An overflowing plate of absolute truth ...
Verily, His truth is marching on as our eyes have seen
the glory of the coming of the Lord. He hath loosed the
fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword. We can read
His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps.
We have read His fiery gospel writ in rows of burnished
steel! Let the Hero, born of woman, crush the serpent
with his heel. He has sounded forth the trumpet that
shall never call retreat and He is sifting out the hearts
of men before His judgment seat. In the beauty of the
lilies Christ was born across the sea, with a glory in His
bosom that transfigures you and me. As He died to make
men holy, let us die to make men free!
Glory, Glory Hallelujah ... Our God is marching on ...
Maranath !
Chag Sameach as tonight begins Hoshana Rabbah (Great Salvation)
The eight-day festival of Sukkot is almost finished, and since it is a holiday of rejoicing, it closes with three final festive days: Hoshana Rabbah (Great Salvation), Shemini Atzeret (Eighth Day of Assembly), and Simchat Torah (Joy of the Torah). Hoshana Rabbah, the seventh day of Sukkot, begins tonight and, as is customary, many will stay up all night reading the entire book of Deuteronomy and the Book of Psalms. Immediately following the seven-day festival of Sukkot comes the festival of Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah (October 11-13, 2017) when we conclude — and begin anew — the annual Torah reading cycle. The holiday is marked with unbridled rejoicing, especially during the "hakafot" procession, as we march, sing and dance with the Torah scrolls.
Previously posted ...
Celebrating Yeshua's Birthday during The Feast of Tabernacles !!!
Battle Hymn of the Republic
Published on Nov 22, 2016 - The United States Army Field Band
The United States Army Field Band performs "Battle Hymn of the Republic". Lyrics by Julia Ward Howe;
Music by William Steffe; Setting by Peter J. Wilhousky and Arranged by James Neilson.
Led by First Lieutenant Alexandra Borza. Lyrics in vid description ...
Twitter and YouTube
Chief of Staff - General John Kelly
Communications Director - Hope Hicks
White House Press Secretary - Sarah Huckabee Sanders
White House Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month
On Friday, President Donald J. Trump hosted an event to commemorate Hispanic Heritage Month and Hispanic American leaders at the White House. More than 200 Hispanic business, community, and faith leaders from across the country gathered at the White House to hear remarks from President Trump, Secretary Alex Acosta of the Department of Labor, and Treasurer Jovita Carranza from the Department of Treasury.
President Trump discussed the histories, cultures, and many contributions of Hispanic-Americans to our Nation. “Our amazing Hispanic American communities embody our great American values of faith, and family, and security, and hard work, and freedom,” the President said. He also highlighted the contributions of more than a quarter of a million Hispanic Americans serving in the military, “We are all Americans and bound together by this country and this flag,” said the President. “Each of you represents a vital part of the fabric of this Nation.” [...] (20:53) - The White House
We Will Get Through This Together
Vice President Mike Pence traveled to Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands on Friday to survey storm damage and meet with members of the community affected by Hurricane Maria. The Vice President visited a local church-turned-relief center, reminding those gathered that they will have the support of the federal government throughout the recovery process. “We will get through this and we will get through this together for everyone,” he said. [...]
Second Lady’s art therapy outreach to Puerto Rican children.
Hurricane Relief and Recovery
Over the weekend, President Trump signed emergency declarations for Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, and Louisiana and ordered Federal assistance to supplement hurricane relief and response efforts in the wake of Hurricane Nate. These declarations will help expedite recovery measures such as debris removal. [...]
For more information, and to apply for assistance if you have been impacted by the storm and fires.
Visit FEMA's website.
This morning, the President received his daily intelligence briefing, followed by a meeting with Dr. Henry Kissinger. In the afternoon, the President had lunch with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Secretary of Defense James Mattis. Later, the President welcomed the Stanley Cup Champions: The Pittsburgh Penguins to the White House.
Vice President Pence and Second Lady Karen Pence are in California where they will participate in a briefing on Mojave Air and Space Port and then tour the Virgin Orbit/Virgin Galactic/The Spaceship Company hangar. After that, they will tour the Stratolaunch Systems carrier plane, and then depart for Washington, D.C.
Tomorrow, the President and First Lady will welcome the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau and Mrs. Gregoire Trudeau to the White House.
