"[T]hat form of government which is best contrived to secure an impartial and exact execution of the laws, is the best of republics." --John Adams, Thoughts on Government, 1776TOP 5 RIGHT HOOKS
Bad Omens for Democrats
Rep. David Jolly (R-FL) won a special election in March in what was seen as a bellwether over ObamaCare. To try to knock off Jolly in November, Democrats turned to Ed Jany, a Marine and former police officer. Unfortunately for Democrats, Jany just dropped out of the race because he doesn't have time to run and keep working his regular jobs, leaving Democrats without a candidate now that the deadline has passed. The even funnier part is that they strong-armed a prominent black minister out of the race to clear the way for Jany. But an even worse embarrassment for Democrats comes out of Michigan, where 25-term Rep. John Conyers failed to garner enough signatures to qualify for the Democrat primary in August. No doubt he'll wage a write-in campaign. If these two stories are any indication, Democrats are in for a bad November.Comment | Share
Record Revenue
The Congressional Budget Office reports that April was a record month for federal revenue. For the first seven months of FY2014, wealth confiscation is up 8.2%, or $132 billion, over last year. So far, revenue has reached $1.74 trillion. The effect is across the board, with personal tax receipts up 3.6%, payroll taxes up 12.2% and corporate payments up 14.5%. And yet the federal government still managed to run up a $301 billion deficit during that time. Those Obama tax hikes from 2013 sure did the trick -- for now. Economic growth remains stagnant, thanks in large part to the major hit small businesses took with Obama's wealth confiscation. Once the effect really settles in, revenue may well go back down.Comment | Share
The Do-Nothing Contract
Thought being a lifeguard was a lazy, summer job? At least watching the pool comes with responsibility. The laziest job of the summer goes to the Serco Company. The company, which has a $1.2 billion contract with the government, has hired 1,800 people to process the applications for ObamaCare. According to an investigation by St. Louis's CBS affiliate, KMOV, weeks go by before employees have a chance to process even one application. "They're told to sit at their computers and hit the refresh button every 10 minutes. No more than every 10 minutes. They're monitored," one employee of the company said. "Their goals are set to process two applications per month and some people are not even able to do that." If you don't believe it and are okay with profiting off bloated, government waste brought on by the HHS mandate, Serco is still hiring. More...Comment | Share
AG on VA Hospitals
Attorney General Eric Holder downplayed the seriousness of the deaths of 40 veterans at a VA hospital in Phoenix, saying, "Well, obviously these reports, if they're true, are unacceptable, and the allegations are being taken very seriously by the administration. But I don't have any announcements at this time with regard to anything that the Justice Department is doing." He added that the situation is "something on our radar screen." Yet Holder was all too quick to investigate the Trayvon Martin case and defend the monitoring of Associated Press telephones. His transparent motivations for enforcement make him more of a political bouncer than a Rule of Law AG. More...Comment | Share
Israel's Anniversary
On May 14, 1948, the modern state of Israel came into being and was immediately recognized by the U.S. and even the Soviet Union. But the next day, Israel was attacked by the Transjordanian Army, the Arab Legion, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq. Israel defended itself, survived, and remained a strong U.S. ally for 60 years. Until Barack Obama came along and decided that Israel wasn't really that important. In fact, it almost seems that Obama is intent on destroying Israel. His secretary of state, John Kerry, warned that Israel could become an "apartheid state," and virtually every Obama meeting with Israel or policy move in the Middle East has been adversarial to our old ally. Israel's anniversary would be a good time to hit a real reset.Comment | Share
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Profiles of Valor: U.S. Army Sgt. Kyle White Receives Medal of Honor
Army Times reports, "White, then a specialist with 2nd Battalion, 503rd Infantry Regiment, 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team, is being honored for repeatedly running the gauntlet of enemy fire to get to the wounded and fallen. When the shooting stopped and night fell, White, who was barely 20 years old, cared for his wounded brother, called in steady radio reports, directed security and guided in close-air support until the medevac birds were able to come and evacuate the wounded and the dead." He said his bravery was due to his surety of death: "I told myself from the beginning that I was going to be killed." If he was going to die, it was going to be helping his fellow soldiers.
