Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Submitted by: Tea Party Army

United States Justice Foundation
Michael Connelly - Executive Director
The United States Justice Foundation
932 "D" Street, Suite 2
Ramona, California 92065

Dear Conservative Friends,
We shouldn't impeach Barack Hussein Obama.
You read that right. You see, impeaching this traitor won't undo all of Mr. Obama's illegal orders. It won't reverse all the damage that this Marxist madman has done to America. It will simply remove him from office, and it will let every one of his illegal and unconstitutional policies stand.

That's why USJF has been battling Barack Hussein Obama in court since 2008.
We are fighting to prove that this man is not eligible to serve as President, and that EVERYTHING that he has done since 2009 is ILLEGAL and INVALID.
Please make an urgent tax-deductible contribution of $5, $10, $15, $25, $50, or even $100 to help us fund our two historic lawsuits that could end Obama's administration.
I absolutely MUST raise $8,150 by next Friday.
Right now, we are in court in 2 cases challenging the eligibility of Barack Obama to serve as President of the United States of America.
In these two cases, we are arguing that the State of California didn't enforce its own election laws, and certify that Barack Hussein Obama, Jr., was eligible to run for, and serve as, President.
These two court cases have the power to overturn and rescind all 55 electoral votes that Barack Hussein Obama stole from California in November, 2012.
These cases, therefore, have the potential to oust Barack Hussein Obama from the White House.
Please help me right now.
Already, Mr. Obama and his allies have spent over $2 million in private funds, and untold millions of dollars of taxpayer money, trying to defeat USJF, and our allies, in court to hide his past. They know how dangerous our lawsuits are.
They know that Barack Obama could never truly prove that he was eligible for the Presidency. They know that California's liberal Secretary of State deliberately covered up this fraud on the American people for him, and refused to enforce the law requiring that she verify the eligibility of all candidates for office, including for the Office of President of the United States!
If we win one or both of these cases, not only will the usurper-in-chief be removed from office, his entire false "Presidency" will be invalidated.
That's means no more ObamaCare. No more stimulus spending. No more illegal executive orders. No more radical "Czars," or other appointments.
These court cases could, quite literally, save America.
That's why I need your help now, more than ever.
Please give what you can right away.
USJF is a small citizen-run, non-profit, legal group. We receive no government funding, or big grants from left-wing foundations, as so many liberal groups do. However, we are the only organization with the skills, the resources, and the courage to take these cases as far as we have.
As I just mentioned, we've been battling Mr. Obama in court since 2008. And, now, we are at a critical point in this long legal fight.
I absolutely must raise this $8,150 by next Friday if we want to win these two California court cases.
We need to fund hours and hours of legal research. We need to prepare hundreds of pages of legal briefs. We must pay for investigators and expert witnesses, as well as for filing fees and printing costs for our pleadings.
And, thankfully, the American people are now finally beginning to turn on Barack Hussein Obama.
This is our chance to end the Obama regime, and to rescue America.
So, please, please, give what you can.
Send Faxes Now Image
I'll be perfectly frank. I believe that these lawsuits are the only way to undo all of the damage that Barack Hussein Obama, Jr., has done to our great country.
We must win these two lawsuits.
If the above links do not work, just copy and paste this full link in a browser window:
Thank you in advance for all of your help.
Michael Connelly - Executive Director
The United States Justice Foundation
932 "D" Street, Suite 2
Ramona, California 92065

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