow Vests / Space Force / Big Pharma
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeFw8eqcLco (16:59) Destroying the Illusion 12/16/18
David Horowitz Freedom Center Restoration Weekend 2018 ...
Dan Bongino - Obama, Mueller and the Biggest Scam in American History
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aevtHHULag TJ Singh 11/22/18
by Vince Dhimmos
On the ruins of American autocracy, Russia will be able to leave beautiful graffiti, and, as practice shows, dismantling the old world order is a profitable business. At least the Americans were able to earn good money by dismantling the USSR. What goes around comes around.
Have you ordered your Putin calendar yet? Amazon has them:
From Russia with Love
♥†♥ ♥†♥ ♥†♥
Chrisitians in Illinois fight the Satanic Temple over statue of Satan
And so it begins. The "legal battle" for religious control of a nation whose motto is "In God, We Trust" has officially started. A war of faiths in which many God loving people feel this nation has gone to hell in a handbasket causing them to question "just which God do we Americans Trust?" In […]
vid> https://youtu.be/EjixMb-1F1g (1:55) 12/6/18
"I Know Where All The Bodies Are Buried": Clinton Foundation CFO Spills Beans To Investigators
The CFO of the Clinton Foundation, thinking he was "meeting an old professional acquaintance," admitted to investigators that the charity had widespread problems with governance, accounting and conflicts of interest, and that Bill Clinton has been commingling business and personal expenses for a long time, reports The Hill's John Solomon.
w vid 2 Chicago police officers killed in 'grim reminder of the dangers' of law enforcement
Two Chicago police officers were killed in the line of duty Monday when they were struck by a passenger train while investigating a report of gunfire near tracks on the city’s South Side, authorities said. They become the third and fourth police officers killed in the line of duty in Chicago in 2018. They were identified as Eduardo Marmolejo, 36, and Conrad Gary, 31.
Two IDF soldiers laid to rest, another two hospitalized in serious condition after attacks
The pair were shot by a Palestinian who drove up to a group of soldiers, exited his car and shot
them before driving off, abandoning the vehicle and then fleeing on foot.
IDF soldiers in serious condition from head wounds after second round of attacks
A Palestinian man infiltrated an IDF army post outside the town of Beit El in southern Samaria on Friday morning, bashing the head of an Israeli soldier with a rock and seriously injuring him before fleeing to a nearby Arab enclave. Reports say he was also stabbed at close range.
Two children dead
of heart seizure and dozens made ill from a super powered WIFI system put into a Canadian school system. The school’s attitude: “Safety Code 6” says it’s safe… When educational arrogance meets medical ignorance and public school bureaucratic viciousness.
Rodney Palmer - Safety Code 6 - Presentation to the Royal Society of Canada
vid> https://youtu.be/bsPBUuwCfaI (18:38) mmyes7 11/2/13
Armed Police Thwart Apparent School Shooting Attempt, Suspect Dead
Police responded to an apparent mass school shooting attempt in Richmond, Indiana,
on Thursday morning, engaging the 14-year-old gunman who then took his own life.
The Sandy Hook story does not add up
The strange, strange story of Sandy Hook looked at through rational eyes. The story, as told, is physically impossible. Joyce Riley, the producer of “Beyond Treason” a film about experimentation on US troops, interviews an expert in armed operations. There are so many problems with the official story. What happened? I don’t know, but the official story is total bullshit.
vid> https://youtu.be/wvT2yRYZYgA (1:40:19) News Today History Tomorrow 8/27/18
♥†♥ ♥†♥ ♥†♥
Sher Zieve reports ... Barack and Michael are, likely, laughing their heads off!
Miss Universe moves toward Drag Queen Contests
The theme of the 67th Miss Universe pageant was "Empowered Women". ?/men ...
Angela Ponce makes history as first transgender Miss Universe contestant
She/he said: “It gives me a lot of pride and personally I’m very proud to have made it here.”
w vid Biggest moments you missed at Miss Universe 2018: Who won, near falls and forgotten words
PCing 007 ...
Greg Gutfeld: james bond has alcohol problem - #GUTFELD is the New Q
vid> https://video.foxnews.com/v/5980024253001/ (6:47)
BABY, IT’S PC OUTSIDE - “affirmative consent” rules kill romance ...
In this holiday season, the leftists who constantly promote politically correct (PC) causes have been working overtime. Instead of just enjoying this special time of the year with their families and friends, liberal activists have been on a search and destroy mission, targeting American cultural classics.
viral redo> Baby, Just GO Outside
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJB9GP5gyAw (1:29) The Holderness Family 12/10/18
Baby it's cold outside ...
Joan Collins argues consent culture is 'out of control': 'The world's gone nuts'
For the record, Collins says the song is "sweet ... “It’s gentle, kind, funny, tuneful." As for the people pushing for it to be banned? "How dare they?" the screen siren declared, adding, "The world's gone nuts
vid> https://youtu.be/9BCxvyVpMVY (6:47) Good Morning Britain 12/17/18
Catholic Church: Jesuits name priests with 'established accusations' of child sex abuse
w vid This is how 9 sexual predators got hundreds of girls to trust them
Report: Ex-Fox Exec Claims MH370 Got Hijacked By Organ Harvesters
Sacked as VP of network’s standards and practices department for using work email
to organize fundraiser for families of those on board, she claims
Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for he hath visited and redeemed his people, And hath raised up an horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David; As he spake by the mouth of his holy prophets, which have been since the world began:
Luke 1:68-70 KJV
Obamascare Ruled Unconstitutional not Exactly !!!
