Friday, April 25, 2014


From: RUSH Limbaugh
From: RUSH
From: ORYR
Japanese MP: Obama Likely Not Born In United States; Not Eligible To Be President Japanese Parliament Member: Obama Likely Not  Born In United States; Not Eligible To Be Presid...

BJ3: You all MUST read this.  It is INSANE.
BJ3: another MUST READ Insanity.
Global Warming Lawsuit Hits Ikea   by Stephen Frank on 04/23/2014
Here is a new idea from the Al Gore imitators.  If you build a store or any commercial project, or build a home, by definition YOU are causing Global Warming (which does not exist—just junk science by grant demanding academics and radicals that hate prosperity).  In Burbank the mere request to build a facility for Ikea brings the charge that if completed the world will come to an end!  Seriously. LINK
BJ3: Just as we said...But if more companies leave, that's less dinero to pay the peons.
From: PC World
04.24.2014 1:50 PM   The agency will ask the public for comments on pay-for-priority agreements, an official says.
HEADS-UP!!! Obama Hires Top Criminal Defense Attorney 
From: Sher...This is one of the known side-effects of Prozac and other "anti-depressants" for decades. From: "Dave Hollenbeck" 
Military Docs 'Medicating Troops Into Oblivion'    By
From: Vincent G
Global Warming Facts versus Claims
April 23, 2014,,,Experts have known these truths, but politicians and the media have used exaggerated warming claims to promote poor policies, subsidizing green power with little actual benefit.  LINK
Source: Bjørn Lomborg, "Global Warming's Upside-Down Narrative," Project Syndicate, April 17, 2014.
From: hokahey7  To: "michaelsavage" 
Dear Dr Savage,   Having been a  listener of your radio broadcast for many years,
I am often disturbed by your praise of Senator McCain's military service.
I am forwarding this article to you so that in the future you will avoid
mentioning McCain's 'honorable' military service when you have occasion to 
report on his rantings.  John Molloy Chairman National Vietnam & Gulf War Veterans Coalition
McCain and the POW Cover-Up  Posted By Sydney Schanberg On July 1, 2010 (3:57 pm)
Article taken from The American Conservative -
URL to article:
 From: Sher     From: "John Rolls"
 From: Sher...The "ObamaBoyz" in action, as Obama still works to get his race war going...
From: "cam39470" As the truth is apparent these undeserving thugs and bullies will act out
Black mob violence near the White House.By Colin Flaherty on Apr 23, 2014 02:30 pm.....This post Black mob violence near the White House. by Colin Flaherty appeared first on White Girl Bleed a Lot, Knockout Game, black on white crime. Black mob violence near the White House. Locals are wondering two things: Why were 60 black people jumping up and down on cars and vandalizing them a few blocks from the White House? And why nothing from the Post or the network affiliates? Here is a report from a blog at George Washington University: Police […]   This post Black mob violence near the White House. by Colin Flaherty appeared first on White Girl Bleed a Lot, Knockout Game, black on white crime.
From: Jenny   From: Maria M
Majority by 2030...This is enlightening. The video is short.  Please watch it to the end to get the full message.

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