Friday, November 15, 2013


Stop the Obama Regime and his EPA from taking our gun rights away!
Sign and share our new petition!

Dear Patriot,
The Obama Administration thugs are it again. Turning up the heat on those who don’t play ball, the Obama Administration’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is forcing the closure of the nation’s last remaining lead smelting plant, creating dire consequences for employees, their families and the millions of firearm owners across the country. We must continue to stand together against this tyranny!

The nation’s last remaining lead smelting plant provides lead for ammunition used in firearms nationwide. Without the lead, ammunition will become scarcer and costs will continue to rise- a turn of events that is sure to delight the gun-grabbing leftists in Washington. Do you want that to happen?

Operating like old-school thugs, the EPA has demanded the Doe Run Company, which has operated for more than a century, pay $65 million to be in compliance with the EPA’s restrictions and also pay a $7 million civil penalty. The EPA laughably gloats that Doe Run has made a “business decision” to close down the plant, leaving the plant’s 218 employees and contractors out of work.

Is this the “hope” and “change” America signed on for? The Obama Administration, having been thwarted in their efforts to curtail Second Amendment rights time and time again by principled gun owners, have now tasked the EPA with doing their dirty work by making ammunition scarcer and more expensive.

Enough is enough.

Like the IRS, the EPA has become an enforcer in the Obama regime and it’s time for them to go. While maintaining protections for the environment remain important, the EPA’s heavy-handed tactics prove that they are not protectors of the environment, but enforcers of the leftist agenda. We must send a message that we will not be intimidated! Join the fight and sign the petition calling for the defunding of the EPA.

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