Federal judge rules Affordable Care Act unconstitutional, but appeal will leave coverage intact for now
O’Connor agreed with a coalition of Republicans that it was unconstitutional to mandate that individuals buy health insurance or be taxed for not complying. He said last year’s tax cut bill knocked the constitutional foundation from under Obamacare by eliminating a penalty for not having coverage. But it raises the prospect of another lengthy court fight between Republican and Democratic state officials that could end up at the Supreme Court. The White House, in a statement, said O’Connor's decision "vindicates" Trump's position that Obamacare is unconstitutional but added that while the lawsuit is being appealed, "the law remains in place" and health coverage will continue.
Judge rules Obamacare unconstitutional, endangering coverage for 20 million
Federal Judge Rules Obamacare Unconstitutional, Trump Steps In for the Knockout Blow
Breaking: Obamacare ruled unconstitutional by Texas judge - here's what he said
w vid President Trump: Ruling against Obamacare offers another chance for repeal and replace
You Have To See Trump's Brutal Response To Federal Judge's Ruling On Obamacare
A federal judge in Texas has declared Obamacare to be unconstitutional -- and it didn't take long for a tweeted celebration to come from President Trump. U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor declared in a Friday evening decision that the end of the individual mandate meant that the rest of the... Read more…
Affordable Care Act's 'tortured' history catches up with it. Does it have a future?
VICTORY: Obamacare Contraceptive Mandate Finally Gone for First Liberty Clients
Settlement with Department of Justice marks the official end of litigation for Insight
for Living Ministries and CMA colleges and retirement communities
♥†♥ ♥†♥ ♥†♥
Bill Clinton’s debauchery and corruption.
What is missing? Russian collusion.
Pelosi and Schumer - pathological hatred on naked display.
Holiday Gift Guide. Gifts that keep giving.
♥†♥ ♥†♥ ♥†♥
Divine intervention ...
w vid Girl's inoperable brain tumor disappears, doctors can't explain it
At that point, all Gena and Scott Doss could do was pray for a miracle. “And we got it,”
Gena said. “Praise God we did,” Scott said. Now, they cry tears of joy.
w vid Gold coin donations in Salvation Army kettles spark speculation about donors
vid> 'Treasure trove' of 85 well-preserved dinosaur footprints discovered
w vid A million pension checks risk huge cuts without this fix
Those living in fear include workers and retirees connected to the Central States Pension Plan.
FDA says it's OK to eat romaine lettuce again – just not from these California counties
w pix Limited-edition $100,000 Lincoln Continental seeks to recapture vintage elegance
Lincoln announced Monday that its dealers will start taking orders on Dec. 17 for just 80 of the special Continentals, which will feature a sill plate numbered like artwork. The price will be listed at "north of $100,000," officials said.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWdKdp7BVlc (1:48:43) 11/1/18
Michael Caine, Demi Moore, Lambert Wilson - Director, Michael Radford
♥†♥ ♥†♥ ♥†♥
Christine Hummingbird reporting ...
Endtime News Update 12-18-2018
The news looks more and more like Bible prophecy almost every hour anymore. I pray you are all doing well and seeking Yahweh with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your might.
400 Former DOJ Officials Signed Letter Protesting AG Whitaker — NONE Protested Deep State Spying, Criminal Attacks on President Trump, The Deep State is a lifestyle.
In 2019 Bill Gates Will Spray Toxic Chemicals Into The Sky To Dim Our Sun
Thefreethoughtproject.com reports: Known as the Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment (SCoPEx), the experiment will spray calcium carbonate particles high above the earth to mimic the effects of volcanic ash blocking out the sun to produce a cooling effect.
“Evidence of Clear-Sky Daylight Whitening: Are we already conducting geoengineering?”
New EU President: Merging Europe & Africa Part Of ‘New World Order’ Plan
Pope Francis: Illegal Immigrants’ Rights Override National Security
Pope Francis urged political leaders on Monday to allow the rights of illegal immigrants to override concerns of national security.
Putin Threatens To Ban ‘Biased Google’ From Russia
President Vladimir Putin has threatened to ban ‘extremely biased‘ Google from operating in Russia. The far-left search engine giant has refused to abide by a new Russian law passed in September that outlaws websites that contain disturbing material, such as self-harm and child pornography.
The 'church' corrupt ...
They all ready have their reward in this life:( Matthew 6:2
Matthew 6:2 – Thus whenever you do charitable giving, do not blow a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in synagogues and on streets so that people will praise them. I tell you the truth, they have their reward.
Megachurch Pastor Defends Gifting Wife $200K Lamborghini
Pastor John Gray defended the purchase after critics questioned whether the clergyman used church funds to pay for the car and others raised eyebrows over the opulent gift from a man of the cloth. Gray, a former associate pastor at Joel Osteen’s 17,000-seat, Houston-based Lakewood Church, now leads the congregation at Relentless Church in Greenville, South Carolina. Osteen, resides in a reportedly $10.5 million mansion. vid> https://youtu.be/sodyRRM4s3g(23:06)
Provoking God’s Wrath – Sodom & Gomorrah in the Modern World.
Adults who wished to watch a half naked child dance in a bar could buy tickets on an Eventbright page. YouTuber Yosef Ozia of Ozia Media called attention to the disturbing performance in a video he posted Friday afternoon.
https://youtu.be/ZudcPQRngjA (5:20) RFB II 12/17/18
Did I Ever Tell You About The Demon That Manifest In My Meeting? Oh Boy!
https://hummingbird027.com/2018/12/19/did-i-ever-tell-you-about-the-demon-that-manifest-in-my-meeting-oh-boy/ vid> https://youtu.be/DPDwXyNowDU (43:12) Lance Wallnau 12/18/18
Robot to begin patrolling Los Angeles mall
One mall in Los Angeles is looking towards the future when it comes to security. A robot will soon begin regular patrols at The Bloc.