- Rich Lowry, New York Post
Rich Lowry in the New York Post writes on President Trump’s effort to roll back the Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan, which was imposed with “tendentious readings of the law and sweeping bureaucratic actions.” Lowry comments President Trump “has operated within constitutional lines better than his technocratic predecessor,” and the real problem with President Obama’s environmental plan is that it must not be instituted by "strained legal interpretations alone,” which it originally was, enough so that the Supreme Court blocked “its implementation pending all the lawsuits against it.” Furthermore, although President Obama’s Climate Action Plan was designed to have an impact on global warming, Lowry reports the most it would do is “reduce the global temperature by 15 one-thousands of a degree by 2100.” Lowry concludes that President Obama’s “impatience with Congress and his administrative imperiousness,” led to presumptuous polices, and “what he imposed unilaterally is subject to unilateral reversal.” [...]
On tax reform, the Observer’s Peter Ferrara writes President Trump’s tax reform plan is “a large, even historic, pro-growth tax rate cut based on the same model as the enormously successful Kennedy and Reagan tax cuts,” and it is “historical facts, not opinion,” that President Trump’s plan will also “grow federal revenue.” [...]
Regarding immigration, the editorial board of Investor’s Business Daily comments that President Trump’s 70-point immigration plan “leans heavily toward reinforcing the U.S. border against illegal crossings,” is “long overdue,” and the President is being “generous” for being open to legalizing the Dreamers while only asking Congress to “take the border seriously,” in return. [...]
In religious liberty news, The Hill’s Jonathan Easley remarks “Trump’s presidency has been a triumph for the religious right,” as in the past week, the social conservatives faced three major gains focused on pro-life and religious freedom. [...]
And The Associated Press reports on Ivanka Trump’s successful push to “get a family-focused tax credit included in the Republican tax overhaul proposal.” Ivanka has been busy meeting with lawmakers to gain support for the plan, stating the child tax credit will give families “the flexibility to make the best choices regarding their families’ care,” AP writes. [...]
♥†♥ ♥†♥ ♥†♥
Trump’s New 70-Point Immigration Plan Is Bad News For DACA, Sanctuary Cities And Violent Gang Members
"...restore the rule of law to our immigration system, prioritize America’s safety and security, and end the lawlessness."
by Jack Davis
President Donald Trump unveiled a vast overhaul of America’s immigration policies Sunday night. The package would require that in exchange for any legislation to allow children of illegal immigrants to remain in the United States, Congress must approve funding a wall along the southern border, approve curbs on federal grants to sanctuary cities and fix the leaky border to stop potential gang members from crossing into the U.S. Trump’s package of proposals would also give federal agents more ability to stop illegal immigrants at the border, detain them if they slip into the country and deport them faster. [...]
White House says Pence trip to Colts game was long planned, but leaving wasn't
w vid/pix Maureen Groppe - USA TODAY
"The trip by @VP Pence was long planned," Trump tweeted Monday.
"He is receiving great praise for leaving game after the players showed such disrespect for country!"
The trip by @VP Pence was long planned. He is receiving great praise for leaving game after the players showed such disrespect for country!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 9, 2017
NFL Player Launches Sick Attack on Pence for Walking Out on Football Game
by Cillian Zeal
When Vice President Mike Pence walked out of Sunday’s Colts-49ers game in Indianapolis on Sunday, he did so because he disagreed with the decision of several 49ers players to kneel for the national anthem. Well, according to one of Colin Kaepernick’s biggest supporters, disagreeing with anthem-kneelers constitutes “systemic oppression.” Yep, seriously. Check the URL bar. You’re not at The Onion. Eric Reid — a safety for the 49ers who was one of the first players to join former San Francisco quarterback Colin Kaepernick in kneeling for the national anthem last year — says he feels oppressed by a politician disagreeing with him. [...]
Trump threatens that only 'one thing' will work against North Korea
w pix by Tom Vanden Brook - USA TODAY
WASHINGTON — President Trump tweeted new storm warnings Saturday, this time aimed at North Korea. In a pair of late-afternoon tweets, Trump wrote that negotiations with the truculent, isolated nation had backfired, "makings (sic) fools of U.S. negotiators. Sorry, but only one thing will work!" He didn't make clear what that "one thing" is but has been hinting for several days that the time for diplomacy has passed, leaving a military strike as the most likely option. Trump tweeted Sunday that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was "wasting his time" negotiating with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. [...]
