Friday, September 13, 2013


Submitted by: Pastor Ron Branson
California Latino Caucus


This morning at breakfast I heard the news that those who have heretofore been denied driver's licenses are now able to acquire such licenses. I am thrilled at this advancement, and want to know more.

As an ordained minister with Biblical convictions, I have for years endured persecution and torture for my faith in Jesus Christ because I do not have or use a Social Security Number. I am prevented from working, having a bank account, marrying, having access access to the utilities of water, gas, electricity, etc; and have been denied the ability of renewing my driver's licenses since it became essential to have a Social Security Number.

I have been persecuted religiously and have brought lawsuit after lawsuit regarding the policy of having a Social Security Number in order to renew my driver's license. I first obtained a California Driver's License in 1972, and had maintained a perfect driving record, but then I was foreclosed from renewing my driver's license when they changed their policy from ability to handle a vehicle safely on the roads and highways to one involving one's religion. A person must uphold the Religion of Humanism by being a practicing Socialist.

I have contended with California that I am an American and not a practicing Socialist. Their only answer has been to deny me ability of renewing my driver's license. This is an attack upon my Christian faith in Jesus Christ, and I am therefore very interested in this new law that aliens can now obtain driver's licenses, and how this applies to those of us born here being denied driver's licenses. I have served in the military, am now a Vet who served in time of war, have driven heavy earth-moving equipment, buses, taxi cabs, trucks, and am a professional driver with a clean record. Never once have I cost my insurance company a single penny, yet now I am being denied auto insurance because I do not have a driver's license because I do not have a Social Security Number.

Thank you for what you are doing for us unlicensed drivers.

Pastor Ron Branson
P.O. Box 207
North Hollywood, CA. 91603
Born in St. Louis, Mo. on 3/6/46
Mother born in Illinois
Father born in Bland, Mo.
Became a child of God through faith in Jesus Christ in 1956

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