Monday, April 7, 2014


If America Elects Another Bush, We Deserve Forty Years In The Progressive Desert

by lisarichardsrocknrollpolitics
Look out conservative Republican voters, Jeb Bush is not only propping himself up as the next GOP presidential candidate, but I guarantee the GOP will tell voters to vote Jeb because, “Jeb Bush is the only qualified candidate who can beat Hillary Clinton in 2016!”
If conservatives and Republican voters fall for that constantly failing bogus line again, we deserve to wander 40 years in a progressive desert.

In all seriousness, Jeb Bush is nothing more than a Democrat masquerading in cheap elephant skin. He's not a conservative or constitutionalist by any means. He’s a big government progressive who panders to open borders and illegal immigration, and he proved he does with his latest statements supporting illegals crashing our borders and stealing American jobs and welfare:
The way I look at this is someone who comes to our country because they couldn’t come legally, they come to our country because their family’s dad who loves their children was worried that their children didn’t have food on the table, and they wanted to make sure their family was intact. And they crossed the border because they had no other means to work to be able to provide for their family. Yes, they broke the law, but it’s not a felony. It’s kind of, it’s an act of love. It’s an act of commitment to your family. I honestly think that’s a different kind of crime that should be, there should be a price paid, but it shouldn’t be — it shouldn’t rile people up that people are actually coming to this country to provide for their families.
The way I look at is Governor Bush is committed to the love of spreading bull sh**.
First: It is a felony to enter any country illegally. Try entering Mexico illegally  and you’ll wind up in prison, beaten, starved, and Mexican prison stay is not short: 
Under the Mexican law, illegal immigration is a felony, punishable by up to two years in prison. Immigrants who are deported and attempt to re-enter can be imprisoned for 10 years. Visa violators can be sentenced to six-year terms. Mexicans who help illegal immigrants are considered criminals.
Second: It is hypocrisy to claim it’s impossible for illegal immigrants to enter the United States legally when the   Department of Homeland Security is pro-amnesty!   Eric Holder will give illegals a free hall pass!
Third: Every country has an immigration process for leaving one place in order to enter another. The process includes something called a line you get in and wait your turn.
Bush has a problem with illegals waiting on line for immigration papers: They shouldn’t have to, they should be able to break U.S. laws so Bush and other pro-amnesty charlatans can get elected to the presidency.
Let's not forget that millions of illegals don't need to enter U.S. borders legally because American leaders tell them they don't have to. Leaders in both parties offer welfare benefits to everyone entering the U.S.  illegally. All our leaders ask from these undocumented Democrat felons is their vote. Who cares that the American people are getting screwed over with excessive taxes to pay the way of felons.
Furthermore, Jeb Bush's claim that  illegals are forced to break laws in order to put food on the table and keep their family intact is left-wing propaganda. I might agree with that phony excuse if those illegal numbers were only in the several thousand instead of  50 million invaders destroying America’s economy with low job skills driving down wages, while demolishing our culture and heritage with the invasion of foreign cultures illegals refuse to give up, but demand America assimilate to.
The problem is Bush is not alone in his progressive thinking. Sen. Rand Paul, the so-called constitutionalist is just as bad a Bush with his recent leftist claims about immigration and deportation laws:
We got to get beyond deportation to get to the rest of the issues. The bottom line is that the Hispanic community, the Latino community, is not going to hear us until we get beyond that issue. They’re not going to care whether we go to the same church or have the same values or believe in the same kind of future of the country until we get beyond that.
If we move beyond this issue we will lose our Constitutional Republic. We'll become a borderless place known only as North America.
Then there's Governor Rick Perry’s defense of the Texas DREAM Act for children of illegals:
If you say that we should not educate children who have come into our state for no other reason than they have been brought there by no fault of their own, I don’t think you have a heart.
Readers will have to excuse me, but I have a heart condition when it comes to anyone entering and living in our country illegally: I don’t have a heart!