Oct. 6: Trump's tease: 'You'll find out' about 'the storm' that may be coming
Oct. 1: Tillerson wasting time negotiating with 'Little Rocket Man,' Trump says
Trump's Saturday tweet salvo aimed at Chuck Schumer, Obamacare
by Tom Vanden Brook - USA TODAY
Trump blasts Sen. Corker as 'negative voice'; Corker calls White House 'adult day care'
w vid by Gregory Korte - USA TODAY
President Trump tries to sell policy agenda with Twitter attacks on NFL, Congress, Dems, Corker
by David Jackson, USA TODAY
WASHINGTON – President Trump argued on Tuesday for changes in tax law, health care and immigration policy by lobbing
Twitter insults at the NFL, Congress, Democrats, and fellow Republican Bob Corker, among others. [...]
Kremlin Issues Stern Warning to Washington Over Its Help for Terrorists in Syria
by Gilbert Doctorow
The Russian threat is clear: they will use their air power to eliminate all forces standing in the way of their complete victory.
Mattis tells Army To "Be Ready" On North Korea Military Options
by Emily Tillett
Mattis' comments come after Mr. Trump met with a group of military leaders at the White House on Friday.
Trump Threats 'Risk World War III'; Republican Senator
by AFP
"It's a shame the White House has become an adult daycare centre. The senator tweeted.
New Rule: Residents In Nine States Will Need Passports For Domestic Flights in 2018
by Lea Lane
Nine states will no longer allow travelers to board an airplane with just their state issued driver's licenses.
In patriarchal North Korea, a new decision maker: Kim Jong Un's sister
w vids/pix by Kim Hjelmgaard - USA TODAY
Trump's new North Korea tweets may confuse Kim Jong Un — and his own administration as well
w pix by Jim Michaels - USA TODAY
Complete updating coverage ...
Kim Jong Un’s North Korea: Bringing the world to the brink
✡ ✡ ✡
Yavoh ~ He is coming !
Yahweh - Yeshua - Ruach Ha-Kodesh
Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה
Minute by minute updates here ...
Watching for Yeshua Ha-Mashiach
Pray at the Kotel - the Western Wailing Wall
Entire Media News on this Planet
click continue to use
Todah Rabah - beloved Ted Belman writing from Jerusalem, Israel for 16+ years ...
Ted Belman explains The Ultimate Alternate Solution
Ted Belman, editor and publisher of Israpundit - Oct. 9, 2017 (5:10)
Published on Oct 9, 2017 - ILTV ISRAEL DAILY
Ted Belman, editor and publisher of Israpundit speaking at ILTV studio about the upcoming
conference in Jerusalem that will focus on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The Coming Confrontation between Israel and Iran
Currently, ALL sites which designated by the Iranians as military sites are NOT subject to UN or any other inspection. Intelligence states that if the Iranians are not conducting nuclear development operations in those sites, it will be the first time in a generation that the Iranians are not doing so. Currently, Iranian scientists are working side-by-side with North Korean scientists on both the North Korean nuclear development program in the North Korean missile development program. The head of Iran’s largest international trading company assures me that when Iran wants nuclear warheads Iran will purchase them from North Korea and North Korea will be very willing to sell them to Iran.
The Coming Confrontation between Israel and Iran
Left unchecked, Iran will be able to place nuclear missiles in Syria
by Elliott Abrams, CFR
WATCH: Mass Aliyah To Har Habayit on Sukkot with Ari Abramowtiz & Jeremy Gimpel
As Ari & Jeremy have been banned temporarily from ascending to the Temple Mount,
watch as they rally hundreds of Olim and people from around the world to make an Aliyah Laregel.
Published on Oct 10, 2017 - thelandofisrael
Reporter Went Undercover with the Pro-Israel Lobby In Washington
by Aída Chávez, Ryan Grim
"We can soon reveal how the Israel lobby in America works through the eyes of an undercover reporter,"
Creepy Clowns are back but in Israel?
Published on Oct 6, 2017 - All Eyes on Earth
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Dora the Explorer going down the tubes ...
Columbus, your ship may have sailed: Indigenous Peoples Day picks up steam
w vids by Susan Miller - USA TODAY
vid Calls to replace Columbus Day gaining momentum
Calls to dump Columbus Day are getting louder as cities across the country replace it with “Indigenous People’s Day." Native Americans say it's necessary to atone for Christopher Columbus’ legacy but some Italian Americans are outraged by it. (Oct. 9) - AP
Columbus, the West, and the Myth of the Noble Savage
by Jack Kerwick
Well, it’s Christopher Columbus Day again. And this, of course, means that it is but another occasion for leftists everywhere to repudiate their own civilization. For a few decades now, the 15th century European explorer’s face has been held up as that of Western civilization, i.e. the face of all that is evil in the world. Columbus is the proverbial poster child for the White, Christian, Heterosexual Male, i.e. the contemporary left’s version of Public Enemy Number One. [...]
