Thursday, October 31, 2013


Submitted by: Lady Byrd

When the defense of liberty becomes a crime, tyranny is already in force. At that point, failure to defend liberty makes slavery a certainty.
Nov 13 & 14 can be BLIZZARD conditions is some parts of our nation PLUS folks on life support need power to run their medical equipment…AND…from the track record of our government, who can believe they will get the grid back up.  We CAN’T trust our CORRUPT-INCOMPETENT-MORONS in government let alone FEMA to do it’s job.  There is NO excuse that our infrastructure is so antiquated.   It’s all about profit for them and seemingly an attitude of “to hell with the consumers”.  I’m just so FED UP with the corruption and lack of concern for the lives of Americans.

This is such a crock…the NSA can get computers and cameras coordinated to listen to EVERY phone call we make, EVERY email we send or receive, EVERY place we travel to or from and even do facial recognition on us, but the DHS, FEMA, Utility companies can’t work together to make our power grid safe from attacks.  And I should believe this crock they spoon feed us…how  insulting,  ENOUGH…demand our elected put a stop to this power outage and instead force our infrastructure to update their equipment and make sure it’s secure WITH a backup.   They KNOW HOW to do it without turning off the grid to the nation.   If we can go to the moon then why can’t we secure our power grid...?  Could it be that Obama/his handlers are more interested in funding TERRORIST  nations and organizations than funding security for our own nation…?   shirl

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