Thursday, February 11, 2016


by Lee S Gliddon Jr

Jeb Bush is almost ranting about the U.S. establishing a 'NO FLY ZONE' in Syria.

Who is he kidding?

Russia has defensive missiles so powerful that it could blow anything out of the sky it wanted to!

Obama has thwarted the establishment of a 'NO FLY ZONE' by dilly-dallying around long enough to allow Putin to have Syria as his ally.

To put it bluntly Jeb is so foolish to even think he has a handle on what to do about any foreign issues!

Comment of a Conservative American:
Pastor Gliddon

Google JEB BUSH $328,000,000 Florida Retiree’s Trust Fund Money invested in ENRON and Lost

Google JEB BUSH $40,000,000 taken from Tire Disposal Trust Fund into General Revenue to make him look good.

I lost $25,000 invested in a tire grinding business that day.  Tire Grind came to a halt in Florida.

JEB only looks after JEB and POPPY BUSh, and Gw Jr.  Both POPPY BUSH and GW procured 100,00’s of thousands of hectacres in PARAGUAY in early 2000’s.  GOOGLE THAT>  Land sets on largest fresh water supply in the world – probably discovered by OIL Exploration of which BARRON BUSH was the CIA Plant.

And, if you want to look for the SNAZOO of the Ages, trace what happened to HOWARD HUGHES fortune.

The Federal Government stripped him of a lot when they went after his empire. 

He wound up with 50 million shares of GM (I believe), and that was assigned to the Head of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) which was a not for PROFIT ORG, and the shares were for profit shares.

OBAMA gave GM to CHINA and that closed the books.  GHW Bush used H Hughes seismic ships in early 1970’s as CIA to listen to BOMBS from NAVY Planes being dropped in the right zone off the South China Sea (China to Singapore).

13 Major Oil Fields found.  Nixon made a deal with HO CHI to close the war which HO CHI did, and then the OIL Field Locations were not given to him.  Vietnam has only found 3 of the 13 found by BUSh.

Then BUSH ratted (deepthroated Nixon for cutting him off).  Ford Pardoned Nixon, and Appointed BUSH AS CIA Head.  CIA Head then pushed RHODES SCHOLAR JIMMY CARTER to President, and JIMMY CARTER appointed his financial advisor to be head of HHMI.  OOPS, now BUSH has fingers into Howard’s money in stocks of GM.

Bush got another appointee into HHMI after the carter appointee, and Clinton got his man into HHMI.  Then OBAMA got one in.  OOPS.  GM is not chineese. 

Just how much money did they steal from HHMI Howard Hughes 50 Million shares.

Interesting isn’t it.


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