♥†♥ ♥†♥ ♥†♥
Moocho Man update ...
JUST IN: Michelle Obama’s Dark Past Revealed
by Adam Selene
An explosive expose released by The New York Times earlier this week details over three decades of sexual misconduct committed by a Democrat mega-donor, Harvey Weinstein. The Obama family, in particular, has a long history with Weinstein, who contributed almost $900,000 to Democrat candidates. Former First Lady Michelle Obama praised Harvey Weinstein in 2013, calling him a “good friend” and a “wonderful human being.” Malia Obama, the eldest Obama daughter, was hired as an intern for Harvey Weinstein earlier this year. The co-founder of Miramax denies most of the allegations, and is planning to sue The Times for publishing the allegations against him. Despite the extensive allegations of decades of sexual misconduct, many Democrats are refusing to cast judgment, and won’t denounce Weinstein’s behavior. The extensive report by The Times is based on a 2015 memo written by Lauren O’Connor which documents conversations with female Weinstein employees who have accused Weinstein of offering career growth in exchange for sexual favors. The Times followed up on the memo by interviewing numerous women who have known Weinstein across the last 30 years. [...]
Update: The Weinstein Company’s board has fired Harvey Weinstein after reports of sexual harassment
complaints against him. Find more coverage here.
Gary Franchi reports ...
Published on Oct 8, 2017 - The Next News Network
Democratic leader, Clinton family minion indicted in criminal conspiracy
While members of the Obama administration and the Hillary Clinton State Department and her presidential campaign have all managed to escape arrest and prosecution for corruption, not all of their Democratic Party associates appear immune to being indicted for serious criminal charges. On Friday, U.S. Justice Department prosecutors announced they unsealed an eight-count indictment that charges Democratic Party operative G. Steven Pigeon with serious corruption. [...]
Jason Aldean opens 'Saturday Night Live' with Tom Petty's 'I Won't Back Down'
w vid/pix by Erin Jensen - USA TODAY
Today’s weather forecast… chemtrails, cloudships, sylphs, and occasional blue skies!
Disc-Like Clouds Spins for Hours Above Hawaii – Same Place in the Sky!
A rare sky phenomenon was captured by the skycam that is positioned atop a volcano dome in Hawaii.
nevertheless the counsel of the Lord, that shall stand.
Proverbs 19:20-21 KJV
His Truth is Marching On - Glory Glory Hallelujah !!!
Here is the proof of truth ...
Mike Adams: Forensic acoustic proof of SECOND shooter in the Las Vegas massacre
by Alexandra Bruce
https://forbiddenknowledgetv. (29:09)
Published on Oct 9, 2017 - TheHealthRanger
Health Ranger demands FBI stop lying about Las Vegas shooting
Published on Oct 7, 2017 - TheHealthRanger
The FBI is clearly lying about the Las Vegas shooting, which is why Americans increasingly don't trust the FBI and increasingly believe the agency is involved in a massive criminal cover-up. As The Gateway Pundit is reporting, the FBI is now coaching Mandalay Bay employees to change their stories and lie about what they heard: Multiple guests in Stephen Paddock's room!
Acostic observation ...
Why Isn't MSM Talking About THIS Footage From Vegas?
Published on Oct 9, 2017 - HighImpactFlix
Because of the speed with which sound and light travel, I thought it would be better to sync the sound, not the light. I'm not an expert so I can only guess what the popping is. One thing's for sure though, something made that crowd on the RIGHT side panic BEFORE the rapid fire shots rang out, and BEFORE people in other parts of the crowd (including Aldean) were clued in to what was going on.
Missing links uncovered ...
BREAKING: Shooter’s Girlfriend Just BUSTED In Massive Coverup
– Look What She’s Been Hiding the WHOLEime
Published on Oct 6, 2017 - Top Stories Today
Published on Oct 7, 2017 - SGTreport
FBI in PANIC Mode, after Julian Assange Revealed the SHOCKING TRUTH
What Really Happened in Las Vegas
Published on Oct 9, 2017 - Breaking News Global 24/7
From vid description ... Aaron Rouse, the special agent in charge of the FBI’s Vegas investigation is likely the only one that knows the answers to the questions keeping many American up at night. He also doesn’t seem inclined to reveal them anytime soon. During his recent statement before the press, he seemed quite annoyed at some of the questions being asked and very reluctant to field any at all. It was almost as if he was ashamed. [...]
