Sunday, July 13, 2014


Submitted by: Donald Hank


Is Your Church Part Of The New World Order?

As this Sunday comes and goes, I will not be attending church. With a scant few exceptions the church has been invaded in the same manner that our Constitution has been obliterated.
“Instantly, Bible believing Christians should smell a rat. Since when, in the modern era, has the federal government ever sponsored organized religion? The answer is not since well before the advent of the atheist activist, Madalyn Murray O’Hair, who was successful in banning prayer in the public schools in 1963. Then why would the government suddenly fund and support a “faith-based organization” on a national scale?  The simple answer is that Homeland Security is seeking to control our churches and ministers, before the impending train wreck comes to fruition inside of America. DHS desperately is seeking to control all Christians through the perversion of Romans 13 and this is one of two cornerstones in this movement designed to control Christian leaders. And this government foothold into the control of our churches begins with accepting the 501-C-3 tax exempt status which gives the government license to control the message and to ultimately pervert the word of God.
“According to the Internal Revenue Service, no substantial part of a religious, tax exempt church may engage in any activity which may be attempting to influence legislation and the church may not intervene in political campaigns. In other words, if the government decides to secretly disappear dissidents, the church must remain silent or risk losing its tax exemption. If the government continues to expand its infanticide policies by extending the murder of babies to include post-delivery abortion, then the church must remain silent. If the government engages in any heinous, genocidal act, such as the murder of 1.2 million Iraqi’s, under the false pretense of looking for weapons of mass destruction, the church must remain silent or risk losing the tax advantages for being a 501 (c)(3) tax exempt organization.
“Combine the 501 (c)(3) financial motivation with the DHS inspired NOVAD directive for clergy to remind their flocks of their Christian duty to obey their government under any and all conditions, we are witnessing the neutering of our most precious institution and the ultimate salvation of millions could hang in the balance.
“Who do you think is behind the immigration crisis? The United Nations, that is who. Who is behind the United Nations? The New World Order. Who does your church support?
“With each passing crisis, that this administration refuses “to let go to waste”, our people increasingly are looking for leadership in all the wrong places.  If your pastor is a member of these federal organizations, run from that church. If  your church is a tax exempt church which worships money over God, don’t let the door in your church sanctuary hit you on the backside as you run from your soon-to-be former church.
“Form prayer and home study bible groups, do not let a perverted phrase from the bible be used to subjugate you.”
Albert, www

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