Monday, May 21, 2018


Submitted by: Kathy Hawkins

damn those coconuts

CGI's Patmac: Big Pharma Assassins, School Shootings And The Agenda To Take Your Guns

By Patrick J. McShay

Anytime someone dies in a school shooting it is senseless and tragic and I in no way want to diminish the pain of the survivors. The problem I have is there is clearly a Marxist agenda to take our guns that start with the UN and has spread to our own political elite. their agenda is to disarm everyone on the planet including Americans.

America has slowly turned into a police state and Big Brother simply can't effectively control us while we are armed. Youtube is now banning all firearm-related video's and banning firearms now appears to be a pillar of the Democratic party platform.

*More guns simply don't translate to more gun violence, the exact opposite is true.

Fact: Since Columbine, approximately 9 people per year have died in school shootings. Around 56 people die in total mass shootings per year, including gang-related shootings.

Fact: Approximately 100 people per year die from Bee Stings.

Fact: Approximately 150 people per year die from falling Coconuts

Fact: Approximately 20,000 per year die after slipping and falling

These deaths are all tragic, but why haven't George Soros and Michael Bloomberg not yet called for more safety measures to control the Bee menace. Why has no one called for all Palm trees to be cut down to stop the Coconut threat?

Approximately 1.3 million people die in automobile accidents per year and tens of millions more are injured. Why don't they force everyone to drive a 4 cylinder car and never allow anyone to drive over 30 mph? Wouldn't that reduce a lot of death and heartache? Of course, but we are supposed to be a free society living our lives with as little government interference as possible. Saving lives isn't really why they want your guns. They are gutting the Bill of Rights and they want your guns before you fifgure it out.

*Gun owners are a threat to our New World Order controllers and their dystopian and un-American agenda.

In 1993 there were roughly 258 million people living in the United States and today there are approximately 325 million, an increase in the population of 67 million people. In 1993 there were 185 million guns in the hands of the American people and by 2013 there were 347 million.

According to a Pew Research study in the years from 1993 to 2013, gun homicides decreased 49% and gun crime overall was down significantly. Today there are over 400 million guns in America and American Citizens use a gun over 2.5 million times every year to defend themselves from criminals. That's roughly 6,600 times a day.

The number of guns has more than doubled, the population is exploding, immigrant crime is soaring, yet gun crime is falling. The Marxists on the left and the controlled media that continue to call for gun control will never tell us the truth.

Nearly every one of these teenage shooters has been on a psychotropic drug and ABC reported that in 81% of the attacks the shooters were known to authorities who knew they were a threat and nothing was done. Author of "Behold A Pale Horse", former Naval Intelligence Officer Bill Cooper, wrote that the CIA had a secret program to brainwash young men with hypnosis and mind control to become mass shooters. Is that what we are now seeing?

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