Monday, April 2, 2018


New post on South Carolina Liberty

Soap Box – April 2, 2018

by admin
Daffy Soapbox
Four boxes keep us free:
the soap box,
the ballot box,
the jury box, and
the cartridge box.

Stuff from China at Home Depot

By Admin
Let's start this Soap Box with my rant about the fact that just about everything at Home Depot, Wal-Mart, Lowes, or just about any other store (big and small) is made in China. I have nothing against China. But every darn switch, tool, flashlight, wire, gizmo, appliance, part, or you name it is made in China.
The reason they're made in China is that American companies can't afford to make them here.
One of the reasons manufacturers can't make stuff here is the price they would have to charge to pay for all of the STUPID taxes and the STUPID regulations that the STUPID government piles on them compiled by the STUPID bureaucracies set up by the STUPID people we elect to Congress.
So a whole bunch of manufacturers have moved to a foreign country like China where labor is cheap, taxes are low, and regulations nonexistent.
Adding to that are the STUPID lawsuits. By all indications we are all presumed to be STUPID. Buy anything and look at the pamphlet after reading all of sticky taped warning labels. In order to find the instructions you need to use the product, you have to search through page after page of fine print safety and product warnings put there by a brilliant team of lawyers because some nincompoop without a lick of common sense did something really STUPID, hurt himself, found a lawyer and an idiot judge and a damned fool jury and sued the pants off of some company.
You just can't be expected to know that 1) you could fall off a ladder and 2) that if you do fall off that ladder you might get hurt. You can't be expected to exercise common sense or be responsible for your own safety.
I bet you didn't know that when you get into your car that you should first remove the windshield sun screen made in China from your windshield before you put the car in drive. This is a good practice even for sun screens made in Indonesia. Yet there is a helpful warning sticker on the sun screen to "Remove Before Driving" to keep you safe.
Stupidity has driven manufacturing out of the country. But things are slowly looking up.
President Trump has managed to lower taxes and eliminate some regulations. Now he is imposing tariffs (taxes) on some imports. Companies are moving back to the USA, business investment is booming, wages are rising, the economy is growing, foreign countries are running to the negotiating table to make trade deals and the Democrats are screaming foul.
While things are looking up, I will feel much better when I pick up a tool (not all tools) at Home Depot and see a tag that says made in the USA.

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