White House insider: Donald Trump is about to expose the truth behind Vegas
Published on Oct 8, 2017 - Lucid Dreamer
President planning to reveal major intel in coming live national public address.
White House Insider: Donald Trump is About to Expose the Truth Behind Las Vegas President
planning to reveal major conspiracy in coming live national public address
by Jay Greenberg
A White House whistleblower has revealed that Donald Trump is soon to make a live public address to the nation in which he is planning to expose the truth behind the recent Las Vegas Shooting attack. The WH insider has declared that the president has been planning to give a live press conference for the last few weeks in which he will reveal details of major conspiracies including 9/11 and Hollywood pedophilia. His plans have been halted though due to the recent devastation caused by the string of natural disasters that have struck the United States and surrounding nations. [...]
Wikileaks Julian Assange Just Revealed What Really Happened
In Las Vegas and It Is BAD For The FBI
Published on Oct 6, 2017 - BREAKING NEWS TODAY
Julian Assange is back on the scene, and we all know that he doesn’t post his subtle tweets without having some serious evidence to back it up. While speculation has run rampant on social media forums as to what actually happened in Las Vegas, we can now be assured that Assange knows something and fully intends on showing us exactly what that something may be. [...]
Excellent Update ... Panic in the face of death ...
The Bellagio: What Happened?
by Alexandra Bruce
René Downs is back with YouTuber, Tracy Beanz about the gunfire and the chaos that she witnessed at the entrance to the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas. René is not into political conspiracies. She believes that Las Vegas hotels and officials are not being honest about what happened last Sunday because it’s bad for the tourist trade. René says that she and her husband Dan had returned to the Bellagio after dinner at his parents’ house and they were seated at the Petrossian piano bar near the hotel entrance with plans to join up with her longtime friend who was at the country music festival. Suddenly, shots rang out and a tsunami of people – René calls it a “stampede” – came rushing in through the front doors. She says people weren’t running around barricades, they were running *through* them and *over* them. [...]
The Bellagio: What happened? (48:16)
Streamed live on Oct 6, 2017 - Tracy Beanz
I interview Rene Downs, who was in the lobby of the Bellagio hotel and recorded this video:
We get her story, and the testimony of what happened that evening ...
Jake Morphonios reports ...
Las Vegas Shooting - Absolute Proof of Shooter At Bellagio Hotel - Video of Hotel Lockdown
Published on Oct 5, 2017 - End Times News Report
We now have eye witness confirmation that a gunman attacked the Bellagio Hotel during the Las Vegas Shooting.
Glass was shot out and the hotel went on lock down. The witness complains on video that the news was lying and so was the sheriff.
Excellent - David Icke reports the true points ...
Las Vegas Report '2017 [MUST WATCH]
Published on Oct 7, 2017 - The Lion's Den
mysingalongsong comments ... High rollers in casinos don't carry their own luggage. Busboys would be
responsible for taking the luggage to his room. With this in mind, there is probably no footage of The shooter
carrying his own bags into the hotel.
Thanks beloved Joan Ols ...
Hotel Guest Next To Vegas Shooter Just Blew Investigation
WIDE OPEN With What He Said He Saw (5:36)
Published on Oct 4, 2017 - Breaking News Global 24/7
Note to #MSM: You Think You Diverted Our Attention From
the Ugly Truth of #LasVegasShooting — WRONG! (10:45)
Published on Oct 8, 2017 - Lionel Nation
You may think we've moved on. That we're tired of the horrible story.
Sorry. We've just gotten started. Have a nice day.
Why you shouldn’t believe anything the FBI says about Vegas shooting
by Jon Rappoport
No matter how the Vegas shooting investigation looks, the FBI is playing a large role. The forensics, in particular, would be checked by FBI techs and labs. Vital lab analysis of weapons and ammunition and bullet-angles and cartridges and residue. Weapons Paddock had or didn’t have. Ammunition he had or didn’t have. Modifications he made or didn’t make to those weapons. How many different kinds of bullets were found in victims? What weapons did those bullets come from? And depending on that evidence—were there multiple shooters, for example? Should you believe the FBI’s analyses? Are you kidding? The scurrilous reputation of the FBI in its handling of forensics is astonishing. Read on. Note: I’m saving the best for last: [...]
