So much done and much more to do.
Hi my friends,
WOW, what a January. We had our State of the City; Jake won his first rodeo check for placing 1st riding in the flags contest, our United States Senator Dean Heller popped by our pasta dinner, attended lots of groundbreakings, rode Big Red in the Martin Luther King Jr. parade and last but certainly not least, I was invited to the White House.
"A Conversation with the Women in America"
It was an honor to be invited to The White House to represent our great city and women in politics as part of "Conversations with the Women of America." I was one of the panelists; our panel discussed "National Security and Public Safety." Our President, Donald Trump surprised all of us with an unannounced visit. What a remarkable President & Administration. Thank you Ward 6 for allowing me to represent you. I was so incredibly humbled to be invited to Washington, D.C. We even received chocolate White House swag with our President's signature.
State of the City

Martin Luther King Jr. Day Parade
It was honored to be able to ride on Big Red, the city's historic fire engine, spending time in the parade celebrating and honoring the great work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr was great. It was a beautiful experience to get to meet great people who are working so diligently to continue to build a better community for all our residents. I'm pictured with Dr. Lisa Morris Hibbler, the city's Director of Youth Development and Social Innovation. Her department had Safe-key kids participating in the parade as well. It was a lovely day all around.
Our city is growing rapidly. I attended the groundbreaking of the future Kyle Canyon interchange,the new Albertson's shopping center going in along Hualapai Way and the Clark County 215 East and for the new Centennial Hills Skilled Nursing Facility. This commercial center and this facility are a great step in bringing needed goods and services to the residents in this corner of the northwest. .
Pasta at my place 
Our Ward 6 office travels to Washington D.C. often to ask for help with BLM land that really should be designated to our great city. Without question, our federal delegation is always there to help us, take meetings and figure solutions out for Las Vegas. Thank you Senator Heller for popping by for some pasta last week and always exuding great hospitality to us in your D.C. office.
Ride Along with our Marshals
 I spent the day riding with one of our City Marshals exploring our homeless corridor, the tunnels under our city, park bathroom challenges and just experiencing a day in the life of our Las Vegas City Marshals office. Thank you.
We have so much going on in February so mark your calendars.
Join the Northwest Area Command of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department for "FirstTuesday." This month's topic is the “Second Chances." Captain Sasha Larkin and her team put together this great video about a new addition to the team at NWAC.
City Council meeting this Wednesday, February 7, 2018 Tune in on Channel 2
February 11th an author that I so enjoy is coming to Vegas. Charles Hall Join me to hear his incredible story of his personal experiences. I believe in people, and I trust in their incredible journeys.
Senior Ice Cream Social February 26th
In addition to our senior ice cream social, please join Special Guest the Vegas Voice Magazine to learn how the recent changes in Guardianship laws affect you. There will be people there to help you free of charge to file your forms declaring your official Guardian.
Centennial Hills Active Adult Center February 2018 CalendarOur Centennial Hills Active Adult Center has plenty of activities all month long for Ward 6 resident’s ages 50 and better. For more information about events or services at the center, call702-229-1702.
February 13th, 2018 Planning Commission meeting
Ward 6 "Mondays with Michele"
I'll be at Centennial Hills Community Center/YMCA from noon to 6 p.m. only on Feb. 26 for "Mondays with Michele." I look forward to seeing you all! No appointment needed. Feb. 12th collides with a Special City Council meeting. Call 702-229-5463 for more information.
My family
Jake took 1st place in flags & received his first rodeo check!!! Placed 3rd in his first derby truck race with his cub scouts wolf pack team.
Jayden loves ballet, beauty days and super shero training on horses.
Jemma, the baby, just wants to be held and kissed by her dog Dakota.
My four-year-old autistic twins Morrigan & Mara are learning their ABC’s, they love music and animals. These Grand-Princesses of mine are making steady developments. Morrigan & Mara have a crazy cat named Gomez, he follows the girls everywhere and gets frantic when they leave for school every morning. Gomez sleeps with them and sits on the bathtub ledge while they bath. This cat loves his girls.
My mom enjoys ghost haunting, and she’s having lots of fun conducting ghost investigations. My beautiful daughters Sheena & Savanah are raising their families, working and going to school. Sheena is getting her bachelors in Deaf studies, and Savanah is going into nursing. My son-in-law David and Kyle work their buns off to provide for their family, and I thank them for always taking care of their families. David is in the security industry, and Kyle works for AMR. Both my son-in-laws are first responders.
Big News in January
This story has weighed heavy on my heart, and if you know me, then you knew that. I always dare to doubt, my trust is with the people. And I dare you to doubt as well.
In the case of the Bundy’s; while a battle was won, the fight continues. Most folks only know what the media, I might remind you, “fake news” has reported about the Bunkerville incident. I was there for 12 days driving back & forth daily. The truth was never reported just a narrative by a specific criminal with authority, named Daniel P Love.
After all the years, trials, accusations, and media smear campaigns. It took awhile for me to process that the incidents that took place in Bunkerville in April 2014 are finally over at least for Cliven, Ryan, Ammon Bundy and Ryan Payne.
I wish to applaud Judge Navarro for confirming that when it comes to the pursuit of justice, the ends don't justify the means. That the due process safeguards in the Constitution are there for a reason; to guarantee that not only do we all get our day in court, that the day is a fair one. Something that is not possible when prosecutors withhold crucial evidence from the defense.
I now implore Judge Navarro to act once again in the interest of justice, by dismissing the remaining charges against the other defendant’s still awaiting trial and/or plead out under these egregious acts and misconduct of a United States prosecutor, Prosecutor Steven Myhre. It is clear in her ruling that prosecutorial misconduct severely compromises these cases. Merely put, "Enough is enough." This prosecution must end.
But the pursuit of Justice should not end there. It shall not stop until the Justice Dept. completes a thorough review and investigation of all parties to this matter from the US Attorney's office in Nevada, The Bureau of Land Management, (Daniel P Love) and any other officials who breached the trust placed in them by the citizens. Until these people are held accountable, I will join with patriots across the country in continuing to shine a spotlight on their unlawful actions.
As for the Bundy family, and all the men & women that stood up to an overreaching oppressive government & a murderous agency, I wish them Godspeed in being able to put their lives back together. I also pray for all of us to be blessed that our neighbors would take a stand for each of us if an oppressive rogue agent came after us.
COMING UP IN March & April
Ward 6 Shredding PartySaturday, March 3, 10 a.m. to noonFree and open to the public.Centennial Hills Community Center/ YMCA, East Parking Lot, 6601 N. Buffalo Drive.Bring your unwanted documents to shred. Limit 5 boxes or receptacles per vehicle. For more information, please call 702.229.5463.
Ward 6 Spring Celebration and Foster Connection
Saturday, April 7, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.Free and open to the public.Floyd Lamb Park, 9200 Tule Springs RoadJoin me at this family event for face painting, games, horseback rides, local entertainment, a farmers’ market, jump houses, a car show, and information about foster care and adoption.
I love you guys,
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