Thursday, October 10, 2013

CHUCK KOLB 10/10/2013

My Dear God, It Is 1917 Russia Here In Amerika !  Our Country 35 Years to the Present !!!

Previously posted ...
Dates That Destroyed America / 4.5 EQ - East of S. Carolina !!!

I have been called a Conspiracy Theorist my whole life (and I wear it proudly), trying to teach and
explain to everyone of these dates since 1977, when I first was taught about them, and the Shadow Government of the
Illuminati, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the International Bankers. They are all Luciferians.
Just remember... When the Devil offered Jesus all
of the kingdoms of the world, if he would just bow down and worship him.
Jesus said, no. Well,
these other guys of the Shadow Government, said "Yes". The Brotherhood of Darkness.
~ CS Larry

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75,000 Dead Cattle: Shutdown worsens historic blizzard that killed tens of thousands of South Dakota cattle

30,000 Dead Sheep: Three-day pouring rain and wind storm kills over 30.000 sheep in Uruguay

A Strange Lonely Planet Found without a Star

ISON: Comet ISON is doing just fine !

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Now, I’m In A Bad Moo-d Too – Evidently Our Navy Is Non-Essential
by Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

Well, I didn’t think I could get any more pissed today, but I’m there. First, I hear that Obama has blocked
the death gratuity for families of fallen Rangers. But, I was heartened to hear a private [...]

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Jesse Ventura appeared recently on
the Piers Morgan show to discuss
everything from the Government
Shutdown to the JFK Conspiracy.

Jesse bashed both the Republicans
and Democrats as "gangs" who have
effectively legalized bribery in the
American legislature. Ventura said
the two-party system has got to go
and candidates who are unaffiliated
with any party have to start getting

Ventura asked if the government's
shut down, "That should mean we
shouldn't have to pay any taxes, right?"

He called for another American revolution
to push back against the "corrupt system"
created by Democrats and Republicans,

As for Obamacare, Ventura didn't have
much of an opinion on it, saying he believes
in people's rights to health care, pointing
out that the country would have more money
for health care if it stopped going to war so

NEW! Jesse Ventura and Piers Morgan:
Government Shutdown to JFK Conspiracy
Video (about 11 mins)

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The Architect of Destruction
by Maureen Scott

"Obama comes from a community organizer background where it's us against them. But that's not who we are. And that's not the position the leader of our Nation should take." – Dr. Benjamin Carson
Obama appears to be a tormented man who is filled with resentment, anger, and disdain for anyone of an opinion or view other than his. He acts in the most hateful, spiteful, malevolent, vindictive ways in order to manipulate and maintain power and control over others. Perhaps because, as a child, he grew up around family members and mentors who instilled him with an abiding bitterness toward the U.S. That bitterness seems not to have left him.
It is not the color of his skin that is a problem – for anyone in America. Rather it is the blackness that fills his soul and the hollowness in his heart where there should be abiding pride and love for this country. [...]
Archive -

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How do you judge one religion against another? Here's a way . . . .

To All:  Even if you are not Catholic - this is an eye opener
Although the Catholic church as seen a lot of turmoil and trouble, I know that they have been a good source of
Christian education and giving.  This is an eye opener for sure!

When the Catholic Church was founded, there were no hospitals. Today, one out of five people in this
country receive their medical care at a Catholic hospital.

When the Catholic Church was founded, there were no schools. Today, the Catholic Church teaches 3 million students a day, in its more than 250 Catholic Colleges and Universities, in its more than 1200 Catholic High Schools and its more than 5000 Catholic grade schools.

Every day, the Catholic Church feeds, clothes, shelters and educates more people than any other organization in the world.

The new Obama Health Mandate could end all this and the tax payers would have to make up the loss.
Also, all Catholic adoption services would come to an end; a human disaster. [...]