Berkeley scientists developing artificial intelligence tool to combat ‘hate speech’ on social media
The Online Hate Index (OHI)—to identify hate speech,” the Cal Alumni Association reports.
German parents can register babies as third gender, court rules
It would make Germany the first European country to allow parents to designate their intersex offspring as a third gender.
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Evil perverted islam ...
An 8-Year-Old Bride
by Majid Rafizadeh
You might believe that these things happen only rarely; that is not so. 8 year old Noushin is not an exception. According to official Iranian statistics, 180,000 child marriages take place there each year. In addition, in 2013 in Iran, a law was passed that allows men to marry their adopted daughters.
Learn About Islam - Sharia for Dummies
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DqFsSJycTw (14:45) God's Flat Earth 11/17/17
Allah Takes Orders From a Man / The Origin of the Hijab
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EDf9N2gGHk (10:31) God's Flat Earth 12/14/18
Pope Condemns Strasbourg Jihad Massacre – Never Mentions Islam As Root Cause
by Robert Spencer
Why do non-Muslim authorities even bother to issue these condemnations? Did anyone seriously think that Pope Francis was in favor of this massacre? These condemnations are just empty posturing and virtue-signaling. Meanwhile, Pope Francis studiously avoids any mention in his statement of the motivating ideology behind the attack.
When the most liberal country in Europe pulls the plug on Islam, the world is beginning to see the light.
Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands attended a concert in the capital, Amsterdam . The Guest Conductor, who just happens to be Muslim, proceeded to give the Queen a lecture on the "beauty" of Islam. The entire orchestra got up and walked out, refusing to be associated with someone lecturing their Queen. The staff of the music hall escorted the conductor off-stage, and after questioning, out of the building. Now that took courage. Good for the people of Holland .
Watch the walk out at the link below. Bet you didn't see this on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN or MSNBC.
vid> http://www.safeshare.tv/w/cqjiYhtiXs (2:11)
♥†♥ ♥†♥ ♥†♥
Thanks beloved Ben Davidson ...
Kira and Lulu Visit the Planets by Kat Davidson https://otf.selz.com
Tornado, Dust Mystery Solved, Original Cloud? | S0 News Dec.19.2018
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thadtdcM2K4 (6:01)
Malawi Fishing Town over Time: Lilongwe and Landsat Grew Up Together
Global Nov Climate Report: November 2018
Original Cloud? Fossil from the Big Bang Discovered
with W. M. Keck Observatory – W. M. Keck Observatory
Electric Dust Transport:
The mysterious long-range transport of giant mineral dust particles
Orphan Stream Flow: The course of the Orphan Stream in the
Northern Galactic Hemisphere traced with Gaia DR2
https://arxiv.org/pdf/1812.06066.pdf (14 page pdf)
Ginny Linn reports ...
The Great Global Warming Swindle - Full Documentary HD
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYhCQv5tNsQ (1:13:25) Wisdom Land 8/19/18
A statement from the makers of this film asserts that the scientific theory of anthropogenic global warming could very well be "the biggest scam of modern times." According to Martin Durkin the chief cause of climate change is not human activity but changes in radiation from the sun.
The Next End of the World | C.I.A. Classified
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvjJqIXYT1w (25:44) Suspicious0bservers 12/16/18
The C.I.A. classified a book on earth's catastrophe cycle and crust displacement in 1966. With the focus and publicity of the topic at the time, why classify THIS one, wait so long to release it, and so-heavily sanitize the document?
https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP79B00752A000300070001-8.pdf (57 page pdf)
Wal Thornhill: Velikovsky’s Astrophysics | EU2017
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gouqy4OghyY (57:07) ThunderboltsProject 11/7/18
In 1950 Immanuel Velikovsky threw down a gauntlet to astronomers in his sensational best-selling book, Worlds in Collision, where he proposed, on the basis of documentary evidence, that gravitation is an electromagnetic phenomenon.
(MIAC #156) Reasons for Strangeness We Are Seeing Across the Planet
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_xmMyV5nFQ (30:57) Adapt 2030 12/14/18
Verily, Judge O’Connor's decision "vindicates" Trump's position that Obamacare
is unconstitutional but added that while the lawsuit is being appealed,
"the law remains in place" and health coverage will continue.
And coming soon to your desktop, a "GO Fund Me" page for the wall ...
Maranatha !
Previously posted ...
Shabbat Shalom - Parasha Vayigash - God's Prophetic Plan and Seasons of Trials !!!
President Trump quote ...
"We will never surrender America's sovereignty to an unaccountable,
unelected global bureaucracy," "We reject the ideology of globalism."
Sign up for email updates here ...
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Here's your opportunity to wish the Trumps a Merry Christmas by signing the only Official First Family Christmas Card and leave a personal message. With President Trump in the White House, America is once again saying Merry Christmas.
w vid Americans' message to Washington on the looming shutdown: Don't
Greg Gutfeld....why don't we start a "GO Fund Me" page for the wall?
twitvid> https://twitter.com/
Dayna Rockage> https://twitter.com/
YOU are the one we need to pull this off. It would happen over night and ...
Suzanne Short reports ... God Bless our America
We must have the Border wall to protect our America and the American people and all of
our Legal immigrants who many have struggled and sacrificed to come to our great nation.
