Thursday, December 26, 2013


Submitted by: Donald Hank

For the next few months, I'm going to leading the charge against those who say "You can't deport 11 million people!"

1 comment:

  1. Comment of Donald Hank: Absolutely correct, Dave!
    Ya know, I have to admit I used to be a little skeptical of some of Dave's proposed solutions. They seemed a little far removed from the political reality of a world turning against enforcement of any kind, enforcement against any crime or infringement of any kind. An enthusiastically insane world where people seemed to enjoy the insanity.
    But things are changing. Example: At one time anyone who dared sully the screaming sodomites was pummeled by the press and almost anyone else. It was 'un-Christian' to follow the Bible.
    But the way people recently stood behind the Duck Commander shows a side of America that the media was trying desperately to hide. Americans still don't want perversion shoved down our throats.
    I think this could well be part of a sweeping sea change in America.
    Let's hope I am right and that it applies to illegal immigration as well.
    Don Hank