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Vid - The Death Of America (8:06)
Thanks - Floyd Brown

As Senator Mike Lee so eloquently explained during Ted Cruz’s historic filibuster against Obamacare, the Supreme Court had to in effect rewrite the “Affordable” Care Act—now seen to be the total opposite—in order to make it constitutional. The Supreme Court found that Obama could not mandate behavior on the basis of the Commerce Clause—as his lawyers had argued—but could mandate behavior on the basis of Congress’ power to tax.

Despite what the Supreme Court ruled, this power is clearly not found in the Constitution.

This in effect gives the federal government the authority to mandate any behavior that supposedly causes the cost of healthcare to go down, as long as they call it a tax: gym membership, eating vegetables, limiting Americans’ access to fast food, etc. [...]

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A Caesar In Our Future?
by Paul Craig Roberts

What Happens If The Shutdown Causes The Treasury To Run Out Of Money.
 October 09, 2013 "Information Clearing House -  In a speech to the Commonwealth Club, San Francisco, November 23, 2010, Peter Dale Scott gave a history of the various directives concerned with government continuity during a state of emergency. He showed that these directives could be used to supersede the Constitution.

The ease with which both the Bush and Obama regimes were able to set aside the due process protections of the Constitution that prohibit indefinite detention and execution without conviction in a trial indicate that Professor Scott’s concern is justified that these directives could result in executive branch rule.

Scott describes how the executive branch efforts to provide government continuity in the aftermath of a nuclear attack dating from the Eisenhower administration were gradually converted into executive or national security (later Homeland Security) orders that confer secret powers to the White House for any event that the executive branch considers to be an emergency. [...]

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vid - Govt shutdown planned in advance (5:49)

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OBAMA DESTROYING DOLLAR, CHINA to TAKE U.S. LAND for DEBT: Ann Barnhardt | InvestmentWatch

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U.S. corporation funded and is now co-owner of patent for terminator seeds
Not for people who are challenged with stupidity.

Posted on October 9, 2013    by arnierosner
Thanks to Don Q.

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Government threatens to jail 89 year old war vet for refusing to fill out a census form.
Why did she say no? Because it was processed by Lockheed Martin.
The world needs about 100,000 morevets like this.
Brasscheck Video:

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Thanks CS Christiina
- Love In Christ

w vid - Congress all bribed, has zero confidence in eyes of American people - World Bank whistleblower

Sophie Shevardnadze: Our guest today is whistleblower Karen Hudes,
former senior counsel at the World Bank. Karen, it’s great to have you on a show today.

Karen Hudes: Thanks for having me. Sophie, I’m glad to be with you.

Download video (181.99 MB) copy link ezactly

The US government shutdown - a temporary ailment or a symptom of a grave disease? Are the Republicans right in their move to block Obamacare spending? Who gains from the shutdown turmoil? Do the politicians care about their citizens? Our guest comes from the very heart of the banking system: Karen Hudes was World Bank lawyer when she blew the whistle on major corruption cases in the system and was fired as a result.

Download video (181.99 MB) copy link ezactly

Read the full transcript -

Hear counsel, and receive instruction, that thou mayest be wise in thy latter end. There are
many devices in a man's heart; nevertheless the counsel of the Lord, that shall stand.
Proverbs 19:20-21 KJV

The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it.
Psalm 68:11 KJV

My Dear God, It Is 1917 Russia Here In Amerika ! 
Our Country 35 Years to the Present !!!

