Friday, August 26, 2016


Submitted by: Conservative 2 Conservative

The truth about Clinton’s Alt-Right speech

by bunkerville
Just when and who started this Alt-Right thing? Any how, apparently Hillary thought she could capitalize on accusing anyone who had one positive thought about Trump, and didn't particularly care for the Clinton corruption, .... well let Paul Watson tell it. He put together an amazing video. Too bad Trump doesn't have a quick response team.
Yes, Hillary ACTUALLY said that Putin runs the Alt-Right.....
Hillary Clinton interrupted her coughing fits, her seizures and her 3 day naps to slam the Alt-Right.

Here's the video:
bunkerville | August 26, 2016URL:

Hillary Clinton Is About To Embarrass Herself On The Alt-Right

Not for the first time, Hillary Clinton is about to dive into a topic she doesn’t understand. In an attempt to frame Donald Trump as a dangerous extremist and panderer to racists, she is going to take on the alternative right.

The move is purely cynical of course. Breitbart is the only major news site that has illuminating coverage to the alt-right, exploring its effect on the 2016 election without simple-minded denunciation or endorsement. Following the appointment of our then-executive chairman Stephen K. Bannon as Trump’s campaign CEO, she wants to tie the Republican nominee to a movement that has been disingenuously smeared as nothing but white supremacists. Coming from a media and political class that regularly cheerleads for the appallingly racist, cop-killer cheering Black Lives Matter, the claim is rich.
She will make no attempt to understand the nuances of this complex and fascinating movement, and will resort to BuzzFeed-esque simplifications in place of serious analysis. Well, never mind — that’s what we’re here for.
We’ve covered the alt-right before. Indeed, our previous piece on the movement has become the primary source for leftist and establishment conservative writers who are horrified that anyone could give impartial coverage to it. For our troubles, we’ve been accused of “cheerleading” for the alt-right, and even being self-proclaimed members.
To the pearl-clutchers who occupy the mainstream press, anything less than fearful, blanket condemnation no doubt looks like cheerleading, but their perception doesn’t make it so.
We’re happy to admit that the alt-right harbours some white supremacist hangers-on. People like the virulently anti-semitic Andrew “Weev” Auernheimer, who in response to a request for comment called Breitbart “Jews” who want to smear what he described as “decent Nazis.”
But the fact that real white supremacists hated our commentary on the alt-right, and the fact that Breitbart is an unapologetically pro-Israel site with a diverse staff will no doubt be conveniently ignored by Hillary Clinton. I expect the fact that the bulk of our alt-right coverage comes from a gay Jew and a half-Pakistani (a fact that causes the alt-right’s racist faction to have fits of rage) will also escape their notice. But it won’t escape the notice of readers.
Another reason the media and the Democrats in particular are going after the alt-right is because it threatens a constituency they have historically taken advantage of: the youth. Many of the alt-right’s beliefs are not new.  Michael Savage has called for “Borders, Language, and Culture” for many years on conservative talk radio.  What is different is now young people are calling for it too, bringing all the energy, joie de vivre and creativity of youth to bear. That terrifies the Democrats.
The alt-right is very busy spreading the word to their fellow kids using the language of the Internet far better than anyone else in politics. The alt-right is re-energizing their parents, who are often times dispirited Tea Partiers, or proselytizing their democrat relatives who are recognizing a decade of presidential failure.
The reason why the media can’t stand Breitbart’s coverage of the alt-right is that we actually made an effort to understand the movement, instead of lapsing into the tired, knee-jerk assumptions that prop up the establishment worldview.
Allum Bokhari is a reporter for Breitbart.
by sundance
sundance | August 25, 2016 at 9:00 pm URL:
Poll credibility maintenance requires careful optics, and illusions of grandeur:
Optics and illusions of grandeur
Note the AFGE crew (mid-way) wearing T-shirts, and also the back rows of blue union t-shirts.

Then There is This:  Clinton Missing In Reno – Green Screen Why She’s Not On Cell Phone Screens?

August 26, 2016 by  

clinton reno not in cell phones
Hillary Clinton came to Reno on Thursday, at least she was scheduled to be in Reno. She was supposedly seen teasing reporters who thought she was possibly going to answer questions but instead offered them some chocolate and the backside of her pantsuit.
The building that she was scheduled to appear in is one that this writer is quite familiar with and in the initial portion of her appearance it all appears to match up well. It looks like a well-decorated, small student area that it is, capable of holding probably five hundred people or so if they’re standing. The capacity would be much less as configured, or as it appears to have been configured, with floor seating.
As the video shows, in the initial walk in Clinton’s bright green pantsuit is easily visible. As the first portion of the video indicates, when she’s leaving, the cell phone screens don’t have the big green blob visible anywhere. There are three phones that can be easily seen and none of them have even what appears to be the same background. They look like they’re filming an empty set. Are they somewhere else, actors filming holding up phones to appear to be genuine, and filming what is actually in front of them?
The producer of the video thinks it may have been a precautionary move to prevent the possibility of Clinton having another seizure and being forced out of the race due to her deteriorating health. There’s the possibility that she had a seizure somewhere along the way, couldn’t finish or for some other reason the end of the show was recreated elsewhere. It could be she couldn’t fill the room and wants to make it look like her support is stronger than it is.
Sure it sounds crazy, but the whole thing defies explanation and we are dealing with a woman who will stop at nothing to advance her career and her power as well as that of her fascist partners. Pretending to be somewhere she isn’t or that people actually like this plague on humanity is nothing for this woman whose made a career out of pretending she’s someone she’s not.
Take a look, maybe you can figure it out. Maybe there’s a perfectly logical explanation. Maybe the perfectly logical one involves typical Clinton dishonesty and trickery.
Laura J Alcorn
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