Vegas shooter: the “bump stock” revelation contradicts the official scenario—Oops
by Jon Rappoport
There are so many holes in the official story of the Vegas concert shooting, anyone who buys it should consider laying out cash for condos on the moon. File this one under: GUN ENTHUSIAST WITH LARGE KNOWLEDGE OF WEAPONS USES RIDICULOUS RIFLES THAT ARE NOTORIOUSLY INACCURATE. That’s called a contradiction. Oops.
The latest piece of fraud? The bump stock revelation. A bump stock is a legal device that turns a semi-auto weapon into a simulation of full auto: faster fire rate. Legislators are falling all over themselves to ban it. According to press outlets, the accused shooter, Stephen Paddock, brought not one, not two, not five, but 12 rifles to his hotel suite at the Mandalay that were outfitted with bump stocks. At the same time we’re told Paddock left a note in his suite that revealed he was calculating distance and gravity and other factors—he was carefully plotting out his upcoming shooting spree to obtain the highest degree of accuracy. There is one problem with that claim. Bump stocks aren’t accurate. And if Paddock had even superficial knowledge of weapons, he would know that. [...]
Vegas shooter brought more than ten suitcases into the hotel No problem
by Jon Rappoport
Even the Washington Post (10/2) expresses puzzlement: “Among the questions they [investigators] have: “…how he [Stephen Paddock] was able to bring it [a weapon] and many other weapons into a Vegas hotel suite undetected.” “[Las Vegas Sheriff] Lombardo said hotel staff had been in and out of the two-room suite, which Paddock had stayed in since Sept. 28, and spotted nothing ‘nefarious,’ though he had more than 10 suitcases.” I see. Ten suitcases. More than 10. How many? Fifteen? [...]
Incredible evil shown forth ...
How police zeroed in on the Las Vegas gunman
w vid/animated gifs by USA TODAY
As the 'story' changes ...
Vegas mass killer shot a security guard minutes before carnage began
w vid by Mike James - USA TODAY
Vegas cops change their story: Paddock shot security guard BEFORE mass shooting: huge new can of worms - LA Times: “Police said Paddock fired 200 rounds into the hallway” wounding a hotel security guard.
by Jon Rappoport
LA Times, October 9: “Police have dramatically changed their account of how the Las Vegas massacre began on Oct. 1, revealing Monday that the gunman shot a hotel security guard [in the leg through the closed door of his hotel room] six minutes before opening fire on a country music concert — raising new questions about why police weren’t able to pinpoint the gunman’s location sooner.” The previous police story was: Paddock shot security guard Campos after he finished firing on the concert crowd. The LA Times focuses on how this new information changes the timeline of events—in particular, the addition of minutes before police arrived at Paddock’s door. Really? That’s the takeaway? [...]
The reality of false flag attacks
The US vs Cuba example
Even at this late date, many people can't
imagine the US government planning
and carrying out false flag attacks on
US soil to achieve political aims.
Time to wake up on that one.
Operation Northwoods explained by James Bamford (2:57)
Published on Aug 14, 2012 - FreeWorld1776
10 Characteristics of False Flags (22:190
Published on Oct 7, 2017 - Truthstream Media
Las Vegas shooting
Las Vegas shooting: Car dealership offers free truck to veteran who rescued wounded
w vid/pix by Anne Ryman - The Arizona Republic
♥†♥ ♥†♥ ♥†♥
w vid/pix by John Bacon - USA TODAY
PIX - Puerto Rico and Caribbean islands struggle after Hurricane Maria
Not your imagination: This hurricane season has been much worse than usual
w vid/pix by Doyle Rice - USA TODAY
Streamed live on Aug 31, 2017 - AMTV
Nate is bringing some water to the Mississippi River ...
Mississippi River SO low some barges cannot move grain
More earthquakes ABOVE New Madrid Fault!
Published on Oct 9, 2017 - MrMBB333
October 9, 2017: More earthquakes at the New Madrid Fault as the Mississippi River water disappears, into thin air. Locals in disbelief!
w vids/pix by Trevor Hughes - USA TODAY
Wildfires are devastating California’s Napa and Sonoma wine country, with tens of thousands
of people forced to evacuate as flames devour buildings and grounds alike.
