Monday, September 15, 2014

BEFORE IT'S NEWS 09/14/2014

Russia, Nuclear Weapons And World War III - Things Are Going To Get Real Bad, Real Quick! (video)

Russia, Nuclear Weapons And World War III - Things Are Going To Get Real Bad, Real Quick! CONTRIBUTOR: JayWill. Russia, Nuclear Weapons And World War III - Things Are Going To Get Real Bad, Real Quick! “When you are constantly moving forward, searching for the cutting edge, everyone behind you always believes you have gone too far. The further back from the cutting edge they are, the...


Want to Know the Real Truth About the "Blood Moons" and What's Really Going On....? (video)

Want to Know the Real Truth About the CONTRIBUTOR: Lisa Haven. Are there really signs in the Heavens as the Bible foretells? In the video below Mark Blitz and Sid Roth dive into this very topic and the link between the blood moons and the dates they have hit in histories past. These Blood Moons are not set to make...


The Secrets of 'Nibiru' - Planet X and the 5th Dimension (video)

CURATOR: John Ale. Niburi is not a sun. May be it is a planet or a solar system, with a sun, and planets and moons. In the below video Dan Flynn "Just how long will people argue about Nibiru's return? That 10th / 12th planet (depending on how you look at it)? For...


Barack Obama: ISIS And The History Of The Traitor In The White House, Sunni Muslim (Videos) (video)

Barack Obama: ISIS And The History Of The Traitor In The White House, Sunni Muslim (Videos) CONTRIBUTOR: Josey Wales. By Josey Wales Every one of the allegations appearing in the video below is documented in The Obama File -- all of them. Please consider all the videos I have included here for they complete this message. The purpose of the federal government is to promote...


"Final Turn Of Events Has Started" Intelligence Insider Warns On The Hagmann And Hagmann Report (video)

CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die. Intelligence insider "W" joins the Hagmann and Hagmann Report at the 17 minute 30 second mark of the video below to warn that the final turn of events has begun. With all Americans but a remaining few now aware that something is very wrong in the world that we are...


American Sheep Own Two Washing Machines (video)

CONTRIBUTOR: common sense. “Shortly, the public will be unable to reason or think for themselves. They’ll only be able to parrot the information they’ve been given on the previous night’s news”. Zbigniew Brzezinski As the title indicates, all American sheeple own two washing machines. One of them looks like this: The...


Media Watchdog: Obama Was Never Vetted; News Media Turned Away From Shocking Facts (video)

Media Watchdog: Obama Was Never Vetted; News Media Turned Away From Shocking Facts CONTRIBUTOR: Media Watchdog: News Media Turned Away From Shocking Facts; Blood On Unvetted Obama's HandsExcerpt via Cliff Kincaid @ Accuracy in Media: The Unvetted, the Compromised, and the BlackmailedThe administration that failed to adequately “vet” Edward Snowden is saying that it has “vetted” rebels in Syria for U.S. support. “We have...


Thirty Countries Gather to Formulate a Response to Islamic State | United in Outrage: Arab Nations Offer to Fight Against ISIS | Fighting ISIS: Former CIA Deputy Director on call to Send U.S. Troops to Iraq, Syria (Videos X 4) (video)

Thirty Countries Gather to Formulate a Response to Islamic State  |  United in Outrage: Arab Nations Offer to Fight Against ISIS  |  Fighting ISIS: Former CIA Deputy Director on call to Send U.S. Troops to Iraq, Syria (Videos X 4) CONTRIBUTOR: Due Diligence. Sept 15 2014 Many are rallying to fight the satanically inspired and infilled ISIS. Can they be stopped? Are you prepared, protected? United in outrage: Arab nations offer to fight against ISIS Fighting ISIS: Former CIA...


Otherworldly Appearance Stuns Witnesses and Experts–Mysterious Phenomenon Seen by Thousands–Government Cam Malfunctions Just In Time To Miss It! (Videos and Photos) (video)

Otherworldly Appearance Stuns Witnesses and Experts–Mysterious Phenomenon Seen by Thousands–Government Cam Malfunctions Just In Time To Miss It! (Videos and Photos) CONTRIBUTOR: Lyn Leahz. Missile test launch? U.S. Airforce states that there wasn't A missile test launch that day in that area. Space junk? Nobody really knows. However, one thing is for certain---this past Friday at about 6 a.m., people across the San Francisco Bay area witnessed witnessed a strange light in the sky...


Exclusive: 9/11 Survivor Releases Never Before Seen Photos From 9/11 (Video) (video)

Exclusive: 9/11 Survivor Releases Never Before Seen Photos From 9/11  (Video) CONTRIBUTOR: N. Morgan. (N.Morgan) In my previous article about the 9/11 survivor Ricki,( Stunning New 9/11 Survivor Provides Explosive New Evidence (Video) who said he had photos of that fateful day. The photos have now been released. Ricki has entrusted WeAreChange with those photos and told us to publish them. WeAreChange...

CONTRIBUTOR: Jeffery Pritchett

CONTRIBUTOR: Judy Byington

CONTRIBUTOR: Paranormal Stories

CONTRIBUTOR: Royce Christyn





CONTRIBUTOR: Jeffery Pritchett

CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die


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