A New Trump Strategy for the Border Wall
It seems as if the Trump Administration has changed its stance on the border wall. The administration has signaled that it is willing to move forward without full border wall funding of $5 billion. White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told Fox News, “we have other ways that we can get to that $5 billion that we’ll work with Congress.” She explained, “At the end of the day, we don’t want to shut down the government. We want to shut down the border.”
Obviously, We Could Fund a Border Wall – Democrats, Be Honest
The fact – that no one wants to speak open is this: The $5 billion President Trump is asking for is less than one half of one percent of the total in this giant spending bill, less than two percent of total discretionary spending in these bills. Of course it could be done – and easily. That public safety money could be added, or cut from the existing fat. Instead we get politics. That is what no one will say, but there you have it – boldly said. Be honest: We could fund a border wall. Only politics is stopping us.
Ohio Heartbeat Bill
COLUMBUS, OH – The Ohio Senate passed The Human Heartbeat Protection Act, also known as the “Heartbeat Bill,” by a vote of 18 to 13 yesterday. HB 258 bans abortions on babies when a fetal heartbeat can be detected, usually within a few weeks of conception. Liberty Counsel has offered free legal defense once it is signed into law.
Judge rules Americans can secretly record public officials in victory for Project Veritas
The White House Christmas Party for the Press Will Have to be Held at Hillary’s House this year
President Donald Trump has made the press the latest “VICTIM” by cancelling their “decades-old” White House ‘holiday’ party. At least according to a Fox News “EXCLUSIVE”. Not only is the White House soiree for the press not really a ‘holiday’ party but a ‘Christmas’ party, in the non-Fake News world, the cancellation is a brand new twist on the Christmas Grinch, all because the Grinch may have swiped Christmas, but on behalf of the tired-of-media-carping public at large, President Trump has swiped it right back.
Hilarious, President Trump Cancels White House Christmas Party for Press Corps
CNN bashes Melania Trump, says she ‘continues to whine’ about being first lady
Trump blasts shuttering Weekly Standard, rips editor William Kristol
President Trump went on twitter to blast the Weekly Standard as ‘pathetic and dishonest’ after it announced that it will cease operations. He went on to slam the editor William Kristol as a “failed prognosticator.”
vid> https://video.foxnews.com/v/
Watchdog Group Names ‘Top Ethics Violators of 2018’ — BOTH Are Democrat Senators
And the “winners” are…(DRUM ROLL)…
According to a nonpartisan watchdog group, two Democratic senators were the “top ethics violators of 2018” because they solicited donations by trumpeting their antagonism to Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation during the hearings to confirm him. Those two senators were — drum roll — Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA).
The complaint stated:
Here It Comes: Nancy Pelosi Promises SWIFT Action on ‘Commonsense’ Gun Control
If you don’t know what this means you’re not paying attention. This is what happens
when Democrats win elections. Slowly but surely, rights begin to disappear.
Nutcase mayor ...
Pittsburgh mayor pushes for gun confiscation after synagogue attack in gun-free zone
In the wake of the Oct. 27 attack on the Tree of Life Synagogue, Pittsburgh Mayor William Peduto is pushing for gun confiscation along with bans on commonly-owned semiautomatic firearms and “high capacity” magazines.
Trump’s Sunday news feed: ‘Remember’, Cohen only became ‘Rat’ after FBI ‘BROKE INTO’ his office
President Donald Trump bypassed the Sunday talk shows with a tweetstorm on Dec. 16 which covered “collusion,” FBI tactics in the Russia investigation and the case of a U.S. military major charged with murder. The president as usual focused on details omitted by “Mainstream Media” non-stop assaults on him and his associates by reminding Americans of possible reasons his former attorney, “rat” Michael Cohen betrayed his trust. “Wow, 19,000 Texts between Lisa Page and her lover, Peter S of the FBI, in charge of the Russia Hoax, were just reported as being wiped clean and gone. Such a big story that will never be covered by the Fake News. Witch Hunt!”
Newt Gingrich calls for Robert Mueller to publicly release 70 hours of Cohen interviews
Commie colleges shred constitution ...
Report: 9 of 10 American colleges restrict First Amendment rights on campus
Most students at America’s top colleges and universities “surrender their free speech rights the moment they step onto campus,” according to a report by the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE).
Feinstein knows ...
FBI Counterintel: Chinese spying threatens U.S., ‘future of the world’
Beijing’s ability to get at foreign technology and finances through its ultra sophisticated spying network is becoming a major threat to the U.S. and other Western societies. E.W. Priestap, assistant director of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division told a Senate committee, Chinese spying threatens “not just the future of the United States, but the future of the world.”
Interior Sec. Ryan Zinke stepping down, President Trump says, amid ethics cloud
Is President Trump Planning to Declare Martial Law In California?
One of the more challenging tasks in this business is to separate the real from the phony. The second most challenging thing is to learn to connect the dots of certain events which tells an important story of what is coming, or is already underway.
> Cancelled Leaves and “Strange Training”
> A New Communication
> The Insurrection Act of 1807
> Law Professor, New California and Martial Law
> Predictive Programming
Paul Preston who is the head of the New California movement which will create a 51st state.
I am interviewing Paul Preston on Wednesday evening.
♥†♥ ♥†♥ ♥†♥
The Deep-State put him through the ringer and is subjecting this patriot to the tactics we Americans call despicable, dis-honorable, criminal and Un-American. Justice is Coming
w dox Redacted portions of FBI interview with Michael Flynn released ahead of sentencing
The document's release comes on the eve of Flynn's sentencing in District of Columbia federal court. Mueller's team has recommended that Flynn receive no jail time following "substantial" cooperation with prosecutors in the ongoing Russia investigation and in at least two other inquiries. Last week, Flynn's lawyers suggested that FBI agents did not properly advise the retired three-star Army general of the potential criminal consequences of lying to federal agents.
