From: sherzieve.....
If any of the "establishment" candidates's Communist
State...From: "John Rolls"
From: Dave Hollenbeck
Donald Trump Fires Warning Shot Over The
Bow Of Entire GOP Establishment .....
In a post-Super Tuesday
victory speech that was relatively low-key, and struck a congratulatory tone of
unity with fellow Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz, current
GOP-frontrunner Donald Trump also said something that has yet to
receive the kind of attention it deserves and is a clear
example of why he enjoys such broad-based support that extends beyond mere party
and/or ideological affiliations.Mr. Trump called out the
GOP Establishment by name and warned that if he is given the honor of becoming
this country’s next President, there will be for the first time in a very long
time, real change coming to Washington D.C.
BJ3: Can’t you all just play nice and abide by the agreement of
following the leader/candidate? Besides, didn’t the republican party
destroy itself in the last two “elections” by not representing
the people who gave them control of Congress?
Elite Got Trumped On Super Tuesday
...CONTRIBUTOR: common
sense. Thanks Donald for giving the Independent Media a new
audience to spread this message to. We in the Independent Media, who are outside
the corrupt corporate control that has criminalized our Federal government, work
tirelessly everyday to bring the public the truth about how our American dream
has been stolen...http://beforeitsnews.
Frank P
Is a New GOP Being Born?
From: sherzieve
From: "doug walk"
primary voter
fraud [attempted]
In central Massachusetts my wife
& I are both election clerks & wardens at separate precincts and had at
least sixty eight election fraud attempts in two precincts during the
presidential primary.
All were
Potential voters would try to vote [always democrat] and either were not in the
voter list as registered or had an ["I"- inactive] which meant they had to see
us to solve the problem. When running their name & DOB, we either found
that they were NEVER registered to vote or were registered in another part of
the city or the state and were attempting to vote here
many illegal votes in only two precincts could easily throw an election if
Since there are
approximately 186,000 voting precincts in the US, that would mean 12,500,000
illegal votes in one election ????? (no
From: Frank P
Chris Christie to Prosecute Cruz and
Rubio Vote Fraud
From: Suzanne
Cruz and Rubio Eligibility Lawsuit Set for 11 AM, Friday March 4th in
BJ3: VERY much so indeed...and just as
many of you know we’ve been saying for some time. Any
From: Buzz Andee
Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2016 7:15
Subject: FW:
Ted Cruz's mother failed to file form
N-600 (request for certificate of citizenship) with the local consulate or US
Embassy in Canada upon the birth of Sen. Cruz.
This is a requirement to receive US Citizenship. Ted Cruz is a Canadian Citizen... the only official record
of citizenship supplied to Ted is his Canadian Birth Certificate... making him a
Canadian Citizen. His parents and he failed to take the necessary steps to
obtain his US Citizenship as found in the LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES at the time
of his birth.
Sen. Cruz is by all evidence an illegal alien... and not even qualified to be a US Senator. He is a Canadian Citizen. I would be interested to see if Sen. Cruz has a US Pass Port or a Canadian Pass Port... and if he has a US Pass Port, I would like to see what he provided as legal proof of US Citizenship, as required by law to receive a US Pass Port. (no link)
Sen. Cruz is by all evidence an illegal alien... and not even qualified to be a US Senator. He is a Canadian Citizen. I would be interested to see if Sen. Cruz has a US Pass Port or a Canadian Pass Port... and if he has a US Pass Port, I would like to see what he provided as legal proof of US Citizenship, as required by law to receive a US Pass Port. (no link)
And, furthermore.....
Fox News: Judge Napolitano Lies About Natural Born Citizen;
Cruz And Rubio Court Hearing On Eligibility
Follow-Up Letter About Article II Natural Born Citizen Requirement Sent To Broadcaster Mark Levin
Follow-Up Letter About Article II Natural Born Citizen Requirement Sent To Broadcaster Mark Levin
How freakin’
True. In cahoots is in cahoots. Period.
From: RCroyts.....Fwd: so true.....
“The Republican Rinos in
Washington can team up against Donald Trump in a matter of
days.........But can’t stop Barack Obama and LEFTY policies in SEVEN
years???” (no link)
Water Amnesty for Illegal Aliens in Flint,
From: The Sovereignty
Illegal Aliens Get Better Conditions Than
Border Patrol Officers
Security a farce and criminally underserved by Secretary Jeh
From: Jenny
School Forces ‘Gender Identity’ on
BJ3: You
decide.....From: Jenny
Dr. Manning:
Marco Rubio's Coke House,
Gayish Dance Troupe, And Foam
BJ3; Divide and Conquer......
From: Rob
Candidates Speak Only in Somali at Minnesota DFL
Caucus - The Gateway Pundit
Ah yes, “Climate Change” which we used to call “The Four
Climate change
profiteers have so far created a 53 billion market based on FEAR and
From: Sher
Remember, sadly, Ted Cruz' wife is a CFR member...From: John
The Council On Foreign Relations
Declares War On Donald Trump-His Days Are Numbered
From: INI World
Memo To The Elite: Forget About Assassinating Donald
From: "Neil Turner" Fox News Radio Interviews Dave Hodges On Scalia Murder, the Trump Mystery and More
Three major reasons why intelligent people talk to
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