Friday, June 20, 2014


Submitted by: Donald Hank

Mexican Army Troops INVADING Arizona, Shooting at U.S. Citizens
An ongoing situation that has been made exponentially worse by Obama's Open Border policy.  Obama is ending US sovereignty over while Congress and others do nothing to stop this mad man with but, one mission--to destroy the USA and its people!
Donald Hank comments:
Folks, it is NOT an invasion from Mexico. The entire US has been invaded by foreign agents, many born in the US but they have allegiance to supranationals such as the CFR, Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission, to name the main ones. Liberal Prof. Caroll Quigley of Georgetown U said a long time ago that the CFR's aim is to obliterate all borders. This is why the senator mentioned in the video in the article linked below has done nothing to help. He will not because he cannot. The entire Senate is part of the conspiracy against the American people and their plans are moving forward with lightning speed.
That is treason, and until the REAL America wakes up to this we will continue to give up all of our sovereignty to these foreign agents, who, if their actions were fully understood, would be in prison, every one of them.
So stop thinking of this as a Mexican invasion. It is an invasion from Washington.
Don Hank

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