Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Student Stabs 20 People at PA High School
image A student armed with a knife went on a stabbing and slashing spree at a high school near Pittsburgh on Wednesday morning, leaving as many as 20 people injured, including four students who suffered serious wounds, authorities said.

Citizens Run Westboro Haters Out of Town
image Westboro Baptist Church members were chased out of town after residents stood against their picket saying a tornado that ravaged the town was "God's wrath."

Today's Edition Sponsored By:
Suspects in beating of Detroit driver may face hate crime charges
image Suspects accused of beating of a driver so badly he remains in a coma could be charged with a hate crime, Detroit Police Chief James Craig says. Craig said his department and Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy are considering broader charges.

The Meltdown of the Obama Genderhawks
image I have created a new species designation for the female Democrats who play hypocritical gender politics on behalf of Barack Obama. They're genderhawks.

How to Assist Evil
image "Engineering Evil" is a documentary recently shown on the Military History channel. It's a story of Nazi Germany's murder campaign before and during World War II. According to some estimates, 16 million Jews and other people died at the hands of Nazis (

The Fourth Estate's repugnant double dichotomy
image Why should freedom of speech and freedom of the press be allowed? Why should a government which is doing what it believes to be right allow itself to be criticized? It would not allow opposition by lethal weapons. Ideas are much more fatal things than guns. Why should any man be allowed to buy a printing press and disseminate pernicious opinions calculated to embarrass the government?-- Nikolai Lenin (1920)

Retired Nurse Called Hero for Stopping Attack on Utash
image When Steve Utash was on the ground, being beaten by a mob, one woman stepped in to stop the attack. Detroit police Sgt. Michael Woody said that when Hughes got onto the ground to shield Utash during the attack, his assailants backed off. "She's a hero for it," Woody said. "She saved that man's life."

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