Monday, July 15, 2013


Mathew Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action
Tonight, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will again meet behind closed doors with Democrat Senators to discuss violating the Senate’s own rules in an attempt to end the rights of the minority party to filibuster.  If he is successful, it will make Barack Obama’s leftist agenda virtually unstoppable. 
The rule change will all but silence the minority Republican members, who are the only obstacle to the Senate rubber-stamping Obama’s radical nominees like Thomas Perez, the worst imaginable nominee to become Secretary of Labor. 
When the shoe was on the other foot and Reid was Minority Leader, he intensely attacked the use of the “nuclear option,” denigrating it as being, “un-American, illegal, and a complete abuse of power.”
This is breathtaking hypocrisy and outright tyranny, plain and simple!  Please see my very important message below – and an urgent call to action today – Mat.
Harry Reid is meeting in secret with his Democrat cohorts to force a set of procedural changes in the Senate that will break the body’s longstanding policy on “Rule Changes” in a scurrilous attempt to alter the venerable Rule 22 of the United States Senate. 
Rule 22 guarantees every senator the right to speak on an issue, thus allowing a filibuster when needed. The filibuster is one of the most important vehicles a minority party uses to oppose and stop unwanted legislation or extremist nominees like Thomas Perez. 
Our nation’s Founders believed that the Senate was to be a deliberative body, which is why the rule was set in place to allow any member of Congress to speak on any issue. 
Right now, Senate rules call for 60 votes to end debate. If Reid invokes what is called the “nuclear option,” a parliamentary loop hole, a simple partisan majority (51 votes) could end debate.  
If this happens, it will all but assure Democrat majority confirmation of every one President Obama’s cabinet and court nominees, no matter how radical or unqualified! 
With a Democrat majority in place, the “nuclear option” gives their partisan majority a virtual lock on the Senate.  
++Obama wants to stack the courts with yet more judicial activists and his Cabinet with socialist radicals like Thomas Perez.  
Thomas E. Perez is Barack Obama’s overt socialist pawn and nominee to become Secretary of Labor, an agency also charged with the enforcement of ObamaCare. Liberty Counsel Action has been one of the key players pushing to deny the Perez confirmation.  
So far, the Republican minority has been able to withstand the pressure to get Perez’ confirmation on the Senate floor and through the process.  But if Reid goes “nuclear,” the floodgates will be open!  
And there will be no way to shut them short of extreme actions like Republican “walk-outs” and other shut-down responses.
++This is yet another Obama-driven constitutional crisis!
Of course, our federal judiciary is also dramatically changing under Obama. As you may know, two of the Judges ruling against our ObamaCare case at the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals were Obama appointees.  Now, the President realizes his most lasting leftist legacy would be to “pack the courts” with socialists and judicial activists.  
The Senate is the venue for judicial nominees, and the ability to withstand this unimaginably disastrous scenario is teetering on the brink at this very hour!
++Harry Reid’s tyranny must be stopped.
Liberty Counsel Action is calling all patriots to rise up and stop Harry Reid’s dismissal of the longstanding rules governing the Senate.  This is far more than temporary leftist tactic – this is a real game changing event!
This is nothing short of a tyrannical power grab.  Never doubt what Hypocrite Harry Reid is willing to do to advance the leftist agenda to “fundamentally transform” our nation. 
  I am asking you to do two vital things:  
FIRST, fax the Senate right away. Utilizing Liberty Counsel Action’s highly effective fax barrage, you can fax a “Stop Harry Reid’s Tyranny” message to Senator Reid’s office, the offices of your two Senators, and to 10 Democrat members of the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration.  
Every thing you need to fax Congress is right here.  
Please click here now to have your faxes delivered immediately: 
There are also other fax options to include up to the entire Senate.
The SECOND action item is to call your two Senators’ offices – telling them that you oppose Harry Reid’s deceitful parliamentary trick to change the very nature of the Senate.  
Here are the phone numbers to your two Nevada Senators:   
Sen. Harry Reid: 202-224-3542
Sen. Dean Heller: 202-224-6244
Harry Reid now believes this Senate, under a resounding Democrat majority, should be able to pass ANYTHING they want. Reid has, in essence, told Republicans, “go along with our agenda or we’ll make you irrelevant.”  
Please, take a moment and fax the Senate today…  
Thank you for taking immediate action on this urgent issue!    
God bless you,
Mathew Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action

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