The Flynn frameup ...
Unthinkable! Deepstate BREAKS WIDER After DiGenova Released THIS!
Unthinkable! deepstate breaks wider after DiGenova released this! massive indictments already made. Former U.S. attorney Joe DiGenova weighs in: Michael Flynn's attorneys suggest he went into FBI meeting with a false sense of security. Obama FBI framed Michael Flynn to get Trump. Special counsel Robert Mueller slams Michael Flynn's assertion he was trapped into lying.
Deep state judge ...
“You sold your country out,” judge tells Michael Flynn before delaying his sentencing
President Trump’s first national security adviser will now have to wait several more months to find out whether he’s going to jail, following a judge’s decision in Tuesday’s fiery sentencing hearing.
“Arguably, you sold your country out,” U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan told Flynn from the bench.
Mueller Throws Pile of Crap at Michael Flynn; Media Sucks It Up and Amplifies It
The Special Counsel made his submission to Judge Emmett Sullivan at 3:00 p.m. Friday, about Michael Flynn. It is a typical Robert Mueller show, seeking to protect out of control agents and lawyers at the U.S. Department of Justice, who behaved criminally in this case, to justify his own criminal actions, and to feed the fake narrative that the President is, overall, in deep legal kimchee. Mueller’s minions do this by smearing, again, Michael Flynn, repeating the refrain: liar, liar, liar. Even Fox on Friday, in its anti-Trump Shephard Smith segment, was eating up Mueller’s cheap and poisonous spew. Clearly, the establishment is very, very freaked out that an actual Judge might end this national horror show.
Federal Judge Drops Major Bombshell in Political Prosecution of Michael Flynn
by Pamela Geller
When and how do we prosecute such a widespread, overarching conspiracy to treason? First, Comey should face a litany of felony charges. While Flynn’s sentencing memorandum methodically laid out the case for a low-level sentence of one-year probation, footnote 23 dropped a bomb, revealing that the agents’ 302 summary of his interview was dated August 22, 2017. As others have already noted, the August 22, 2017 date is a “striking detail” because that puts the 302 report “nearly seven months after the Flynn interview.” When added to facts already known, this revelation takes on a much greater significance.
Robert Mueller: No 'coercion' in Michael Flynn FBI interview; urges court to reject attempt to downplay crime
Judge Orders Secret Documents From Mueller
Judge Emmet Sullivan has ordered Robert Mueller to produce documents from the Michael Flynn interview.
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Sarah Sanders Unloads On ‘Shameless Fraud’ Comey Like Nobody Else Could,
& He Won’t Be Able to Recover
Comey’s playin’ checkers, Sarah’s playin’ chess.
Republicans should stand up to Comey and his tremendous corruption – from the fake Hillary Clinton investigation, to lying and leaking, to FISA abuse, and a list too long to name. The President did the country a service by firing him and exposing him for the shameless fraud he is
— Sarah Sanders (@PressSec) December 18, 2018
Disgraced Comey Goes Off — Slams Trump, Republicans, Fox News, & Americans (Watch)
There are no words…
Comey’s non-answers:
– Said “I don’t remember” 71 times.
– Said “I don’t know” 166 times.
– Said “I don’t recall” 8 times.
— Kyle Morris (@RealKyleMorris) December 8, 2018
twitvid> https://twitter.com/
Comey Back on Hill For New Round of Grilling
Former FBI chief dubbed amnesiac with incredible hubris
♥†♥ ♥†♥ ♥†♥
Conspiracy: New Docs Reveal Who’s Behind “Russiagate” Scandal
Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch has just released new documents from the Obama administration – and they’re explosive
CONFIRMED: British Spy Testifies That Hillary Paid Him to Help Challenge Trump Victory
Hey, MSM! Any interest in this MONSTER story?
Steele has now revealed that twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, along with the Democrat National Committee, paid him to help challenge the validity of the 2016 election if she lost. British ex-spy Christopher Steele, who wrote the Democrat-financed anti-Trump dossier, said in a court case that he was hired by a Democratic law firm in preparation for Hillary Clinton challenging the results of the 2016 presidential election. He said the law firm Perkins Coie wanted to be in a position to contest the results based on evidence he unearthed on the Trump campaign conspiring with Moscow on election interference.
Judicial Watch: Documents Reveal Obama State Department Urgently Provided
Classified ‘Russiagate’ Documents to Multiple Senators Immediately Ahead of Trump Inauguration
The documents reveal the Obama State Department urgently gathering classified Russia investigation information and disseminating it to members of Congress within hours of Donald Trump taking office.
Blame game claim ...
Bill did it: Under oath, Clinton had an explanation for her private email server
Hillary Clinton claimed she was generally clueless about the setup of the private email server she used during her tenure as secretary of state, saying in written answers under oath that she used it for the “purpose of convenience” and that anyway it was set up by “President Clinton’s office.”
When she tweeted these five words, Juanita Broaddrick sent a torpedo into Hillary Clinton’s campaign. The former nursing home administrator tweeted: “Bill Clinton raped me” Wednesday afternoon.
I was 35 years old when Bill Clinton, Ark. Attorney General raped me and Hillary tried to silence me. I am now 73….it never goes away. — Juanita Broaddrick (@atensnut) January 6, 2016
But what is sending seismic waves through the Clinton campaign were the words that followed:
“ … and Hillary tried to silence me.”
