Friday, June 20, 2014


by Lee S Gliddon Jr

If you had the desire to destroy the morality of a n entire nation how would you set about accomplishing that task?

First I'd destroy any and all trust in the government of that nation. To accomplish that I'd surround myself with men and women that shared the same goal as I had. I'd grant them salaries that would allow them to afford any needs they might have and once that was determined, their monetary needs, I'd double that to ensure loyalty.

As a natural course of events I'd pay, or say, what ever was required to gain control of the media. Any media that refused to do it the way I wanted would be smeared by those media powers in my control. I'd have my minions keep telling the people controlled by governmental hand-outs that those media 'bucking me' were not to be trusted. 

Next I would have my minions conduct research so as to learn which elected officials were able to be bought. Bought with either money or with perceived power. Once that was determined I'd meet with each, buy them. and let them know I own them.

Then, with appointees as my tools I'd set about initiating the destruction.

Tear down the health care and gain complete control of what's left.

Start spending and gaining control of the lucre of the entire nation. I'd make sure that the promises I made were impossible to be fulfilled even as I knew that, by direction, my minions would lie and tell everyone that the money spent was well spent.

As I spent the money of the nation I was actively demoralizing Id ensure enough leaks of waste were made known and order my minions to lie and cover -up all wasteful spending.

I'd have my minions communicate with known criminal organizations world-wide and quietly make deals with them that resulted in their feeling more secure. Those closest to the nation I controlled I'd arm. Not only would I arm them, but I'd listen to their ideas of infiltration and act on them as if those ideas were theirs when in truth they were mine.

If any were to claim the borders of my nation were being breached I'd lie as I had my minions repeat those lies often enough to make them taken as truth.

Any conflicts that involved my nation would be summarily ended. The more of a loss it appeared to the world, the better.

I'd make sure to destroy that morale of the existing military that refused to obey my every wish. I'd ensure that I gained the hearts and minds of the most immoral men and women I could find and have my minions and owned elected officials place them in positions of power. As this was happening I'd construct my own army, Praetorian Guard, to be armed and trained to control those that I perceived as uncontrollable.

I'd use any governmental department of my choosing to utterly destroy all economic standings of my nation. The monetary controllers would act against any I directed them to act negatively toward and any tied to businesses I'd ensure any regulation necessary to stop profitability was in place  to accomplish my desired goals.

As all of these actions were being taken I'd have my minions  spy on the people and learn of those who could be trusted as well as those to be dealt with in special ways.

Should any citizens of the nation be arrested abroad I'd purposely ignore all attempts to free them. To act as the tyrant I'd become would be a sign of weakness.

What you are reading is happening this very day!

Obama's appointed Czars- Senators-Congress people

Appointees- DOJ, SCOTUS, EPA, IRS

MSM (Mainstream Media) FOX Smearing

Fast and Furious


Stimulus - SOLYNDRA

Border - Illegal Aliens

Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Ukraine

Don't ask Don't tell destruction 



Andrew Sottahmooressi. Miriam Ibrahim, Afghanistan Doctor, Iran Pastor


We are allowing Barrack H Obama to accomplish he goal! 

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