Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Submitted by: Donald Hank

Uncontrolled & Unsustainable - Britain in Crisis. - YouTube

This is no invention but the reality of political life today.  Contrary to many people, I believe we have a number of good and sincere politicians but of course there are rotten apples in the political barrel too.   Two problems occur through this and their effects affect us deeply. 

The first, as a multiplier of local or county council work, where councillors are kept busy, often on minutiae, by direction of ‘their’ officers, civil servants as well as constituents keep MPs even busier and those who would break us, employ well thought-through ‘diversionary politics’ to turn attention from what is being done to ‘re-shape’ our future and destroy our nationality.

The second is that, working with the UN and ‘elite’ who wish for ‘One World Domination’, the ‘rotten apples’ are well-placed to ‘spin things’ through a controlled MSM, in the direction that their foreign controllers wish.  In other words, they are more aware than their ‘fellow MPs’ who are trying to do a good job, though blind to the country’s drift into danger.

If you are an MP reading this, please awake to the plight of your country and its people, if you are a voter, believe in the power of YOUR franchise.  We need a cross-party revolt, starting in Parliament, while we still retain our recognisable representatives, to redirect our country on fair and equitable lines, not the mass bankruptcy we’re headed for.  The crazy spiralling National Debt and the huge increases in utility costs against a worrying ‘Housing bubble’, are all there and while ‘real’ are ‘relative’ to distract attention from the course our ‘ship of state’ has been set on.  WAKE UP and check your compass.    Comfort, food and shelter do not last forever without some proper effort to sustain them.

John S. 

Lee ADDS: If our own nation continues it's negligent Immigration policies, it's Illegal Alien invasion and allowing multicultural nonsense, Americawill cease to exist as a free nation!

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