A Boomer Harvest
Just when you thought that the corruption of the US Department of Justice couldn’t get any worse… I want to thank Devon Stack at Black Pilled for covering the December 13th House Oversight Subcommittee hearing on the Clinton Foundation, where forensic accountants Larry Doyle and John Moynihan described – but chose not to present their evidence – of massive bribery schemes on the part of the Clinton Foundation, while testifying before the Committee’s Republican Chairman, Mark Meadows.
vid> https://youtu.be/K4C6CM09mos (16:31) Black Pilled 12/14/18
Obama Was Hand-Picked, Was NOT a Natural Born Citizen, Congress Knew It, and Tried to Protect Him
Let’s kick a dead horse. The debate is settled and the damage is done. But who thinks Obama was eligible to be president? Even President Donald Trump questioned Obama’s citizenship in 2014 by offering $50 Million to see his college records, but Obama never responded to his offer. Nothing has been done to this point. Let me show you today how Congress protected him from both sides of the aisle and guaranteed the debate would never go too far.
Trump: Obama Refused 50 Million Dollar Offer To See His College Records
vid> https://youtu.be/iDNzCoOR0pY (2:34) Newzvids 5/27/14
✡ ✡ ✡
Yavoh ~ He is coming !
Yahweh - Yeshua - Ruach Ha-Kodesh
Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה
Minute by minute updates here ...
Watching for Yeshua Ha-Mashiach
https://aim4truth.org/ https://intelnews.org/
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https://iomovies.to/ http://123tv.live/
Pray at the Kotel - the Western Wailing Wall
Entire Media News on this Planet
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Q - We Are The Plan
A Story About How America Was Almost Destroyed By Criminals
QhD - Doctorate of Quelosophy
https://qanon.app/ https://www.qproofs.com/
https://qmap.pub/players https://qmap.pub/
New World vs One World Order / Dystopian Future of Humanity
Redpilled News: Q strikes Terror at Poppy's funeral, Bush's Bolthole, Kelly leaving...
Great visual breakdown of the moment Jeb crapped his pants at Poppy's funeral,
Exposing Bush's Bolthole on Steemit and the sun sets on Gen. Kelly's tenure.
Q drops -Trumps visit to Arlington ...
Bolthole (safe haven) Found? The planefags did it!
Did the envelopes read, "Arlington Closed?" Quick video on an amazing Twitter
thread connecting dots and making sense of only things Autists could.
Arlington update, Flynn sentencing, Mueller scrambles, Comey Lies
Comey pretends to testify, mueller kinda releases the 302, an update to the Arlington bolt-hole.
> https://www.thegatewaypundit.
> https://dailycaller.com/2018/
> https://dailycaller.com/2018/
More linx in vid description ...
The first of over 60K sealed indictments has been unsealed and it shows us what they have been doing and why Hillary was so cold the Trump and GHWB's funeral. The hammer starts to fall and Hillary's crime machine is in the crosshairs.
Envelopes Delivered, Placeholders Created, Ready For The Plot Twist - Episode 1743b
All source links to the report can be found on the x22report.com site.
More Strangeness At GHWB State Funeral - “Candy” & Notes Passed, Biden & Mrs. Pence Get Notes, Odd!!
Update ...
Obama, Gore Get Strange Envelopes Too? - ALL Envelopes From Bush 41 State Funeral! Watch The Wives!
[12.16] Obama Gets An Envelope / Flynn / FBI Texts / Yellow Vests / Space Force / Big Pharma
David Horowitz Freedom Center Restoration Weekend 2018 ...
Dan Bongino - Obama, Mueller and the Biggest Scam in American History
by Vince Dhimmos
On the ruins of American autocracy, Russia will be able to leave beautiful graffiti, and, as practice shows, dismantling the old world order is a profitable business. At least the Americans were able to earn good money by dismantling the USSR. What goes around comes around.
Have you ordered your Putin calendar yet? Amazon has them:
From Russia with Love
♥†♥ ♥†♥ ♥†♥
And so it begins. The "legal battle" for religious control of a nation whose motto is "In God, We Trust" has officially started. A war of faiths in which many God loving people feel this nation has gone to hell in a handbasket causing them to question "just which God do we Americans Trust?" In […]
vid> https://youtu.be/EjixMb-1F1g (1:55) 12/6/18
"I Know Where All The Bodies Are Buried": Clinton Foundation CFO Spills Beans To Investigators
The CFO of the Clinton Foundation, thinking he was "meeting an old professional acquaintance," admitted to investigators that the charity had widespread problems with governance, accounting and conflicts of interest, and that Bill Clinton has been commingling business and personal expenses for a long time, reports The Hill's John Solomon.
w vid 2 Chicago police officers killed in 'grim reminder of the dangers' of law enforcement
Two Chicago police officers were killed in the line of duty Monday when they were struck by a passenger train while investigating a report of gunfire near tracks on the city’s South Side, authorities said. They become the third and fourth police officers killed in the line of duty in Chicago in 2018. They were identified as Eduardo Marmolejo, 36, and Conrad Gary, 31.
Two IDF soldiers laid to rest, another two hospitalized in serious condition after attacks
The pair were shot by a Palestinian who drove up to a group of soldiers, exited his car and shot
them before driving off, abandoning the vehicle and then fleeing on foot.
IDF soldiers in serious condition from head wounds after second round of attacks
A Palestinian man infiltrated an IDF army post outside the town of Beit El in southern Samaria on Friday morning, bashing the head of an Israeli soldier with a rock and seriously injuring him before fleeing to a nearby Arab enclave. Reports say he was also stabbed at close range.
Two children dead
of heart seizure and dozens made ill from a super powered WIFI system put into a Canadian school system. The school’s attitude: “Safety Code 6” says it’s safe… When educational arrogance meets medical ignorance and public school bureaucratic viciousness.