Welcome to the Hotel California ...
amazing vid Wildfires consume California hotels
Two adjacent hotels burned in Santa Rosa, California as wildfires swept through the community. - AP
Screams of 'terror as flames barreled down': Relentless California fires rage for third day
w vids/pix by Elizabeth Weise and John Bacon - USA TODAY
w vids/pix by Matthew Diebel - USA TODAY
The giant California wildfires that have consumed thousands of acres, destroyed hundreds of homes, and killed at least 10 people
are visible from space, their huge smoke plumes whipped out to sea by the same winds that are fueling the blazes. [...]
pix gallery - Massive wildfires leave destruction across California
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They Are Working Hard To Keep This Off Youtube HELL WILL BE UNLEASHED 2017 (1:28:13)
Published on Sep 7, 2017 - Urban Prepper1
I Just Got Off The Phone With Ex CIA, You Won't Believe What He Has To Say! (52:54)
Published on Sep 9, 2017 - Urban Prepper1
The Coming Break-Up Of America, Part 2
by Frosty Wooldridge
America supports 20 million illegal aliens that possess no allegiance to our country. A dozen cities feature more foreign-born immigrants than American citizens. Spanish-speaking radio stations own the airwaves in Los Angeles. Miami features Cuban stations. None carry any allegiance to America [...]
The Coming Break-Up Of America, Part 1
Communist ANTIFA Promotes Extreme Violence
by Kelleigh Nelson
And let me ask this one big question...if they are so bloody happy with their cause and so righteous, then why the hell are they hiding their faces? Take those damned handkerchiefs off your faces and let’s see who the hell you really are...a bunch of loser brainwashed fools who have been propagandized by the commie left and are destroying the very freedoms that allow you to do what you’re doing. Can you say violent idiots? [...]
The Hate-America Death Squad
by Joan Swirsky
From the Muslim Barbary Pirates who fought America’s first presidents (George Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson) to today’s equally bellicose, supremacist, and fascist groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa, all harbor the fantasy of destroying big bad America and replacing our Democratic Republic first with socialism and finally with communism. Predictably, they are fully supported by the leftists, progressives, communists, and Islamists among us [...]
♥†♥ ♥†♥ ♥†♥
Thanks beloved Ben Davidson ...
Kira and Lulu visit the Sun by Kat Davidson
Space Weather Health Alert, Earthquakes | S0 News Oct.10.2017
Mercury Geology: Geology of the Victoria quadrangle (H02), Mercury
Solar Sat Damage:
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators,
Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
Solar From Peru:
Quantifying solar flux and geomagnetic main field influence on the equatorial ionospheric
current system at the geomagnetic observatory Huancayo
Solar From RSA:
Extreme value analysis of induced geoelectric field in South Africa
Solar From New Zealand:
Modeling geo-electric fields and geomagnetically induced currents (GIC) around New Zealand
to explore GIC in the South Island's electrical transmission network
♥†♥ ♥†♥ ♥†♥
Same object near the sun ... plus the ufo highway 37th parallel ...
Is THIS Where An Alien Space Portal Exists? 10/7/17
Published on Oct 7, 2017 - secureteam10
UFO (TR3B?) follows chem tanker ...
WHAT Is Following This Plane? 10/9/17
Published on Oct 9, 2017 - secureteam10
Bob Lazar area S4 update ...
They Tried To ERASE This Man 10/9/17
Published on Oct 9, 2017 - secureteam10
Something BIG Happened On Mars 10/10/17
Published on Oct 10, 2017 - secureteam10
Mysterious unknown object Haunting Arizona Sky !
Best UFO Footage ever Caught on tape! 2017
Published on Sep 7, 2017 - INameless Network
Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, October 7, 2017 (52:45)
Published on Oct 7, 2017 - Dane Wigington
The Last Jedi ...
Mark Hamill: Carrie Fisher was meant to be 'more prominent' in 'Star Wars: Episode IX'
w vids/pix by Patrick Ryan - USA TODAY
Where are Millennials moving? The answer may surprise you
w vid by Bob Sullivan -
Older Millennials (aged 25 to 34) make up 13.6% of the US population but 30% of the current population of
existing-home buyers, according to Where they move matters to the real estate market. [...]
A real scarey windswept landing ...
WATCH: Video of harrowing Airbus A380 landing goes viral
w vid by Ben Mutzabaugh - USA TODAY
The landing of an Airbus A380 is always a sight to behold. But when the world’s largest passenger jet lands during a windstorm, it makes for must-see video. That was the scene captured by a planespotter in Dusseldorf, Germany, earlier this week, and it’s since gone viral since it was posted to YouTube. [...] (3:17)
Excellent ...
