Supremes 'made Obamacare
From: Jenny...
Mayor Wants to Literally Dig Up Confederate General and Move Him
Lord Monckton- Congress Allowed Commie Obama, With A Forged
Birth Certificate, Remain In Office
BJ3: Thank you so much, NBC.
Your cutting ties with Trump will bring him MILLIONS of
NBC severs ties with
Trump over immigration comments ( He calls the network 'weak and
foolish" ...
From: sherzieve...
Obama could declare--and still
might--that he is Satan itself and still no one would do anything...but.
possibly applaud...From:
charlite58...Vallely appeared on FOX almost once a week for nearly 10 years
after 9/11. Since then, he has virtually dropped out of sight. Really a shame,
because he's a genuine, knowledgeable American patriot and an accomplished
military general. He's probably on the Obamanoid's hit
BJ3: Does that include The
From: Rob E
No white leader will dare stop Obama
From: Dave
From: America Conservative 2 Conservative
Will Obama Trade Agreement Finish Off
the Los Angeles Apparel Manufacturers-
From: Vincent Gioia...
By Robin
BJ3: Nor in the media...From: victorialadyliberty...
happened last week in House, Senate, & Supremes is Treason. These
corruptocrats sold their souls to the Devil & unfortunately their decisions
have been largely responsible for giving Obama (& the Globalists pulling the
strings) a rubber stamp for his entire destructive agenda of America.
There aren't but 3-4 REAL men left in U.S. Govt. willing to stand up for We, the
People. The people we thought we were sending to DC, to right the course
& stop Obama have done NOTHING but march in lockstep with the RINO
leadership who are Traitors to America. Every one of the clowns in House
& Senate who helped push this on through are traitors to the
McConnell $9
Million – Any Doubt Why TPA Passed? Reposted email from Patricia Evans
From: Jenny...Controversy surrounds plan to import foreign workers for tech project in Montana...http://www.
From: Jenny...Revealed: Feds predicted surge of illegals, see another 127,000 this year http://www.washingtonexaminer.
State Dept. kicks out reporter, threatens arrest
Citizens Sign Petition
to Ban American Flag
....and Replace It
With A Pyramid
To "Signify
The New World Order"- Video |
New World Order
Rob E...Black America vs.
From: Jenny...USA NOW SECOND LARGEST SPANISH-SPEAKING COUNTRY...US now has more Spanish speakers than Spain – only Mexico has more.
LA County Spends $11 Million in Tax Money to Open a Bike Sharing Business—When Private Firms Would Not http://capoliticalreview.us2.
From: sherzieve
From: "Dave Hollenbeck"
Sheriff deputy fired, blackmailed for
investigating animal cruelty
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