Rodney Palmer - Safety Code 6 - Presentation to the Royal Society of Canada
vid> https://youtu.be/bsPBUuwCfaI (18:38) mmyes7 11/2/13
Armed Police Thwart Apparent School Shooting Attempt, Suspect Dead
Police responded to an apparent mass school shooting attempt in Richmond, Indiana,
on Thursday morning, engaging the 14-year-old gunman who then took his own life.
The Sandy Hook story does not add up
The strange, strange story of Sandy Hook looked at through rational eyes. The story, as told, is physically impossible. Joyce Riley, the producer of “Beyond Treason” a film about experimentation on US troops, interviews an expert in armed operations. There are so many problems with the official story. What happened? I don’t know, but the official story is total bullshit.
vid> https://youtu.be/wvT2yRYZYgA (1:40:19) News Today History Tomorrow 8/27/18
♥†♥ ♥†♥ ♥†♥
Miss Universe moves toward Drag Queen Contests
The theme of the 67th Miss Universe pageant was "Empowered Women". ?/men ...
Angela Ponce makes history as first transgender Miss Universe contestant
She/he said: “It gives me a lot of pride and personally I’m very proud to have made it here.”
w vid Biggest moments you missed at Miss Universe 2018: Who won, near falls and forgotten words
Greg Gutfeld: james bond has alcohol problem - #GUTFELD is the New Q
vid> https://video.foxnews.com/v/
In this holiday season, the leftists who constantly promote politically correct (PC) causes have been working overtime. Instead of just enjoying this special time of the year with their families and friends, liberal activists have been on a search and destroy mission, targeting American cultural classics.
viral redo> Baby, Just GO Outside
Baby it's cold outside ...
Joan Collins argues consent culture is 'out of control': 'The world's gone nuts'
For the record, Collins says the song is "sweet ... “It’s gentle, kind, funny, tuneful." As for the people pushing for it to be banned? "How dare they?" the screen siren declared, adding, "The world's gone nuts
vid> https://youtu.be/9BCxvyVpMVY (6:47) Good Morning Britain 12/17/18
Catholic Church: Jesuits name priests with 'established accusations' of child sex abuse
w vid This is how 9 sexual predators got hundreds of girls to trust them
Report: Ex-Fox Exec Claims MH370 Got Hijacked By Organ Harvesters
Sacked as VP of network’s standards and practices department for using work email
to organize fundraiser for families of those on board, she claims
Luke 1:68-70 KJV
Obamascare Ruled Unconstitutional not Exactly !!!
O’Connor agreed with a coalition of Republicans that it was unconstitutional to mandate that individuals buy health insurance or be taxed for not complying. He said last year’s tax cut bill knocked the constitutional foundation from under Obamacare by eliminating a penalty for not having coverage. But it raises the prospect of another lengthy court fight between Republican and Democratic state officials that could end up at the Supreme Court. The White House, in a statement, said O’Connor's decision "vindicates" Trump's position that Obamacare is unconstitutional but added that while the lawsuit is being appealed, "the law remains in place" and health coverage will continue.
Judge rules Obamacare unconstitutional, endangering coverage for 20 million
Federal Judge Rules Obamacare Unconstitutional, Trump Steps In for the Knockout Blow
Breaking: Obamacare ruled unconstitutional by Texas judge - here's what he said
w vid President Trump: Ruling against Obamacare offers another chance for repeal and replace
You Have To See Trump's Brutal Response To Federal Judge's Ruling On Obamacare
A federal judge in Texas has declared Obamacare to be unconstitutional -- and it didn't take long for a tweeted celebration to come from President Trump. U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor declared in a Friday evening decision that the end of the individual mandate meant that the rest of the... Read more…
Affordable Care Act's 'tortured' history catches up with it. Does it have a future?
VICTORY: Obamacare Contraceptive Mandate Finally Gone for First Liberty Clients
Settlement with Department of Justice marks the official end of litigation for Insight
for Living Ministries and CMA colleges and retirement communities
♥†♥ ♥†♥ ♥†♥
What is missing? Russian collusion.
Pelosi and Schumer - pathological hatred on naked display.
Holiday Gift Guide. Gifts that keep giving.
♥†♥ ♥†♥ ♥†♥
Divine intervention ...
w vid Girl's inoperable brain tumor disappears, doctors can't explain it
At that point, all Gena and Scott Doss could do was pray for a miracle. “And we got it,”
Gena said. “Praise God we did,” Scott said. Now, they cry tears of joy.
w vid Gold coin donations in Salvation Army kettles spark speculation about donors
vid> 'Treasure trove' of 85 well-preserved dinosaur footprints discovered
w vid A million pension checks risk huge cuts without this fix
Those living in fear include workers and retirees connected to the Central States Pension Plan.
FDA says it's OK to eat romaine lettuce again – just not from these California counties
w pix Limited-edition $100,000 Lincoln Continental seeks to recapture vintage elegance
Lincoln announced Monday that its dealers will start taking orders on Dec. 17 for just 80 of the special Continentals, which will feature a sill plate numbered like artwork. The price will be listed at "north of $100,000," officials said.
Michael Caine, Demi Moore, Lambert Wilson - Director, Michael Radford
♥†♥ ♥†♥ ♥†♥
Christine Hummingbird reporting ...
Endtime News Update 12-18-2018
The news looks more and more like Bible prophecy almost every hour anymore. I pray you are all doing well and seeking Yahweh with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your might.
400 Former DOJ Officials Signed Letter Protesting AG Whitaker — NONE Protested Deep State Spying, Criminal Attacks on President Trump, The Deep State is a lifestyle.