Newton's Suspicion about the Great Pyramid may shock you!
Published on Sep 13, 2017 - Charles Kos -
Isaac Newton seems to have believed in the lost Super-civilization. He believed in a pre-Diluvian advanced world, much more so than his own. He believed that the previous people had already worked out all the physical laws, and sought the dimensions of the Egyptian cubit in the circumference of the Great Pyramid. This would give him the circumference of the Earth which would give him the gravitational constant. [...]
Bible and biology nat geo ... that Y chromosome ...
Unraveling Adam and Eve (We All Have One Common Ancestor)
Published on May 22, 2017 - Ancient Revelation
Here is the back story ...
Published on May 16, 2017 - The WTF Files
(NEW 2017) This finally CONFIRMS all the CERN conspiracies!. The Gates of Hell are in this alpine nation we know as Switzerland. Where exactly, is a little unclear for certain, but Conspiracy theorists are torn between two locations, the new Gotthard tunnel and the CERN particle accelerator in Geneva. [...]
Yellowstone Blackout Something is not Right!
Published on Jul 26, 2017 - All Eyes on Earth
The fall of Atlantis ...
Rise of the Archons, Breaking Info, Emerald Tablets, Thoth, Hijacked History Unveiled
Published on Jan 20, 2017 - Leak Project -
Great presentation with Matt LaCroix , author of The Illusion of Us.
Earth is a big quarry. Do you wanna know the truth ?
Published on Sep 19, 2016 - MUST KNOW?
Nova reports ...
Antarctica's Secrets Beneath The Ice - Shocking Revelation
Published on Sep 12, 2017 - Madison Aggrey
What Happened At Fort Benning?
Eyewitness "Over 1300 Board Mysterious Alien Craft!" 2017 2017
Published on Jun 20, 2017 - thirdphaseofmoon - http://www.thirdphaseofmoon.
Published on Nov 10, 2014 - junglesurfertv
Here is the update ...
Published on Dec 31, 2016 - junglesurfertv
Richard C. Hoagland, Evidence of a Type II Civilization
in our Solar System, Millions of Years Old
Published on Feb 8, 2016 - Leak Project
Epic interview with Richard Hoagland discussing the many anomalies and structures found within our own Solar System, Millions of years old. Mr Hogland Explains how he feels the Story line of Star Wars is more Non Fiction than Fiction. With over a Dozen high resolution photographs from JPL, and NASA, Richard breaks down the possibility of Iapetus and Phobos being Spaceships designed to look like a planetoid or moon. Iapetus looks just like the Death Star in Star Wars and you will see the comparisons in this podcast. Mr Hoagland also explains how these ancient ships are from a Type II Civilization that colonized our Solar System Millions of years ago. Now there is evidence of Pluto having been colonized as well! Check out Richards work at and
Tara explains ...
What Happens When Earth’s Magnetic Poles Reverse?
Published on Oct 21, 2014 - Seeker
Thousands of years ago, Earth’s magnetic poles flipped.
What will happen the next time they reverse?
Excellent insider info update ...
Published on Sep 14, 2017 - American Freedom Radio - http://americanfreedomradio.
Dr. Steven Greer goes beyond where he has ever gone before in this comprehensive packed update and overview, including his three part “TO DO, now. He tells us about what’s really going on right now regarding UFO’s, and about what we can and need to get done locally, nationally, around the world and in the context higher universal being perspective and cosmic one consciousness, and why. This very special timely briefing introduces the complexity of this issue as it fits into today's environmental, economic, political, technical, social, cultural, spiritual and psychological states with his feasible new vision and a concise strategic new action plan for change. This presentation reaches beyond disclosure and into ideas for forming exciting clusters to produce pivotal producing actions, solutions, that lead us away from the current extinction process and into a beautiful realistic near-term future that can actually happen if these specific steps are taken…we can do this!
Dr. Steven Greer http://www.SiriusDisclosure.
Carol Rosin
Nob End Professor Brian Cox Thinks we Landed On Moon
because "Somebody TOLD you"
Published on Jul 30, 2015 - jeranism -
The great and powerful high priest of scientism, Brian Cox, better known as Cryin' Box, or Flowing Locks, or Lying Crock, is a Professor and thinks that he is smart but also thinks men have landed on the moon. That is insanity!
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