Friday, December 6, 2013


Mathew Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action
In just a few days, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will begin helping Barack Obama stack the courts by pushing confirmation for the President’s nominees to lifetime federal court appointments.
Then, he will begin filling federal agencies with high-ranking Obama ideological clones – people who have come to be known as “Obamabots.” 
The first court to be stacked will be the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals. That court is charged with ruling on Executive Orders and other federal administrative and agency matters. It’s no wonder President Obama wants that court in his hip pocket!
Here are Obama’s nominees to the D.C. Circuit Court: 
* Judge Robert Leon Wilkins is called the “anti-gun judge” by Washington insiders because of his prior rulings regarding gun purchases.  He is an ultraliberal jurist.
* Patricia Millet is considered to be the most moderate of Obama’s recent judicial nominations, but she is ideologically aligned with the left nonetheless. 
* Cornelia “Nina” Pillard has said that abortion frees women, pregnancy is like slavery, and abstinence education is unconstitutional because it is “permeated...with sex-based double standards about acceptable male and female sexual behavior.” She may be the most radical judge ever appointed to a lifetime seat at the appellate level!
Liberty Counsel Action strongly opposes Barack Obama stacking the court that rules on his administration’s matters and actions! With the new imbalance his appointments will make, the D.C. Circuit Court will jerk to the Left and become dangerous to the Constitution’s system of checks and balances.  
We're calling upon all patriots to rise up and stand against Harry Reid’s dismissal of the longstanding rules governing the Senate through his use of the infamous “nuclear option.” 
His sole purpose in changing the rules was to ramrod through Obama’s nominees, the first of whom will be brought to the Senate floor next week.   
So far, Liberty Counsel patriots have barraged the Senate and Harry Reid’s office with tens of thousands of faxes. Our voices are being heard, but we must not waiver in our mission to let them know that they have stepped over an unacceptable line!  
Please, take a moment right now and utilize the powerful LCA Fax Barrage system to tell Harry Reid, your two Nevada senators, and other key members of the senior chamber that you oppose Reid’s tyrannical actions – and the ramrodding of Obama’s judicial nominees through the Senate: 
++Obama’s federal agency nominees are Big-Government zealots.
Among President Obama’s highest priorities for federal agency appointments is that of Janet Yellen to become Chair of the Federal Reserve. 
Yellen is a currently the Vice Chair of the Reserve’s Board of Governors. She is an Obama financial acolyte and would hold the most important finance position in the world in directing the Federal Reserve.  
Mel Watt is slated by Obama to become the next head of the Federal Housing Finance Committee, a position which oversees mortgage giants Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, and the FHA.  
Watt aligns himself with radical “progressives” in the philosophy that the government should play a larger role in the housing and mortgage business.  He agreed with the government takeover of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae in 2008. 
Watt believes that mortgage and finance companies should be forced to make borrowing easier for all Americans, especially for underserved minority communities. A series of government edicts along these lines is what sparked the housing crisis in 2008, to which disastrous event Watt was complicit. 
Jeh Charles Johnson is nominated to become the next Secretary of Homeland Security. 
Johnson has been noted as being among the key architects of the Obama administration’s counterterrorism and military policies. His key report to Congress was among those cited in the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”
It’s reported that Johnson himself donated more than $100,000 to Barack Obama’s election efforts and is considered among the biggest fundraisers for Obama’s campaigns. Now it’s time for Obama to return the favor.  
++The rise of the fourth branch of government.
Equally important to these nominees’ credentials is their respective views on the role of government. They are likeminded with Obama in their favor for Big-Government. To them, more government is always the solution. 
  Yesterday I wrote about an undeniable trend in Barack Obama’s goal to radically transform our nation.  
Under President Obama, the Executive Branch’s quest for power at the expense of the other two Branches is accelerating. Our constitutional system of checks and balances is being subverted by the Executive Branch to the point of being completely ineffectual.  
Georgetown Law Professor Jonathan Turley testified to Congress this week that under the Obama administration…
“We have what many once called an imperial presidency model of largely unchecked authority. And with that trend, we also have the continued rise of a “fourth branch.” 
We have agencies that are quite large that issue regulations. The Supreme Court said recently that agencies could actually define their own or interpret their own jurisdictions.” 
In the next 12 months, President Obama will seek to fill at least 50 federal judicial openings and over 180 federal agency leadership positions. 
This will, in turn, empower federal agencies to pass mandates without congressional approval and to persecute any opposing organizations and individuals, much like we’ve already seen with the out-of-control IRS, the NSA, the FBI, HHS, and an unbridled EPA. 
In this chilling new scenario, circumventing Congress will be the norm for the Obama administration and its ever-expanding federal agencies.  
Then, if these agencies’ mandates are challenged in federal court, the President will have already taken care of the judges’ political orientations.   
Pastor Lee S, we must do everything we can to help stop Barack Obama from stacking the courts and flooding the federal agencies with his big-brother ideological clones! 
I believe that a massive public outcry will gain the attention of senators who have gone along with the “nuclear option” travesty and make them realize that they will be held accountable
Everything you need to barrage the Senate with our powerful message is one click away: 
I am very grateful to all of you who have already participated in this vital initiative – and say “thanks” in advance to those of you who are about to join us (or, continue with us) in this very important Fax Barrage. 
God bless you,
Mathew Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action
P.S. This President’s agenda and his nominees have been exposed as being radical activists interested in subverting the Constitution to reach socialist goals.  
Mark my words: This is all part of Barack Obama’s agenda to transform the United States into a Big-Government “more socialized union.”  He is raising up a fourth branch of government, undermining the Constitution, and siphoning power to the Executive Branch from the other branches. 
This “Imperial Presidency” is here to stay if “we the People” cower and refuse to stand against its tyranny! 
Please, fax the Senate today to tell your Nevada senators that you oppose Harry Reid’s power grab. Tell them to vote down Barack Obama’s radical nominees and stop his plan to stack the courts and federal agencies with his leftist ideological clones. 
Thank you and God bless you!

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