Raheel Raza has a riveting
presentation and presents these amazing figures (I took notes):
A survey in a selected group of
Muslim countries showed that 79-80% of those Muslims believe
that Muslims who give up their faith for another should be executed. 27%
of ALL Muslims agree.
So if we ship 100,000 Syrian
"refugees" to the US, then we will acquire 27,000 new
US residents who believe that Muslims who convert to Christianity should be
39% of Muslims (345 million) believe that honor killings
can be justified.
18-29% of US Muslims believe that suicide bombing can be
justified. In the US, that number is 26%. In France,
that number is 42%. Good luck with that, since France has the
highest percentage of Muslims in Europe.
About 53% of
Muslims want shariah law to be the law of the land wherever they happen to
live. Of these, 52% want offenders to have limbs amputated,
and 51% want unfaithful wives to be stoned!
After reading these figures, I would
have to say that Donald Trump is being awfully nice to Muslims when he says the
US should hold off on allowing Muslims to immigrate "until we can figure
out what the hell is going on."
Check out the web page:

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