Conyers Fails Primary Process; Plans to Overturn Law
"There is clear Supreme Court and federal court precedent overturning
petition residency laws and requirements, and we are confident that
those laws will be invalidated in Michigan as well," Conyers' campaign
co-chairman, state Sen. Bert Johnson said in a news release. "As a
result, under existing precedent, we believe Representative Conyers will
ultimately be placed on the August ballot."
Free-speech battle hits the Big Island
College students in Hawaii have filed a lawsuit against their university
for allegedly violating their First Amendment rights. Since then, more
students from the same university are alleging free-speech violations.
Today's Edition Sponsored By:
Why Democrats are Terrified of the Select Committee
Democrats are beside themselves. They desperately want the Benghazi
investigation to end, but new revelations continue to surface, prompting
more questions about the event and its aftermath. So they’re doing
everything they can to discredit the newly appointed House Select
More Than Talk Needed to Rescue Trapped Vets
Leave it to President Barack Obama and Democrats in Congress to enact
what they billed as "comprehensive" health reform and overlook the
plight of 8.5 million veterans. That's what they did in 2010 when they
passed Obamacare. It provides coverage for convicts and even for
newcomers to this country with no waiting period, but it does nothing to
help the nation's veterans, who have suffered waiting for care in the
Veterans Affairs system for over 20 years
ACLU: Silent protests are protected speech
The American Civil Liberties Union says the silent protests at last
week's City Council meeting were "protected speech" and that the
protesters shouldn't have been forced from the chambers.
Subsidizing Wind
Renewing federal tax credits for wind energy would blatantly waste
taxpayer dollars on a manifestly unsustainable industry that's wholly
dependent on government subsidies.
Beating victim Steve Utash recovering, will leave hospital soon
Steve Utash, the 54-year-old who was beaten by a mob of men April 2, is recovering well and will be released from the hospital soon, according to his daughter Mandi Emerick.
President wants transgenders in military, says national defense analyst
A conservative military watchdog is not surprised that Secretary of
Defense Chuck Hagel says he is open to the idea of allowing transgenders
in the U.S. military.
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