Sunday, February 2, 2014


Submitted by: Debbie Beatty

Dear Congressman (SoandSo)
It is the duty of the Congress to impeach renegade Presidents and we certainly have one today. Obama has trampled on the Constitution and committed many impeachable offenses against the citizens of this nation.
• He wages illegal wars, as in Libya, without the approval of Congress, as the Constitution requires.
• He has intentionally assassinated three American citizens abroad in his illegal drone war without due process of any kind, one of whom was a 16-year-old boy.
• He aids terrorist rebels in Syria.
• He has assassinated 5,000 other persons in terroristic drone attacks in civilian areas of allied countries, such as Pakistan and Yemen, including hundreds of children and innocent bystanders.
• Four Americans died, because he did not adequately protect our ambassador in Libya due to his self-delusion about the war on terror being over and refusal to respond to the attack on our embassy there.
• Obama blatantly lied to the American public for weeks after the Benghazi attack as part of a political cover-up.

• He has willingly sent thousands of military arms to the drug warlords, which has contributed to the murders of dozens of innocent Mexicans and Americans.
• He has sanctioned unprecedented, massive surveillance on American citizens and used the Internal Revenue Service as a tool of revenge against his political enemies.
• He makes law by executive order, as with his self imposed Amnesty, rather than executing the laws as written. This is an obvious dictatorial violation of the Constitution.
• His fiscal policy is catastrophic, is bankrupting America and will make debt slaves out of all of us.
• His energy policies are a prescription to enslave us to foreign oil producers.
• He interferes in the internal affairs of the states such in Arizona.
• President Obama betrays some of our oldest and best allies and, while apologizing for and befriending some of our worst enemies. He even has the gall to shamefully bow to foreign dictators, such as the King of Saudi Arabia.
• Obama is not constitutionally eligible for the presidency in the first place as a non-natural born citizen, according to the Framers original intent.
• He has defrauded the American public with an obviously computer-fabricated image of his birth certificate posted on the White House website.
Barack Obama is the worst president the United States has ever had! He has some perverse, seditious personal agenda against the basic interests of the United States of America, whether it is an ethnic loyalty to radical Islam, due to his family origins, and/or the well-documented hateful religious mandate to destroy America and white society of Black Liberation Theology, the cult doctrine of his militant, pseudo-Christian “church” in Chicago.
I demand that you and the Congress impeach and remove him from office. If you do not, the continuing harm he does to this country will certainly impact your future as well as ours.

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