posted by John Rolls by Steve Quayle
35 years ago I wrote a letter to the editor of the Orange County Register, located in Santa Ana, CA. It was a letter of letting the readers know how blessed we were to be Americans and to be proud of that fact. Our world 35 years ago was a completely different place. People were Americans in the true sense of the word. We celebrated the 4th of July with patriotism, pride and enthusiasm. We proudly displayed our beautiful flag to see the majesty of it flowing powerfully in the breeze. We would proudly stand up at public events when our National Anthem would be played or sung. We taught our children that our country was founded on the greatest foundation, God, and that our Founding Fathers designed it after His Word and in that way we would be a nation of respect, wealth and sovereignty, freedom and rights to enjoy our property and true ownership of it. We had a Constitution that gave us these rights and a Supremacy Law to uphold them under this Constitution if they were ever to be challenged by some tyrannical government entity that may be accidentally, or falsely, be voted in as President. Even worse, a leader who would want to throw the Constitution out and make up laws to fit their agendas. There was no country like it in the world. Everyone that wanted to escape tyranny came here. Everyone who wanted to escape hunger came here. Everyone that wanted to escape any type of abusive government came here. This was the BEST place on the planet. Our healthcare was superior to that of any of around the world, oh yah, did I not mention, people from other countries who needed immediate treatment for whatever ailed them, came here so they could receive the best medical treatment in the world.

Unfortunately, all of the above has been dashed in almost a 6 year period of time by the current administration and the henchmen it employs. I say employs, because only a crime boss who hires undesirable people such as murderers, thieves, and liars who are so skillfully good at these horrible attributes can achieve the disgusting crimes against the people of this country as they have and are about ready to do, you haven’t seen anything yet. The coming economic collapse will chaotically spread throughout the nation like a swarm of locusts. No one will even be remotely prepared for the Carthage like destruction it is going to facilitate. The mental distress not to mention the physical challenges that each of us will have to labor through to defend ourselves against the most evil technologies to kill human beings ever innovated. So, in essence, preparing with food, shelter, and the everyday necessities is not going to be even close to being enough. We must prepare mentally, like combatants do. This IS a psyche lesson in the making. Instead of teaching your children to be a person of faith and to love their country and respect it and just plain respect as far as politeness goes, now you must teach them how to defend themselves with weapons and with a mindset of survival in the worst of situations. How far have we come from 1978? I can’t even recognize my country. Back then I would never have imagined that it would even comes close to the wreck it has become. My dear God, it is 1917 Russia here in Amerika! This is a scene from the 1980’s movie with Chris Kristofferson, AMERIKA! One everyone should watch, Déjà vu people.

The other reason that America was a whole different place back then was the Great Generation od World War II were still alive and would NEVER have put up with the communist push and corruption that we are going through today. My parents were of that generation; these are the same people who are being bullied out of the monument that was built in their HONOR. Those brave men and women laid down their lives for this nation and unselfishly dies to do their best to keep us free. Do you all see the draconian act of disrespect? The ones that the irresponsible people voted in to lead us. Instead, they are leading us to a grave and I mean this literally. Just ask Marion Carey who was boldly shot to death just this last week in front of us all via television and the internet. Get used to it, if you don’t want to stand up for your God given rights. What we have spawned in this nation, a people of jellyfish? This has only been within the last 20 years and has incrementally gotten worse. Kids have replaced their imaginations with stupid computer games, stupid television shows, all contaminated with violence, immoral behavior, acts of ritual witchcraft, alien attacks, homosexuality and low self esteem. Do you see God in any of this? Our kids know right now out of the gate that they best lick the boots of their moms because they could have been aborted and never have been, because the laws say that a baby is a choice. They have been dumbed down by the social elitist’seducational systems. They are taught that they originally came from green scum, or a monkey. They are not told that they are the amazing creation that was ever made, out of God’s image, for that matter they don’t even know who God is. They need to be told they can, rather than they never will. They need to made to use their imaginations in creative respects, rather than counter productive. They need to be encouraged to do the right thing instead of utilizing criminal behavior to get ahead. They need to be inventive and go through experiments to innovate new miracles of the mind God gave them. This is where it starts, with our children. What kind of world do they have to look forward to? On every level. Remember the words, Roll Model? The leaders that were foolishly voted in are just that. Look at what the careless voters did. Domino effect.

With this said, a new foundation of sand that has, or, is being established will never stand. It will only crumble economically, socially, mentally, physically, morally and most important, spiritually. Only the individual can believe if it is too late or not. TAKE ACTION !