As the patrol wound its way through Afghanistan's Nuristan province, they rounded a bend and, White says, "the whole valley lit up. RPGs were coming from it seemed like everywhere." After emptying a full magazine and loading a second, White was knocked unconscious by an RPG. When he came to, he resumed fire on the enemy and aided one wounded comrade after another. As he was attempting to call for help, "a round when through the hand mic and blew it out of my hands," he said.
Every American on that patrol was either killed or wounded. White lost his best friend, Sean Langevin, that day. Army Times notes, "Fourteen soldiers were awarded the Purple Heart, one the Distinguished Service Cross, one the Silver Star, four the Bronze Star with V device, and two the Army Commendation Medal with V device for their actions that day." White retired in 2011.
Typical of the humility of our Patriot warriors, White said, "I do not consider myself a hero. To me, the real heroes are the ones I fought with that day." He added, "It wasn't just me on that trail. It's everyone who was there. It's their award. One of the responsibilities I feel is being a voice for those we lost, making sure their names are known and their stories are told."
We too honor the dead: Army 1st Lt. Matthew C. Ferrara (platoon leader), Sgt. Jeffery S. Mersman, Spc. Lester G. Roque, Spc. Sean K. A. Langevin, Pfc. Joseph M. Lancour and Marine Sgt. Phillip A. Bocks.
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Of Mice and Men
Read the rest of the story here.
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- Michelle Malkin: Cash for ObamaCare Shirkers
- Terence Jeffrey: DC Schools: $29,349 Per Pupil, 83% Not Proficient in Reading
- Ben Shapiro: How the West Won the Great Hashtag War of 2014
- Tony Perkins: Navy Goes Overboard With Atheist Chaplains
- Burt Prelutsky: Mistakes & Other Misdemeanors
American author and philosopher Eric Hoffer (1902-1983): "The basic test of freedom is perhaps less in what we are free to do than in what we are free not to do."Columnist Michelle Malkin: "When Obamacare operatives aren't busy trashing the private health insurance market and squandering billions on useless technology, they're busy … being idle. ... According to at least one Obamacare paper-pusher, employees at an application-processing center in Wentzville, Mo., are getting paid to sit around and do nothing. ... Multinational tech management company Serco won a $1.2 billion contract with the federal Center for Medicare and Medicaid last summer to 'support' the beleaguered Obamacare health care exchanges. Not long after Serco snagged its billion-dollar Cash for Obamacare Shirkers contract, news broke in Britain of a massive probe of fraud involving Serco's parent company. ... Serco is just the latest in a parade of shady federal health care contractors -- from fraud-riddled Seedco to feckless CGI Federal -- who are ripping off American taxpayers. While the White House amuses itself with selfies and hashtags, the Obamacare clunker keeps burning up our billions to pay do-nothings and destroyers. It's the slush fund from hell."
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FRC president Tony Perkins: "Tuesday, in a meeting with Navy officials (MAFT), the organization [Military Association of Atheists and Free Thinkers] tried to persuade at least one military branch of the need to give atheists their own pulpit. ... Of course, the fact that the Navy is even entertaining the idea of creating non-faith faith leaders is a sign of how absurd this debate about religious liberty has become. By definition, a chaplain's duties are to offer prayer, spiritual counseling, and religious instruction. If that doesn't disqualify a non-believer, I'm not sure what would! In reality, what secularists are angling for is a position of greater influence. If the military were to expand the chaplaincy to atheists, it would give anti-Christian extremists an even greater opportunity to sanitize the military -- this time, from inside the chaplain corps. Let's hope the Navy sees through this ridiculous ploy and torpedoes it before MAFT does real damage."
Comedian Jimmy Fallon: "This Thursday is the deadline for Iran to meet a series of measures to delay its nuclear program. Yea and then Iran said, 'You mean deadline, deadline? Or sign up for Obamacare deadline? Because that thing had extensions -- it was like a long deadline. I mean, that thing had more extensions than 'The Real Housewives of Atlanta.'"
Semper Vigilo, Fortis, Paratus et Fidelis!
Nate Jackson for The Patriot Post Editorial Team
Join us in daily prayer for our Patriots in uniform -- Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen -- standing in harm's way in defense of Liberty, and for their families.
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