Monday, July 13, 2015


From: sherzieve...
As predicted and written several years ago and I still believe it will morph quickly into Islam...
From: "John Rolls"...US Has Established a State Religion: What Now for Christians? | Christian News

From: Vincent Gioia...GOVERNMENT ARRESTING PEOPLE FOR ANTI-OBAMA FACEBOOK POSTS! - SCARY!!! We may all be arrested.....This article will make you angry. The US Government is actively seeking those who criticize government, specifically Barack Obama, and arresting them without charging them  /

From: savage...Trump wants to charge Mexico $100K for every illegal immigrant  (New York Post) Donald Trump took his act out west Saturday, drawing huge crowds ...

Trump's big mouth 'will save thousands of lives'

'Strong possibility' billionaire will 'bury' GOP, 'come out the winner'

Trump's big mouth 'will save thousands of lives'   'Strong possibility' billionaire will 'bury' GOP, 'come out the winner'  Read more at

From: Savage... Trump is a nationalist! (Daily Mail UK) Donald Trump has won over Republican voters with a pair of speeches to ...
From: Dave Hollenbeck                                                                                                                                             The Donald is Trump-ing the ’16 prez field

From: Dave Hollenbeck...                                                                                                                                             Trump Appeal Doug Giles | Jul 12, 2015
God The Donald’s in the Presidential mix for 2016. 
So, why doth I thank Christ Jesus for The Donald’s presence in this next election?

Sorry, Slate: 'Gag order'
was put on Christian bakers
Leftist website tries to spin Oregon's draconian court order Read more at
Silenced- Democrats Gunning For Birther Congressman Mike

From: sherzieve...
More apparent proof that the US military no longer works for us but, for Obama, his syndicate members and the rest of the Luciferian NWO.  Tragically and as predicted, we've just about come to the end of the country, folks...From: "Joan Swirsky"
Press Is Kept Away From Big Army Exercise in the Southwest...      
Feds want to track your every move on road    'Where does all this information go after they collect it?' Read more at 

From: sherzieve  
From: "Joan Swirsky"...
Education Secretary, Mr. Common Core, Has Kids Who Are Just Too Good for His Own Trash Public Schools- The Daily Caller -                                                                    
Obama’s Education Secretary Loves Common Core For Your Kids, BUT NOT HIS

From: sherzieve...
Stealing more and more land from us to give to himself and the NWO elites who never pay for anything.  We pay for the world's follies and greed, while we struggle as all is taken from us and our elected 'non-representatives' do nothing to stop the ObamaBeast and its minions--and, it appears, neither do we...
From: "John Rolls"...
Censoring judge makes stunning reversal...Had directed vocal critics to be arrested

San Fran Officials- We Have FREE Health Care for Illegal Aliens

Congressman: Let's dissolve Department of Education   'We now can look b
ack and see that this federal bureaucracy simply hasn't worked'   Read more at

A Sher Commentary...
From: sherzieve                                                                                                                 
Mayors of STL, Birmingham, Macon, Memphis, New Orleans and others...
...are beginning efforts to remove ALL monuments to the Confederacy.  The history of the US War between the States will soon be removed completely and rewritten.  Result?  The end of the conservative voting bloc in the South.  Other leftist "activists" are demanding the removal of statues of the US founding fathers.   This is a planned and concerted effort, lending additional credence to Obama false flag implementation of the shooting in the Charleston church.  With his indifferent stance, we have already seen that he supports the slaughter of Christians (and Jews) worldwide.
Health coach and author launches campaign to educate public about vaccine damage- learn how you can help

Top 6 scary warnings about vaccines and flu shots
Dangerous new vaccine legislation pushed by the United States federal government
From: Suzanne   From: Sally Baptiste 
Confederate History - Dispelling The Myths                                                                                                                                                                    
From: Jenny...Funny...
Nuts! Michigan police issue squirrel mug shot, hope to crack case after 28,000 pounds of walnuts stolen .

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