Amerika (1987)
Last night I couldn't stop watching, Amerika, a 1987 ABC mini series, that depicts what life would be under Russian/Socialist rule after 10 years.  Many of the themes and ideology are 100% of what Obama is promoting.  Examples would be hatred of the wealthy and distribution, calls for unity under socialism and "Volunteers for America."  I kept thinking "This could be America by July."

Wikipedia "Amerika – suggesting a Russified name for the United States – is an American television miniseries that was broadcast in 1987 on ABC. It starred Kris Kristofferson, Mariel Hemingway, Sam Neill, Robert Urich, and a 17-year-old Lara Flynn Boyle in her first major role. Amerika was about life in the United States after a bloodless takeover engineered by the Soviet Union. Not wanting to depict the actual takeover, ABC Entertainment president Brandon Stoddard set the miniseries ten years after the event, focusing on the demoralized American people a decade after the Soviet conquest. The intent, he later explained, was to explore the American spirit under such conditions, not to portray the conflict of the Soviet coupe."

Watch - Amerika Miniseries (USA, 1987)
We put the complete series on Youtube, but it had to broken down into 13 separate videos
Autoplay all 13 parts here - 

Pt 1) (Preview) (52:47)
Pt 2) (Preview) (48:13)
Pt 3) (50:48)
Pt 4) (Preview) (40:02)
Pt 5) (40:02)
Pt 6) (1;03:17)
Pt 7) (Preview) (55:37)
Pt 8) (Preview) (53:29)
Pt 9) (Preview) (49:13)
Pt 10) (53:56)
Pt 11) (Preview) (52:52) 
Pt 12) (1:03:38)
Pt 13) (Preview) (1:03:45)

I uploaded this miniseries for entertainment purposes only. It was made during the times of the Cold War. It's for those who are interested in historical film making and TV and for those who just want to see what it was about - like many of Kris Kristofferson fans do. Though I like people to talk about it and comment and say their opinion, that may be different from mine of cause, I will delete any comment with racialist or propaganda content by reason of showing respect to the movie makers and the artists and due to my own beliefs. You can read about the movie and Kris's opinion about it on each video - it was a mess how the text was arranged in here, so I removed it.

Amerika Miniseries (USA, 1987)

Amerika is about life in the United States 10 years after a bloodless takeover by the Soviet Union, leading
to slave-labor camps for some, collaboration for others and rebellion for yet others.

Amerika criticizes American society in the 1980s, implying that apathy and an unwillingness to defend freedom on the part of many citizens made the Soviet takeover rather easy. At one point, a key Soviet official observes that their plans for conquering the United States succeeded far beyond their wildest dreams, because once the nation had been defeated, Americans turned inward, not caring about national issues, seeking only to retain a piece of the prosperity that had once been theirs. "It (the Soviet coup) worked because you lost your country before we ever got here," says the Soviet leader. "You had political freedom, but you lost your passion ... How could we not win?" 

Devin Milford......................................Kris Kristofferson
Marion Milford.......................................Wendy Hughes
General Samanov...........................Armin Mueller-Stahl
Peter Bradford .........................................Robert Urich
Amanda Bradford....................................Cindy Pickett
Colonel Andrei Denisov.................................Sam Neill
Kimberly Ballard...............................Mariel Hemingway
Althea Milford........................................Christine Lahti
Ward Milford.......................................Richard Bradford
Helmut Gurtman..................................Reiner Schoene
Herbert Lister..............................John Madden Towney
Will Milford...............................................Ford Rainey

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Millennium (1989)

Kris Kristofferson (Actor), Cheryl Ladd (Actor), Michael Anderson
An investigator seeking the cause of an airline disaster discovers the involvement of an organisation of time travellers from a future Earth irreparably polluted who seek to rejuvenate the human race from those about to die in the past. Based on a novel by John Varley.
Written by Keith Loh <>

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