Kids whose parents are here illegally receive state-funded educations while poor American children of poor parents overload themselves with Federal Student Loans that are not free, but must be paid back whether or not the student is on welfare or not. Children of illegals don’t have to repay, they get a free pass.
Their parents are the ones who brought them [children] here...they did not have the legal right to come to the United State. We do  not owe people, who broke our laws to come into the country. We don't owe them anything.
Bachmann said if elected president she would pass a law barring citizenship to the children of illegal aliens, even if born on U.S. soil.  Bleeding-hearted Republicans considered Bachmann too hateful and racist to defend and protect the Constitution.
That's okay, Jeb Bush insists entering the United States unlawfully is not a felon—even though breaking the law is a felon—it’s “an act of love.”
I’m sure the majority of illegal immigrants filling American prisons on rape and murder convictions lovingly committed those acts.
Not in Jeb Bush’s dead brain:
I honestly think that’s a different kind of crime [when people enter America illegally from south of the border] that should be, there should be a price paid, but it shouldn’t be — it shouldn’t rile people up that people are actually coming to this country to provide for their families.
Hey Jeb, if we Americans don't get riled up we will continue watching our country erode into a third world chamber pot.
It’s not an act of love to enter a country illegally, it’s breaking the law. If you truly want your family together, go through the immigration process legally, the way immigrants used to do before Ted Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson’s 1965 Immigration Acts   decided America was too white and should be invaded by third world countries. 
Europeans who could read and write and had excellent talents and skills, and loved America and wanted to be American in every sense of the word, were prohibited entrance to the United States by Kennedy and Johnson. That included Kennedy's grandmother's birth land of Ireland.
By 2007, “85 percent of our immigrants hail from the Third World and Asia,” and “unprecedented Third World immigration has reduced America’s European-heritage population from almost 90 percent to about 66 percent in just a little more than four decades,” and the Zogby poll found that “58 percent of Mexicans believe California and the Southwest rightly belong to them.”
If this continues, English will become secondary and America's culture and heritage will cease in favor of whatever appeases Mexicans, South Americans, Muslims building terror cells inside the U.S., and Chinese.
We Americans are expected to assimilate to foreigners who hate us.
How far do readers think you would get in south-of-the-border countries or Europe or Islamic or Asian countries if you tried to pull the stunts illegals pull in this country? I’ll give you two words: Prison, then deportation. And don’t expect to be welcomed back in those countries ever again. In Islamic countries  you receive prison, torture and death.
Bush's last comments make it clear that if elected president he would destroy our borders and make the U.S. and Mexico a confederacy:
And the idea that we’re not going to fix this but with comprehensive reform ends up trapping these people, when they could make a great contribution for their own their families but also for us.
Translation: Don’t shut borders, don’t deport, don’t make illegals go through immigration paperwork, let them enter at will, because illegal immigrants and their low skills, lack of education and English speaking, and demands America belongs to them,  is what made America great, not us Americans and our hard-working European ancestors who built this country.
The problem: Bush’s immigration excuses have been ingrained into the thinking of Americans to the point that too many roll over and accept illegal immigration.
If we continue accepting illegal immigration--and voting for their supporters--this promised land that once was the shining city on the hill will become a lost dream and Americans will wind up wandering in a progressive desert for decades to come.

1 comment:

  1. Donald Hank Comments: This author, like almost all anti-invasion activists, omits a very important detail. When dealing with libbies like the Bushes who claim Mexicans come to America because they have to to avoid starvation, here is a stat that will stop them:
    Mexico had an unemployment rate of 4.56% the last time anyone recorded it:
    The US has an unemployment rate of 6.7% and that does not count the ones who dropped out (which would bring us close to Spain).
    Just ask these pro-illegal alien folks why anyone would come to America to get a job when jobs are twice as hard to find in the US. The real reason people want to come to our country is that wages are higher and they can get paid for not working once they are laid off.
    No one comes because they can't get a job back home or because they are starving.
    Don Hank
