Wednesday, April 2, 2014

JIHAD WATCH 04/02/2014

Apr 01, 2014 04:14 pm | Robert Spencer
What could possibly go wrong? Concern about Islamic jihad terrorism is, as we all know, a manifestation of “hatred,” “bigotry” and “Islamophobia.” But here, this is what could go wrong: “Disclosure of the curtailed exercise comes as al Qaeda recently issued new threats to conduct car bomb attacks in Washington. Details of the car bombing […]
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Apr 01, 2014 02:30 pm | Robert Spencer
Note that all the statues and icons have their faces destroyed our eyes gouged out. Islamic authorities consider that it is sufficient to destroy the representation of the face in order to ruin the image as a representation of the human form. That’s why the nose of the Sphinx is gone (which Islamic apologists blame […]
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Apr 01, 2014 09:47 am | Robert Spencer
Just weeks after the British government declared that membership in the Muslim Brotherhood was “not proof of extremism” and welcomed Muslim Brotherhood members to live and operate in the UK, David Cameron orders British officials to investigate the Brotherhood. This is, in other words, yet more indication that the British government has no idea what […]
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Apr 01, 2014 09:16 am | Robert Spencer
Ibrahim A., a 37-year-old Ghanaian Muslim, is being described as a “madman.” However, he was listening to “religious music” on his iPod before he vandalized the churches. One may imagine, given what he did then, that he wasn’t playing Bach, but rather recitations of the Qur’an — perhaps a passage like this one: And We […]
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Apr 01, 2014 07:57 am | Robert Spencer
Western Christians, Catholic and Protestant, set a great deal of hope upon their ongoing “dialogue” with Muslim leaders. But what good is the “dialogue” if it does nothing to deter Muslims from attacking churches and other Christian installations? What good is “dialogue” if it makes all the parties feel good but doesn’t deal with the […]
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Apr 01, 2014 07:46 am | Robert Spencer
This is the final outcome of initiatives in the West spearheaded by groups such as the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations, which moves quickly to demonize anyone who dares raise his or her voice against Islamic jihad terror, and Reza Aslan’s Aslan Media, which has waged a campaign of defamation against atheist writers such as […]
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Apr 01, 2014 07:20 am | Nicolai Sennels
Statistics concerning ethnicity and religion when it comes to criminals are not to be found in the world’s most politically correct country with probably the fastest-growing share of Muslims: Sweden. The risk of being raped in Sweden during one’s lifetime is one out of four, which is probably equal to the risk of being raped in any other country […]
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Apr 01, 2014 07:08 am | Nicolai Sennels
While Danish authorities are regularly attacked with what could one day turn out to be deadly force, Islamic authorities such as extremist imams, patrolling Muslim father groups and homemade Sharia courts are safe to exert their power in Europe’s new Gaza strips. Via, translated from Danish BT by Nicolai Sennels: Two members of the […]
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Apr 01, 2014 06:59 am | Nicolai Sennels
The number of convictions among Muslims in Denmark is shocking. The victims are most often non-Muslims, unless the crime involves women or rivaling gangs. The Islamic tide of violence in our countries are building up fast, and our children will be faced with choices that no civilized human being wishes to make. The number of […]
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Apr 01, 2014 06:50 am | Nicolai Sennels
Apparently, their minister of Integration thinks that integration is when the host country changes its laws to conform to the Sharia law on funerals, and not vice-versa. Via, translated from German pi-news: (How to do it the Islamic way… Now in Germany, too) Approximately 600,000 Muslims in the Stuttgart region can now be buried in a […]
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Apr 01, 2014 06:39 am | Nicolai Sennels
The Simon Wiesenthal Center has issued a travel advisory for Jews going to Malmø. Via, translated from Swedish Avpixlat: Five people whose ancestry and religious affiliation are not reported in the media tried imposing themselves on Thursday in the Jewish community center’s premises at Kamrergatan in multicultural Malmö, where they shouted anti-Semitic slogans. … After previous […]
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Apr 01, 2014 06:36 am | Raymond Ibrahim
Here is more detail on this story. On Friday, March 28, in Ain Shams, a suburb of Cairo, Muslim Brotherhood supporters attacked the Virgin Mary and Archangel Michael Coptic Orthodox Church, including by opening fire on it and setting parked cars aflame.  Four people died. One of the slain, a young Coptic woman, was savagely […]
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