In 2019 Bill Gates Will Spray Toxic Chemicals Into The Sky To Dim Our Sun
Thefreethoughtproject.com reports: Known as the Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment (SCoPEx), the experiment will spray calcium carbonate particles high above the earth to mimic the effects of volcanic ash blocking out the sun to produce a cooling effect.
“Evidence of Clear-Sky Daylight Whitening: Are we already conducting geoengineering?”
New EU President: Merging Europe & Africa Part Of ‘New World Order’ Plan
Pope Francis: Illegal Immigrants’ Rights Override National Security
Pope Francis urged political leaders on Monday to allow the rights of illegal immigrants to override concerns of national security.
Putin Threatens To Ban ‘Biased Google’ From Russia
President Vladimir Putin has threatened to ban ‘extremely biased‘ Google from operating in Russia. The far-left search engine giant has refused to abide by a new Russian law passed in September that outlaws websites that contain disturbing material, such as self-harm and child pornography.
The 'church' corrupt ...
They all ready have their reward in this life:( Matthew 6:2
Matthew 6:2 – Thus whenever you do charitable giving, do not blow a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in synagogues and on streets so that people will praise them. I tell you the truth, they have their reward.
Megachurch Pastor Defends Gifting Wife $200K Lamborghini
Pastor John Gray defended the purchase after critics questioned whether the clergyman used church funds to pay for the car and others raised eyebrows over the opulent gift from a man of the cloth. Gray, a former associate pastor at Joel Osteen’s 17,000-seat, Houston-based Lakewood Church, now leads the congregation at Relentless Church in Greenville, South Carolina. Osteen, resides in a reportedly $10.5 million mansion. vid> https://youtu.be/sodyRRM4s3g(23:06)
Provoking God’s Wrath – Sodom & Gomorrah in the Modern World.
Adults who wished to watch a half naked child dance in a bar could buy tickets on an Eventbright page. YouTuber Yosef Ozia of Ozia Media called attention to the disturbing performance in a video he posted Friday afternoon.
https://youtu.be/ZudcPQRngjA (5:20) RFB II 12/17/18
Did I Ever Tell You About The Demon That Manifest In My Meeting? Oh Boy!
Robot to begin patrolling Los Angeles mall
One mall in Los Angeles is looking towards the future when it comes to security. A robot will soon begin regular patrols at The Bloc.
Berkeley scientists developing artificial intelligence tool to combat ‘hate speech’ on social media
The Online Hate Index (OHI)—to identify hate speech,” the Cal Alumni Association reports.
German parents can register babies as third gender, court rules
It would make Germany the first European country to allow parents to designate their intersex offspring as a third gender.
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Evil perverted islam ...
An 8-Year-Old Bride
by Majid Rafizadeh
You might believe that these things happen only rarely; that is not so. 8 year old Noushin is not an exception. According to official Iranian statistics, 180,000 child marriages take place there each year. In addition, in 2013 in Iran, a law was passed that allows men to marry their adopted daughters.
Learn About Islam - Sharia for Dummies
Allah Takes Orders From a Man / The Origin of the Hijab
Pope Condemns Strasbourg Jihad Massacre – Never Mentions Islam As Root Cause
by Robert Spencer
Why do non-Muslim authorities even bother to issue these condemnations? Did anyone seriously think that Pope Francis was in favor of this massacre? These condemnations are just empty posturing and virtue-signaling. Meanwhile, Pope Francis studiously avoids any mention in his statement of the motivating ideology behind the attack.
When the most liberal country in Europe pulls the plug on Islam, the world is beginning to see the light.
Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands attended a concert in the capital, Amsterdam . The Guest Conductor, who just happens to be Muslim, proceeded to give the Queen a lecture on the "beauty" of Islam. The entire orchestra got up and walked out, refusing to be associated with someone lecturing their Queen. The staff of the music hall escorted the conductor off-stage, and after questioning, out of the building. Now that took courage. Good for the people of Holland .
Watch the walk out at the link below. Bet you didn't see this on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN or MSNBC.
vid> http://www.safeshare.tv/w/
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Thanks beloved Ben Davidson ...
Kira and Lulu Visit the Planets by Kat Davidson https://otf.selz.com
Tornado, Dust Mystery Solved, Original Cloud? | S0 News Dec.19.2018
Malawi Fishing Town over Time: Lilongwe and Landsat Grew Up Together
Global Nov Climate Report: November 2018
Original Cloud? Fossil from the Big Bang Discovered
with W. M. Keck Observatory – W. M. Keck Observatory
Electric Dust Transport:
The mysterious long-range transport of giant mineral dust particles
Orphan Stream Flow: The course of the Orphan Stream in the
Northern Galactic Hemisphere traced with Gaia DR2
Ginny Linn reports ...
The Great Global Warming Swindle - Full Documentary HD
A statement from the makers of this film asserts that the scientific theory of anthropogenic global warming could very well be "the biggest scam of modern times." According to Martin Durkin the chief cause of climate change is not human activity but changes in radiation from the sun.
The Next End of the World | C.I.A. Classified
The C.I.A. classified a book on earth's catastrophe cycle and crust displacement in 1966. With the focus and publicity of the topic at the time, why classify THIS one, wait so long to release it, and so-heavily sanitize the document?
Wal Thornhill: Velikovsky’s Astrophysics | EU2017
In 1950 Immanuel Velikovsky threw down a gauntlet to astronomers in his sensational best-selling book, Worlds in Collision, where he proposed, on the basis of documentary evidence, that gravitation is an electromagnetic phenomenon.
(MIAC #156) Reasons for Strangeness We Are Seeing Across the Planet
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