Saturday, June 7, 2014

Is Obama a Muslim or at least a Muslim sympathizer?

Submitted by: Donald Hank

People insist this is not possible - that you can't be a Marxist and a Muslim at the same time. And they point out that he panders to homosexuals. But there are plenty of Muslims who are actually homosexuals, even though they claim to eschew the practice, so that is a moot point.
More to the point, there is abundant evidence that Obama is a Muslim sympathizer but hates Christianity, for example, cancelling the National Day of Prayer but worshiping publicly in a mosque.
In the following composite video, Obama is bending over backwards to praise Islam, making absurd claims, such as Muslims involved in our civil rights movement. There were none. Muslim American war heroes--there were in fact none; Muslim Americans among our founders, for gosh sake! The man doesn't know how to open his mouth without lying.

In the following one, Obama says he is a Christian and was brought up in a Christian home (not true by any stretch of the imagination! His parents were atheists). Then he turns right around and defends Muslim Americans, saying “there are a lot of wonderful Muslim Americans and we’re doing wonderful things.” Watch and listen. Obama prides himself on being able to lie in the open, with no attempt to cover the lies. He is like Soros in that way, a sociopath.

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