Friday, May 15, 2015

BEFORE IT'S NEWS 05/15/2015

Dramatic Clips: The Mystery Bright Spots On Ceres

Dramatic Clips: The Mystery Bright Spots On Ceres CONTRIBUTOR: Washington's Blog. NASA’s Dawn spacecraft flew by the dwarf planet Ceres. Located between Mars and Jupiter,  Ceres is the largest object in the asteroid belt. Dawn took some stunning pictures.  Then ZLD honed in on NASA’s footage to make some dramatic gifs: Scientists are still trying to figure out what’s causing the...


MUST SEE - The Truth about the Kennedy Assassination & Obama as Told by Gadaffi - 8 minutes

CONTRIBUTOR: truthlovingsoul. DOCSAFETUBE Uploaded on Mar 23, 2011 This is why the ZIONIST want Gadaffi dead A.S.A.P. the world needs to stop Zionism ..THE ADL , ZOA , AIPAC ...... Ameinu American Friends of Likud American Gathering/Federation of Jewish Holocaust Survivors America-Israel Friendship League American Israel Public Affairs Committee American Jewish Committee...


Sandy Hook: Wolfgang Goes for Jugular in FOIA Hearing!

Sandy Hook: Wolfgang Goes for Jugular in FOIA Hearing! CONTRIBUTOR: Glenn Canady. Glenn Canady (Friend me!) LIKE my other Facebook , Truth Warriors Page , Twitter , Tsu&nbsp... Watch the first video on www.project.nse... open a Doorway to God! Those who join Project Nsearch will discover ways to make extra income and get free ebooks on natural cures, free energy and spreading...


Silver Bullion Buying Outstripping Supply As JPMorgan ( $JPM) Buys

CONTRIBUTOR: GoldCore. Silver Bullion Buying Outstripping Supply As JPMorgan ( $JPM) Buys - Silver one of most undervalued assets in world today - Fundamentals for silver market very strong - Total demand for silver outweighed demand by almost 22% last year - Industrial demand set to surge as solar energy projects are...


The MEGA-DROUGHT Will Grip U.S.- Get Ready Now!

The MEGA-DROUGHT Will Grip U.S.- Get Ready Now! CONTRIBUTOR: C. Davis. Editor’s Note: North America’s last megadrought happened in medieval times, during the 12th century. The current drought, (worst in modern U.S. history), has ravaged the Western U.S. for years… but NASA scientists predict that based on what’s to come, the United States hasn’t seen anything yet. So far, this drought...


Scofield's (SCHOENFELD) Heretical System - Christians Deceived by Scofield Bible Changes

CONTRIBUTOR: truthlovingsoul. Pre-tribulation, rapture and more baloney added to the Bible to confuse and confound the masses. Beware this book, written for the goyim and used by such frauds as Hagee, Robertson, Dollar, Hinn and other useful Zionist idiots to lead you astray and take your money. John6forty-eight The Strong...


Are Precious Metals Breaking Out?

CONTRIBUTOR: The Daily Gold. There is some talk among traders about precious metals breaking out. Silver broke a trendline dating back to summer 2011 and will make its highest weekly close in more than three months. Gold will make its highest weekly close in three months and gold miners had a very strong week....


Alert! What’s Happening At Hoover Dam?! Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, And California Are In MAJOR Trouble! (VIDEO) (video)

Alert! What’s Happening At Hoover Dam?! Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, And California Are In MAJOR Trouble! (VIDEO) CONTRIBUTOR: The Sleuth ​Journal. Major news coming out of the West Coast as a drought continues to haunt the area and fears of Hoover Dam’s Lake Mead Drying up are becoming as real as California’s water rationing problem. For four years California has been faced with record-breaking drought conditions that have sparked law enforcement...


Use Vinegar To Kill Weeds Naturally And Give Monsanto's Roundup The Heave Ho

Use Vinegar To Kill Weeds Naturally And Give Monsanto's Roundup The Heave Ho CONTRIBUTOR: JB Bardot. There’s been lots written recently about the toxicity of Monsanto’s poster child product Roundup, exposing how harmful it is for the earth and how poisonous it is on exposure for both animals and humans. However, what is not common knowledge to most organic gardeners and back yard enthusiasts is how...


BEWARE September 2015! A GREAT DECEPTION is Brewing! I Know What is Going to Happen and it is NOT What You Think!

BEWARE September 2015! A GREAT DECEPTION is Brewing! I Know What is Going to Happen and it is NOT What You Think! CONTRIBUTOR: William Frederick, M. Div.. Jesus hologram Scripture clearly tells us that the apostasy—the Great Falling Away—must occur before the rapture and I think I know when it will start! The event is clearly listed in scripture as occurring just before the antichrist is revealed. 1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of...


CONTRIBUTOR: Jeffery Pritchett

CURATOR: Lisa Haven


CONTRIBUTOR: william tell



CONTRIBUTOR: Due Diligence

CURATOR: Lisa Haven


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